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Last movie you watched?, Part 2


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Michael Keaton played a really good Ray Kroc. I was so upset at what he did with the McDonald Brothers.




Ha this was also the last movie I watched (recently added on Netflix). Michael Keaton has become one of my favorite actors lately, his performances are smart, sometimes even inspired. I enjoyed the movie very much, but was also left with an immediate feeling of great disappointment, not in the film (the script was sharp, effective) but in this true story of ruthless capitalism. It was simultaneously a celebration of ambition and entrepreneurship, and a tale of greed, deception and broken promises. How to reconcile


Almost everywhere you go, there is a McDonalds. It is a strong symbol of American culture and presence globally. Whether it is a positive symbol, I strongly believe that's hardly the case? To me it feels like a plague quite honestly. I despise its "food" and its treatment of employees; its marketing campaigns are just weird most of the time, bordering on racist, and sometimes even creepy and almost predatory when aiming at children.


But was it a mighty good idea, deriving in an even greater business concept that Ray Kroc had the tenacity to undertake, well it was. And this is all the movie explores, which worked great. Does the end justify the means? Not in my book. At least the final (hand-shaken) agreement could have been honored. But as my boss always tells me, if it's not in writing, it never happened (always get it in writing!).

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I told people at work about Grizzly Man like a month ago. Man tries to befriend wild bears, ends poorly. Very interesting movie, though.


I'll say, the guy and his gf got ripped to shreds by the bear (although thankfully that wasn't shown).


Watched it years ago when it was first released. Chilling.


One of the attorneys here listened to the tape recording of the guy before and during the attack; don't think I would want to listen to that.


Good movie though.

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Sigh, The Dark Tower. I know a book series isn't going to be the same in a movie, but I had hope. I mean the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings films were pretty decent on their own. Plus Idris Elba is yummy, so although I'd read the books and loved them, I decided to give the film a chance.


I should have gone with my original impulse of just waiting until it hit Netflix. The film on its own, pretending I knew nothing about the original story, was just awful.


I'm just hoping It will be better.

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I told people at work about Grizzly Man like a month ago. Man tries to befriend wild bears, ends poorly. Very interesting movie, though.


That. man was one floor shorter than the elevator. Interesting how he changed over time. i can't imagine listening to the tape. The video that followed on the two beats fighting was bad enough.

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Raunchy B movie style comedy movie with a odd cast. Felt like David koresh meets Tony Robbins. Adam Goldberg is the star of the movie.


First time seeing Fran Kranz acting. Good star potential. I could understand why people hated it. It makes you feel unconformable and turns ridiculous at the end.

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IT Chapter One (2017)


8/10. I've read the book three times, and it's possibly my favorite novel. The movie really captures the spirit of the book. But I will say: Not everyone will like it. You'll hear a lot of: "It's not scary." But these days everyone is so densentized to horror movies, that the very phrase has almost no meaning. And I mean: I'm a grown man, I'm not "scared" of movies. But I thought it handled the balance between horror and coming-of-age really well.

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