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When someone says no to you, don't rule out the fact you might be getting the best of the deal.




I didn't have the faintest idea what would come out of my mouth but the fact is, had they not made me do it, I would still not have a clue how to pick someone up, in essence. At my age that is a skill I ought to have well honed by now.

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I can do a fairly decent Jive and Cha-Cha. I can also do Drunken Silly Dance™. I want to learn more ballroom style. Would love to compete someday. It’s a stretch goal, starting this late in the game. But I don’t do easy goals. [Delete all, except perhaps append prior paragraph with "I don't do easy goals.]


OMG I love your edits. I'm going to incorporate most, if not all. Well done. I'm just wondering about the above. ??


Life with me would be [is?] wonderful. I know, because I spend a lot of time with myself. [This is funny, self deprecating humor. But it made me wonder if there was a little bit of a sad sack feeling underneath your happy exterior. ]


And this. Now that I read this again I see how someone can infer a little sadness. Maybe "quality time" vs "a lot of time" ???

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I didn't have the faintest idea what would come out of my mouth but the fact is, had they not made me do it, I would still not have a clue how to pick someone up, in essence. At my age that is a skill I ought to have well honed by now.


I'm going to make that part of my mantra for 2017. Might even put it in quotes on a picture of sunset and make it my FB cover photo just to remind myself and anyone listening sometime rejection is the best thing that could happen to us.

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OMG I love your edits. I'm going to incorporate most, if not all. Well done. I'm just wondering about the above. ??




And this. Now that I read this again I see how someone can infer a little sadness. Maybe "quality time" vs "a lot of time" ???

Just saw this post, sorry for delay.


About the dance detail... concrete IS good. Maybe in the list I go to the gym, dance studio etc You delete dance studio from that list, and then retain this list?


Do you want your target to dance with you? In the studio, socially? Does she have to know how?


I haven't had a proper dance partner in decades and this might make me think i am not your match. I mean, its awesome, but will you like me if I can barely shag? (Oh dear, as in hand dancing. Spin me about but no structure.) What to include in regards to dance, and how to include it, depends on your goal.

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For the opening:



Life with me would be wonderful. I know, because I spend a lot of time with myself.


I don't like it. I want to! I feel unseen, unimportant. Like i am being plugged in to your life, and like you think that would be wonderful no matter who I am.


Riffing on a theme:


Our life together would be wonderful. I know, because I live in a happy wonder all the time.


Life with me is wonderful. I know, because I love my life with me! It is missing you, though. How is life with you?


Do you love your life? Enjoy what you do and how you do it? Want to share?


One happy, passionate, man whose life is wonderful seeks one and only one happy passionate woman who loves her life to bits and wants yo share.


Etc etc.

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Those are great edits, ITIC. Listen to her, Sportster. She knows how women think.


I agree! Great tweaks, ITIC.


For opening, maybe even " Life together would be wonderful, there is so much to enjoy (and start your list)


Also, maybe edit for less repetition of the words "someone" and "I", and only say "fearless" once. (Less repetition can sound more confident, and there are other words to convey "fearless".)

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Just saw this post, sorry for delay.


About the dance detail... concrete IS good. Maybe in the list I go to the gym, dance studio etc You delete dance studio from that list, and then retain this list?


Do you want your target to dance with you? In the studio, socially? Does she have to know how?


I haven't had a proper dance partner in decades and this might make me think i am not your match. I mean, its awesome, but will you like me if I can barely shag? (Oh dear, as in hand dancing. Spin me about but no structure.) What to include in regards to dance, and how to include it, depends on your goal.


One of my favourite scenes from The Simpsons is when Homer goes into the post office pretending to be Mr. Burns. He says to the teller, hello I'm Mr. Burns. The teller asks him what's your first name? Homer answers "I don't know". He answers though the only way Homer can answer. So if you have seen that, that's how I'm answering.


I don't know.


One of my romantic fantasies is dancing in a huge old ballroom in Europe somewhere. We are both dressed formally. Perhaps competing. I don't know how to get there from here. It's problematic. Some runners would love to date other runners. The whole shared passion thing. I only know one couple that do it successfully. They do it successfully because they are almost equal runners. They do similar distance and pace. Actually I met MD in a running clinic. She was the better runner then, but close enough that we could run together. However, she never really stuck with running like I did. If we dated I would rarely run with her, if at all. I have very little time for running. And when I do, I don't want to run a slower pace. There is also a lady runner I've thought of asking out. She almost qualified for Boston. Her steady/slow pace is my tempo/race pace. I could't keep up, and I wouldn't expect, or let her, run slower. So I never intentionally try to get the attention of other runners. Not as running partners. I would date a runner without the expectation we would be running partners.


