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Gifts for Expecting Parents


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Hi all!


I was just curious if anyone had any advice for gifts for expecting parents? My sister and her husband are expecting in late January, so I am planning my early christmas shopping and hoping to get them something baby-related.


Is there anything parents (or anyone else) would recommend for first time parents? Wether it be for the parents or baby? I've googled the same question, but would like personal input.


My sister's pregnancy is also potentially high-risk due to where the umbilical cord attaches (side of placenta, not the centre), so there is a chance something bad could happen to baby before the due date.


In other relevant information, they are in a small mountain town so department stores and all that aren't readily available.


Thanks in advance!



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The best gift I received was a baby swing. It was the only time that my girl was content (when not in my arms- she wanted to be held 24/7...it was hard).


I also went through baby blankets like...insane. Babies poop and puke on everything so it's nice to have like 20 of them so you don't have to do laundry everyday.


One thing I wish people had given us? Frozen meals. When I was breastfeeding- my daughter was attached to me for 45 minutes out of every hour for 12 hours a day (the positive was that she slept through the night from the day I brought her home from the hospital) and there were times that I was so hungry I debated eating a box of Kleenex. I didn't have the time or energy to make homemade food...and it would have been so nice to just throw something in the oven.

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What I remember most are the hand-knitted sweaters people either gave to me or handed down to me. They were roomy, stretchy, easy to get on, and warm. Also the home-made baby quilts, or a home-made shawl that made nursing discreetly a breeze. (The baby quilts and shawl lasted forever and their uses evolved with us.) I cannot remember any store bought gifts, but perhaps booties, bibs, and baby blankets.

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Awesome thank you all so much, those are great ideas!


It's tough being far away (4 hours by car), I know having a new little one totally changed everything and want to help them out as much as I can. So it's great having ideas for gifts that are actually useful. A little bit for the to-be mom and dad, and a few things for babe. Perfect!


Thank you all so much! It's very much appreciated!

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What I suggest is a gift of essentials: a clothes basket with a variety of items they need. The basket can be reused and you can put as many items that are typically inexpensive within the basket, including a blanket. All every day and useful items. I have to think of the list and add it later! Been years since I thought about this

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When my friend was having a baby, the biggest hit out of the goodie package I gave her was the pregnancy pillow. She used it, baby used it, for a long time. She was high risk too and had a difficult recovery period, so was in hospital for quite a while. When I visited her, she kept talking about that damn pillow.


It was that and the showing up with a meal, or giving her a few minutes to her self to go take a shower while I watched baby, things like that she still writes me gratitude for in our christmas cards. lol.


Congrats auntie.

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When my friend was having a baby, the biggest hit out of the goodie package I gave her was the pregnancy pillow. She used it, baby used it, for a long time. She was high risk too and had a difficult recovery period, so was in hospital for quite a while. When I visited her, she kept talking about that damn pillow.


It was that and the showing up with a meal, or giving her a few minutes to her self to go take a shower while I watched baby, things like that she still writes me gratitude for in our christmas cards. lol.


Congrats auntie.


I wish I had been older when I had my daughter. None of my friends had kids, and my mom isn't very motherly so she didn't get it either...everyone came over expecting me to host. That I would feed them. And have a clean house. And be showered.


It would have been so nice to have people come over and take care of me!

Offer to pick up my groceries (even if I reimbursed them- just to not have to take my newborn and my sore, torn body to the store)...clean my bathroom...bring food...offer to cuddle my baby while I take a bath, or even go get my hair done...that stuff...God, that would have been amazing!


The best gifts are help. Since you live long distance OP, maybe skip the presents and pick up gift cards for a cleaning service or for grocery delivery for a couple of months. While not baby gifts, they'll be more remembered than all the ridiculous cute outfits that people give. Everyone gave me frilly lacy dresses that were awkward and uncomfortable to put my newborn into...and we got a lot of shoes...that she never wore. I mean, it was all cute, don't get me wrong...but we didn't use any of it. I wanted her to be comfortable- she lived in sleepers until she was a year old.

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^My friend experienced a lot of that too, I know, from both single friends and ones with children, and from family. It's easy for people to forget how much a person goes through after having a baby, and that they need some special attention too. And there's nothing wrong with that. A happy mom is a happy baby.


I have a feeling the next time around with be very different for you faraday. Mad respect for moms who manage what you did. That's a crazy amount of work.


I remember this one time asking my friend what she needed me to do, name it, and she says "I need SLEEP." haha. Sleep and time; new moms have like none of that to spare, so anything that helps with that, is usually a huge hit.

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Endless possibilities!


- Gift cards.

- Gift bags with bathing stuff, clothes, small infant toys.

- Wash cloths, towels, burp blankets.

- Diapers in higher up sizes as they will get tons of newborn and size 1s more than likely.

- Get them "parent" gifts... day to the spa or to see a game or something.

- Gear... swing, bouncer, rocking chair....

- Clothes never go wrong, again can size up for later on as the smaller ones they get piled up with

- Books!

- Start up for a savings account.

- Baby book with supplies like scrapbook paper, stickers, ect.

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