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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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Ok, so long story. For my classes I have a lot of study guides to fill out. For most of time in school I split them with one of my friends. We each normally do about half. Sometimes me more, sometimes her more depending on if we have other things going on & just don't have the time to do it.


So for some reason this year, I have been doing the majority of the study guides. When she was too busy to be able to do it, I would do the whole thing because I figured she always did that for me when I was busy. And if I have the time to do it all myself I actually learn the material better anyway.


But then midway through the semester, we had a quiz coming up the next day & I asked her if she was going to create a Google Doc. She said she was just going to do her own since she learns it better that way. Ok great, thanks for telling me ahead of time?? I didn't anticipate having to do the whole thing myself when we normally split them and at that point I had very little time to actually get the whole thing done. So when she's busy & I'm not I do all the work. But when I'm busy & she's not I'm on my own.


Whatever, so we basically stopped splitting the work & each did our own for a while. For a different class she created a google doc for an upcoming exam. She completed the questions for about 3 chapters. I finished it & completed the questions for about 5 chapters. The day before the exam, I "shared" the google doc with another girl in class so she could quiz me on the material. My friend subsequently got annoyed that I shared the doc with someone else. I guess she felt she had some possession over it since she hit the "create doc" button. I thought it was at the very least equally mine since I did the majority of the work on it anyway. If it's my work why shouldn't I be able to use it in a way to help me do better on the exam? So basically she was annoyed and I was annoyed that she was annoyed.


Anyway, we've been friends for several years. She's great in other ways & has been there for me. So I try to let it go. The next week, there is another quiz. She didn't have time to do the study guide. She asked if I would share mine with her since I finished it. I did, because I try not to be a petty person & it doesn't cost me anything for her to read my notes.


Now this week. A ton of material for the quiz tomorrow. We decide to split the material & each cover one chapter. Neither of us had finished our study guides this morning. She's kind of implying that she's annoyed mine isn't finished when she has to go to work and that she wanted me to work on it this morning. I don't want to, because I was prepping for my practical exam which is a much bigger deal than a quiz. I could get zero on this quiz & be fine. If I fail the practical, I'm in big trouble.


So I go home, finished mine up tonight. Mine is 13 pages long. I looked at hers. 3 pages long. And hers still isn't finished either! Also, she shared the document where my work is with some other girl in class. So I guess it's my job to do all of the work for when she's too busy to do her own and not count on her to help me out when my schedule is too busy. It's wrong for me to share my own work, but it's ok for her to share my work because she is the "owner" of the google doc & hit the "create" button.


It's just weird. She was a good friend for such a long time so I don't know why she decided to act like this.



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My heavy periods lately. Can it simply be over? I am 47 now, I really had enough, 35 years of periods, I don’t want them anymore. I am looking forward to the next 35 years WITHOUT periods.


Happened to me at same age. Worse than ever. Met bf, went on "mature pill" --- no extra estrogen. Period stopped. Went off pill. No period again ever.

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Happened to me at same age. Worse than ever. Met bf, went on "mature pill" --- no extra estrogen. Period stopped. Went off pill. No period again ever.

Sounds like a blessing to me. Such a waste every month! I am so done with it.


Needed to vent, feeling a bit better now.

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went to the pharmacy to fill a script. They only had 100mg tablets of my antidepressant (script is for 50mg), so have given me instructions to cut each tablet in half and take once a day.

Stupid and dangerous.


I also have a pimple in my nose and it hurts and feels huge! seriously unfair!! - Look out Rudolf if it gets any bigger you will be out of a job!!!

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^^ LOL I didn't know we could do that; maybe they got your doctor's authorization to change it, though it seems easier just to wait a day or two until they had it in stock? As long as the tablets are scored it's usually fine. When they are scored it indicates that it's ok to split them without changing the dissolution. Even warfarin tablets (one of the drugs with the most severe consequences for screwing up) are commonly split.


Also benzoyl peroxide is fabulous for acne!

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If you're selling something on Craigslist, just take the ad down after you sell it to someone.


When I email you about it, it's fine that you use that as a reminder to take the ad down, but why is it too much to ask that you send a quick email response. Just "sold it" would be better than making me wait three days and then check the ad again to find that you've removed it. Replying with "sold it" would probably take less than 10 seconds.

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Pimple in my nose still hurts.


Sons are helping me with lawn mowing and general maintenance/housework today - it's taken them 2 hours each to do what takes me an hour... So hard sometimes to motivate them when I need motivation myself.

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Not annoying, but maybe a misunderstanding.


Chatting with one of my friends on snapchat. He said he was bored watching his friend play a video game. I sent a video of my cat & said "you can watch my cat play!" & he replied "Sure!"


Eh, I'm not sure if he thinks I was inviting him to my house right now? I meant, watch in a video. I didn't mean "come over to watch my cat".

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^^ LOL awkward, did he ask to come to your place?


Haha luckily no! I think I followed up with another picture of my cat & maybe he realized the misunderstanding because he didn't reply again. I'm sure he would have given some indication before he actually got in the car & drove to my place at which point I would have clarified the misunderstanding. I was way too busy this weekend to socialize so I wouldn't have let him in anyway!

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Haha luckily no! I think I followed up with another picture of my cat & maybe he realized the misunderstanding because he didn't reply again. I'm sure he would have given some indication before he actually got in the car & drove to my place at which point I would have clarified the misunderstanding. I was way too busy this weekend to socialize so I wouldn't have let him in anyway!


Oh Ok , Nice

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