When I choose to run with people it can be male or female. It's understood if our paces are off, one can at any time run ahead, or run behind. That flexibility changes dramatically when you start discussing dancing. It would be wonderful if my dance partner was my romantic partner. But if state that, I lose the interest of all non-dancers. Or at least, more than likely. Ironically the only profile I have seen where the person demands that their partner has to be a dancer is LO. And she provides a good example. There are probably a few men on POF that can dance. But there aren't any with the skill and experience of LO. If there were she would know them. It's a small community. So I'm not sure what her plan is?? She can teach. But she can't take a mediocre and/or inexperienced dancer and teach him to dance to her level. She's been dancing for 15 years and has won competitions. Her restriction is severely limiting her dating pool. It would be like me insisting on a running parter who ran at my level.


I don't know.


Then there's the complication of having an existing dancing partner. I'm still learning how this works. She has been wonderful. She has followed my frantic and neurotic pace. Without her I wouldn't have achieved a fairly good skill level in such a short time. She initially talked about not following me into the deep end. Now she seems willing to come along. I guess that might be getting off topic.


I know there are single dancers on POF. I would like the option of dating them and see where the dancing goes. I think that's why I worded it the way I did.


Perhaps communicate a dancing partner/romantic partner would be awesome, but isn't a deal breaker. I could continue dancing with my partner until such time I couldn't or don't want to . Most of the very advanced dancers at the studio are married/partners. How can just friends get that far? I fear my dance partner may be getting too close.


So it's complicated. Or maybe I'm complicated. I also dream of a partner with a Harley. Most men/women with a Harley want a riding partner. I'm practising for an open mic with LD. But how awesome would be to do duets with a romantic partner. I can Harley by myself, I can run by myself, I can sing and play by myself. I can lift weights by myself. But I can't dance with myself. My heart is being tugged toward wanting a romantic dance partner. The brief moment I danced with LO it was ecstasy. And it was more than her. I feel it sometimes with my dance partner. I feel it with the attractive married woman at the studio. I felt it a couple of times when I took Bachata. The ridiculously age inappropriate gal at Salsa.


I don't know.


It's good Salsa was cancelled today. I never would have had the time to take over an hour to say ... I don't know


Hey ITIC want to get back into dancing

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Sportster! You nailed it! Dancing is so intimate. The team work. The body knowledge. The shared success. The interdependence. The moves intended to accentuate gender roles. Even in the most anglo saxon traditions. Colonial traditions. Courtly. It still has a zing to it.


From a profile perspective, i think you take the dancing part out, in terms of detail and emphasis. You might accept me as I am, but I may feel like an also ran and never engage to see that you will accept me. If you say dance studio, and i have an interest, let me message you about it.


For the riding piece, do you want to specify motor versus quads and hip flexors? Do you have a harley pic?


We think alike.


Slush has asked me to run more than once. He runs sub 8 min mile on hills. Christ I would need my car.


So yeah, maybe I ought to dance. I was thinking the same thing. We'd be city mouse/country mouse. Our posts would start a whole new thread for analysis.


Hahaha not that either of us analyzes much.

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Those are great edits, ITIC. Listen to her, Sportster. She knows how women think.


She's da bomb.

I agree! Great tweaks, ITIC.


For opening, maybe even "Life together would be wonderful, there is so much to enjoy (and start your list)


Also, maybe edit for less repetition of the words "someone" and "I", and only say "fearless" once. (Less repetition can sound more confident, and there are other words to convey "fearless".)

Thanks journey, great feedback.


Sportster! You nailed it! Dancing is so intimate. The team work. The body knowledge. The shared success. The interdependence. The moves intended to accentuate gender roles. Even in the most anglo saxon traditions. Colonial traditions. Courtly. It still has a zing to it.


From a profile perspective, i think you take the dancing part out, in terms of detail and emphasis. You might accept me as I am, but I may feel like an also ran and never engage to see that you will accept me. If you say dance studio, and i have an interest, let me message you about it.


For the riding piece, do you want to specify motor versus quads and hip flexors? Do you have a harley pic?


We think alike.


Slush has asked me to run more than once. He runs sub 8 min mile on hills. Christ I would need my car.


So yeah, maybe I ought to dance. I was thinking the same thing. We'd be city mouse/country mouse. Our posts would start a whole new thread for analysis.


