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I think he's breaking up with me tonight.


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We have a (nearly) whole month overseas trip planned for end of the year but we haven't spoken in two days (yes two days isn't long but this is in combo to how we left things). The last time i saw him resulted in me leaving his apartment early bc I knew walking with him to town for work would result in silence and him giving me the cold shoulder.


I haven't msged him nor him me since I left his apartment 2 days ago. He texted and wants to talk to me tonight.

We're meeting in Starbucks.


Might really be the night he breaks up with me.


Any tips on how to deal. I am unfortunately too sensitive when it comes to him. One of those things ya know, when you end up falling hard for them.

Would rather not get into the whys. Anyway advice would be appreciated.


Should i stay silent and just listen.

Should I look down and away.

What should I do.

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Break up with him first.

But you can't postpone indefinitely, if he wants out he wants out.

Hope you can get some money back from the trip!

Stay strong, it's not the end of the world although it may feel like that now.

You can't make him stay when he wants out.

But you can take some power and break up with him or say your piece, don't take it all in silence, you were in the relationship too, say what's on your mind! Don't sit there and just look away....

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Break up with him first.

But you can't postpone indefinitely, if he wants out he wants out.

Hope you can get some money back from the trip!

Stay strong, it's not the end of the world although it may feel like that now.

You can't make him stay when he wants out.

But you can take some power and break up with him or say your piece, don't take it all in silence, you were in the relationship too, say what's on your mind! Don't sit there and just look away....


What if he just wants to talk it out and move on, not break up? Then she'd be ending it preemptively for no reason.

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This actually happened to me Saturday night. I knew it was coming I could feel it.



I just listened, didn't say much. she already had her mind made up. No point of even trying to say much. I just told her I didn't agree but I respect her decision and I told her I loved her and if she ever wanted to try to work on things you know how to find me but the friendship thing cannot be done and will not be done. and pretty much ttul and left.

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This actually happened to me Saturday night. I knew it was coming I could feel it.



I just listened, didn't say much. she already had her mind made up. No point of even trying to say much. I just told her I didn't agree but I respect her decision and I told her I loved her and if she ever wanted to try to work on things you know how to find me but the friendship thing cannot be done and will not be done. and pretty much ttul and left.


Oh, no - so sorry!

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