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What is the weather right now in your city/town/village, Part 2


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Oh man, me too. We are supposed to have a good snow tonight and I really, really, really hope so.


We have had rain fog cloud rain fog cloud rain fog cloud for like a month. I am sick to death of this crap. Just snow already. Also in December it's like 15 and 22° it's ridiculous.. We will have days that are minus and days that are like May.

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It's refreshing to hear you wanting snow too Vic!!! I've heard so much of "Isn't it lovely? God, we are so lucky, hope these keeps up all winter" and I feel like the odd one out lately, actually wanting and missing winter and snow and skiing and tobaggoning and twinkling and mittens and walks in the snow and CHRISTMAS doesn't feel like it's coming without snow!!!


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It's refreshing to hear you wanting snow too Vic!!! I've heard so much of "Isn't it lovely? God, we are so lucky, hope these keeps up all winter" and I feel like the odd one out lately, actually wanting and missing winter and snow and skiing and tobaggoning and twinkling and mittens and walks in the snow and CHRISTMAS doesn't feel like it's coming without snow!!!


We definitely won't have snow for Christmas in fact a lot of Christmases now are green ,here. Much to my chagrin. I think green Christmases are crap but ,what can you do? But it definitely has NOT felt like Christmas NOR even winter.


It feels like I live on the West Coast. Bleck.

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A lot of your Christmas' have been green? I didn't realize that. That kinda blows. Well maybe you will get a Christmas miracle...it seems to be your year, and sometimes good luck comes in threes. You got two, this can be number three! lol.


This year for New Years I'm heading further North. That's my solution. Got to have some cold, some snow. And it does feel like the west coast here. More than ever. Which is fine any other time of the year except winter...I like my winters.

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A lot of your Christmas' have been green? I didn't realize that. That kinda blows. Well maybe you will get a Christmas miracle...it seems to be your year, and sometimes good luck comes in threes. You got two, this can be number three! lol.


This year for New Years I'm heading further North. That's my solution. Got to have some cold, some snow. And it does feel like the west coast here. More than ever. Which is fine any other time of the year except winter...I like my winters.


I like winter for the first three months but when it starts getting to five and six months that's when it blows. Lol. Yeah southern Ontario has mainly green Christmases now. It is truly YUCKY!


When I was a kid no Christmas anywhere but Vancouver was green.


I want to be transported back to the 70's.

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