Hahaha not that either of us analyzes much.


I have my best people on it.

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I agree! Great tweaks, ITIC.


For opening, maybe even " Life together would be wonderful, there is so much to enjoy (and start your list)


Also, maybe edit for less repetition of the words "someone" and "I", and only say "fearless" once. (Less repetition can sound more confident, and there are other words to convey "fearless".)

Yes! Good suggestions JN.


Thank you C, JN and S for the props. Makes me feel good.

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Putting the brakes on.


It was just a few pages back I was writing about how peaceful I had become. I am going to crawl back to that space. Wanting to date was just a knee jerk reaction to LO. I am in control.


Near the end of summer I was thinking I might date again in April 2017. That's my birth month. I was loving being single. I was loving my new self. There's no particular reason I don't want to date right now. But dating again right now would be for the wrong reason. I have to totally purge LO, which quite frankly feels done, and it was done, just a relapse. It's been a week, I'm surprised how little she is on my radar. It was just that bumping into her and her unexpected response that sent me for a loop.


I still want to flirt, keep an open mind. But no profile for now. I'm too happy to rush into dating. I'll wait until I say I'm ready, not when circumstances say I must.


I want to keep working on the profile though. I love the changes. I just have to find time to make them.


I allowed myself to fantasize about a coworker today. I don't, and won't allow myself to feel that way about her with any consistency. There is some involuntary attraction. I think we may even flirt a bit. The right amount. Friendly without crossing each other's boundaries. I've often said to myself if one of us ever changes jobs, I will ask her out immediately. I don't know about compatibility. I think she would like a more established type of guy, more formal. I really don't know for sure. She doesn't date a whole lot either. I'm not sure really wants to ever be a couple. Doesn't really matter. One is allowed to fantasize. And the online version is rated PG

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I read every single page of this journal and it was like a book I couldn't put down. Speaking of books you should consider writing one, I know I have. Write one and submit it to Amazon for electronic publication!!!


Reading your struggles and successes feels familiar to me. Of course I am no where near your number of activities but I do stay busy. It has been suggested to me that I might intimidate women which knowing myself I can't imagine even though a few women told me as much. I am a pretty simple guy with simple tastes but I guess I come off different. Your life is pretty dynamic Sportster and might scare off potential catches.


Reading your profile draft do you mind if I ask a few questions?


Instead of a woman that likes to ride her own motorcycle what about a women that would like to ride on the back of yours? "I love to ride my motorcycle, would you like to join me?"


Dancing. You have read more profiles than I have I would bet and a common theme is that they love to dance. Why not state "I love to dance, I just need a partner" leave the details for later.


I intend on getting back into trying harder to date and really appreciate your candid words about your experiences. I see much of myself in your words and hope to learn from it. My last time doing OLD and meeting a lot of women I became more realistic towards the end. If the woman's world and my world were so far off it seemed impossible to even imagine having a relationship that was healthy and fulfilling I would cut the cord sooner than later. It was very hard to walk away from a gorgeous woman I was extremely attracted to and was really a great woman but it had to be done. Like IThinkICan said "Country Mouse and City Mouse" Me being the country side of the equation.


Anyways thank you for letting me into your world here in print. Much of what you have gone through resonates with me and gives me good perspective.



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I read every single page of this journal and it was like a book I couldn't put down. Speaking of books you should consider writing one, I know I have. Write one and submit it to Amazon for electronic publication!!!


Reading your struggles and successes feels familiar to me. Of course I am no where near your number of activities but I do stay busy. It has been suggested to me that I might intimidate women which knowing myself I can't imagine even though a few women told me as much. I am a pretty simple guy with simple tastes but I guess I come off different. Your life is pretty dynamic Sportster and might scare off potential catches.


Reading your profile draft do you mind if I ask a few questions?


Instead of a woman that likes to ride her own motorcycle what about a women that would like to ride on the back of yours? "I love to ride my motorcycle, would you like to join me?"


Dancing. You have read more profiles than I have I would bet and a common theme is that they love to dance. Why not state "I love to dance, I just need a partner" leave the details for later.


I intend on getting back into trying harder to date and really appreciate your candid words about your experiences. I see much of myself in your words and hope to learn from it. My last time doing OLD and meeting a lot of women I became more realistic towards the end. If the woman's world and my world were so far off it seemed impossible to even imagine having a relationship that was healthy and fulfilling I would cut the cord sooner than later. It was very hard to walk away from a gorgeous woman I was extremely attracted to and was really a great woman but it had to be done. Like IThinkICan said "Country Mouse and City Mouse" Me being the country side of the equation.


