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Thanks for all the comments folks.


We talked some more Saturday. We both feel comfortable and happy to call this a relationship. We went for a walk after. LOL it felt so cool to hold hands It's still early, but it feels right. I'm going on hike with her and her friends and daughter in a couple of weeks. I guess that's sort of the last big milestone. That, and meeting my boys and friends. I'm not going to miss online dating.


Don't know what else to write about in this journal anymore. ??

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well that didn't last long. Oh well.



Jumped right back into the fray. On Match and POF. Have a meeting Saturday. She's very exotic and mysterious. I remember being in my favorite watering hole a few years back. I recognized her from POF. She is the exception. Her photos do not do her justice. I remember she added me as a favorite, or did the 'meet me' thing. But she was just dating and didn't want anything serious. So I let is slide. But when I saw her that night I was kind of regretting it.


I don't know if she recognized me. If she did, she pretended not to. It was crowded. There were no seats left. I was standing on the stairs between levels. One of the best spots in the place to watch bands. Her and her date were within three feet of me, just on the other side of me. She was gorgeous. She dances semi-professionally, or professionally. O.K. I'm rambling.


Her profile is quirky. She simply states she doesn't want to talk online, just meet with men she thinks she might have a connection with. And something about being open minded about new hobbies. She added me as a favorite. I emailed her, asked her out, and a way we go.


Chatting with one on Match.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well renaming the thread was premature. Oh well.


LD - We have actually reacquainted. Some of my happiest times last year were spent jamming with her. I went to her place last night and talked, and then played guitar. I'm confident this can be a very valuable friendship without it getting weird again. She told me all about the guy she has been seeing for six months. I told her about all my recent disasters. There was no anxiety. We just had fun. Decided to come up with a play list and just jam.


CC- Last week when I was on a date with the woman of my dreams CC was on a date in the same bistro. I thought it was kind of funny. I don't if she saw me. I imagine she did It's a small place. She looked good. Not as good as the woman I was with. But we all know how that turned out


MD - I cheered her across the finish line at her half-marathon. Don't know if she recognized me. She looked good. I was going to look for her after and say hi. But I didn't see the point. It would have been one of those polite awkward things that neither of us would enjoy.


I'm taking a breather. I can't stop thinking of LO (the latest). I need her to fade from memory. And I have to find my confidence again. When I tried to date MD I was pretty confident.

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CC - I started to do some imaging work for the company she owns. I followed up. Talked a bit of business, and then said we should get together for drinks sometime. She was away this weekend. Planned it for next Saturday. I'm not sure what's going on. She is a great gal, and we always seem to enjoy each other's company.


Last we talked about dating stuff, she was taking a break, but said she would be open to something if it just happened. I think that was around January. I know she's dating. Because the last date I was on, she was on a date also. I guess it could be a friend. But it wasn't the kind of setting you go with a friend. And she was quite dressed up. She's a very good looking woman.


I've always liked her. But she seems hesitant since she left her guy. It's been a while now. And she may not be into me. Regardless, we will have a good time together.


LO - She still haunts my thoughts. And I find it a hard sentence to endure for such a brief loss of judgement and patience. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe, just maybe I'll freakin take a deep breath and just step away from the phone the next time I feel disappointed. I'm starting dance lessons next week. She's big in the dance community. I think if I could bump into her I might have a chance to charm her and smooth things over. It's a long shot. I accept I blew it.

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CC - Came down with the flu. That happens a lot to her. I'll try again maybe next weekend. I wish could casually and without stress pursue LO. Maybe because CC has been ambivalent, my expectations are low. And I like her, but it's been going on three years now. She has only been single for almost a year. She doesn't seem enthused about dating. Or maybe just dating me. That's fine. She's just a pleasant, attractive woman, that I would like to go on a date with someday.


Hard to explain. Maybe I fear rejection from LO not CC. By rejection, I mean disappointment. And as time goes by my chances are decreasing. Yet once again I'm paralyzed by indecision and fear. Sometimes I fear she might be interested. I can't help but feel some infatuation, and that's bad. I'm old enough to know the difference, but it doesn't stop it from happening. So part of me fears getting into a situation where I lose myself.


Anyways, no dates on the horizon.....

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