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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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So, turns out I was right.


My "friend" got promoted into my same department. She is now cozying up to our supervisor. Nothing wrong with that, right? Some might say it's smart. But, as I (unfortunately) suspected, she is telling the supervisor "stories" about me. Actually making things up that I allegedly did. The supervisor confronted me, "pissed off" as she put it. I was able to prove my "friend" was lying.


But hey, anything to get ahead, right? Except I am no longer going to be there to provide sympathy when she's crying over the fact that the married man she's sleeping with hasn't left his wife yet. Or to buy her lunch when she's "broke".

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I'm extremely broke right now. Bills are all paid up, bf had to pay application money for schools, way more than we anticipated (we are talking hundreds and hundreds of $), all that good stuff for the past 2 pay periods. The bad news is, no money leftover for groceries in a long time. I have money in savings that I can't withdraw so it won't help anyway. I ran out of eggs last week, ran out of milk this week. I am out of onions and fruit and fresh vegetables. Fridge is very bare outside of grapefruit and condiments. I have a few days off from school so I am home. The fuel light came on recently so that's a no go anyway. When I return to school, my bfs check will have come in so things will be okay but I have to wait a bit.


Anyway, it's very irritating to me because I want to make things but I am so limited. This morning, I microwaved some green beans with garlic and oil for breakfast. I found a package of pork chops in my freezer so I'll make those later but I have to improvise because I'm missing a lot.


I wanted to see my folks but I don't have the gas and I don't want to reveal my temporary financial state.


Sorry this is totally first world problem but that's what is annoying me.

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I was getting kind of annoyed today at how many people were complaining about rain coming this weekend. Seriously complaining, not lighthearted about it at all.

Guys, come on. Give me a smile , we are so lucky. lol.


The air was smokey and hazy today, the land is dry, there are wildfires north and west, the city is full of people who had to be evacuated due to fires... and I like rain.


[video=youtube;_YWTBG6gLb4] ]

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Unsolicited, unnecessary, unsavory, and disgracefully unintelligent personal views doled out in a manner of incessant noise while some of us are trying to get stuff done. Shut your idiotic, myopic, selfimportant, unevolved droning mouth ####!

That's a temper :cool:

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That's a temper :cool:


I'm so annoyed. I'm getting jittery because I cant hear myself think, or clients talk, over her yacking. She hasn't shut up for a minute. I'm about to pack up and leave. Thanks for rendering a perfectly fine workday useless, dumb ####.


So angry. Is it not possible to just be left in peace to do one's work these days?


starting to face the fact I need a job where I work solo. Seriously not cut out for this collaborating stuff.

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Someone I know who spends money (and borrows money) recklessly, then complains about being broke or being unable to pay her bills. Spent money on a trip to Disney instead of making her car payment, then complained when her car got repossessed. Took out a payday loan to take yet another trip to Disney. Has to use her upcoming paycheck to pay back the payday loan, now won't have money to make her car payment (again).


Um, how about cutting down on the trips to Disney? "But I LOOOOOVVVEEEE Disney!!!"

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Two Graduate midterms due this weekend. Ballroom competition and my partners and I haven't practiced enough. My main ballroom partner and her boyfriend are annoying today and I had to drive with them to my least favorite university. I'm overtired and I have to get up at 5:30 am for the competition, while staying up (it's currently 11 pm) to finish a midterm.


Finished my two stupid part time jobs today that were causing me 150/100 blood pressure (I'm 22 and a healthy weight). But now worried because they were working me to the bone today and I forgot to stop at the credit union for a deposit slip for the new full time job I'm starting Monday. Too many things all at once. I'm going to explode.

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  • 4 weeks later...

All these TROLLS!!


It's getting f*ing ridiculous.


There's one now, in dating section, trolling away, on several threads, going down the list, one by one.


It's making me not even want to be on here today.


My guess it's the same person. Gets banned, creates new account. Lather rinse repeat.


Isn't there a way to block IP addresses?


Seriously irritating me today! :D





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All these TROLLS!!


It's getting f*ing ridiculous.


There's one now, in dating section, trolling away, on several threads, going down the list, one by one.


It's making me not even want to be on here today.


My guess it's the same person. Gets banned, creates new account. Lather rinse repeat.


Isn't there a way to block IP addresses?


Seriously irritating me today! :D





It is the same dude time after time after time for more than a year. You would have to talk to the admin in private though . They won’t divulge information about IP addresses and such on the board publicly . And since the troll has publicly attacked me more than three times by using my name as a thread I have decided to do something about it .

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A resident who does NOTHING but sit around waiting for her local government leaders to make minor mistakes so she can derive satisfaction from calling them out publicly. Literally, not joking - that's what she does. THAT'S what is annoying me today. Embarrassed my boss and me in public over something small that was my fault. I'm less than a month into the job. There's being a vigilant citizen and then there is humiliating the new guy in front of all of the elected officials in the room. (Insert long series of swear words here). Now I'm being CC'd in emails from my boss.


I've literally done everything else right (despite busier weeks than usual for the office, for my FIRST weeks), now I can't wait to be treated like I am helpless. It was literally not sending an email for someone to post something to the website. It was not legally required. I was never told to. I have done every other one right.

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