Anyways thank you for letting me into your world here in print. Much of what you have gone through resonates with me and gives me good perspective.




Wow, thanks Lost. Appreciate the support and encouragement.


I've heard similar comments about maybe being intimidating. I kind of get it. I suppose from a reader's perspective they may feel they have to be a marathon running, dancing musician that likes photography and going to the gym. Maybe I need to clarify I'm not looking for a female version of me. Or communicate what my priorities are. I'm leaning toward dancer. The gulf between someone that likes to club and dance and someone that is passionate about dancing and is good at it, is very wide. Need some specificity. I think.


Riding is at the bottom of the list. More and more it's something I do infrequent, and want to do myself. Besides the bike is getting old and expensive to maintain, and might get sold any moment. My experience is also that most women that ride, are smokers. And usually pot smokers, and drinkers. Ironically the only Harley gal one I know that doesn't smoke is a dancer at the studio I go to. I asked her out years ago. I was too late. Currently she’s with one of the instructors at the studio. Same instructor is also LO’s ex-boyfriend. Yeah it’s a small town.


Let us know how things go when you get back in the game.


Remaining optimistic is a requirement. It’s also extremely difficult. It is not an option.

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More LO drama.


I missed a class last week? My dance partner danced with DX. DX was telling my dance partner that he dated someone this summer. That said woman wanted him to take private dance lessons. He paid for them, the woman apparently didn't show up for them. DX then said this woman was an alcoholic. So now I know who our gossip is. So the only other single man in my age group in the entire studio dated LO. I would be curious about the timing. It might even be the guy LO was interested in re-acquainting with after she told me to walk in July.


My dance partner think it might be a coincidence. I don't think so. LO mentioned to me taking private lessons might be a way for me to learn quickly. I think LO is the only single woman in our school in our age group. LO is suggesting I might be telling people she's a alcoholic, one week later my dance partner is telling me DX is telling her a dancer he dated is an alcoholic. This town is too small. It's LO.


I was wondering if LO and DX would meet. I think they are both online. LO is always on the lookout for dancers. Well apparently it's old news.


I told my dance partner I know who the 'dancer' was. I told her about LO. I didn't want to. I don't want drama. But like any good political advisor I wanted to get ahead of the story. I thought between LO and DX and the fact it's such a small community eventually the whole LO thing may present itself in another way. Now my dance partner knows.


So I'm going to spending time in the dance studio with two men that dated LO. God knows what else will be revealed.


I wish there was another studio in the city. The community is too small here. But I think the drama may be over.


Actually there is another single woman at the studio. She's 51? and competes. She's drop dead gorgeous and seems like a nice gal. I tried to talk to her on Match some time ago. She never responded. At the time I didn't know she was at the same dance studio. It might have been before I was even taking lessons. I only found out in October when the school was putting on a dress rehearsal for dancers going to a competition. I recognized her as one of the dancers. She seemed awesome. Oh well.


Yup, small community.

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Wow, thanks Lost. Appreciate the support and encouragement.


I've heard similar comments about maybe being intimidating. I kind of get it. I suppose from a reader's perspective they may feel they have to be a marathon running, dancing musician that likes photography and going to the gym. Maybe I need to clarify I'm not looking for a female version of me. Or communicate what my priorities are. I'm leaning toward dancer. The gulf between someone that likes to club and dance and someone that is passionate about dancing and is good at it, is very wide. Need some specificity. I think.


Riding is at the bottom of the list. More and more it's something I do infrequent, and want to do myself. Besides the bike is getting old and expensive to maintain, and might get sold any moment. My experience is also that most women that ride, are smokers. And usually pot smokers, and drinkers. Ironically the only Harley gal one I know that doesn't smoke is a dancer at the studio I go to. I asked her out years ago. I was too late. Currently she’s with one of the instructors at the studio. Same instructor is also LO’s ex-boyfriend. Yeah it’s a small town.


Let us know how things go when you get back in the game.


Remaining optimistic is a requirement. It’s also extremely difficult. It is not an option.




Given your comment above re the hog, I recommend taking it out of your OLD profile. Maybe you did that already? It unnecessarily narrows your audience, using me as an example. I automatically decline anyone who mentions riding. My brother has a Harley. One of my favorite friends rides one. I love being on a bike. I eliminate motorcycle riders anyway. I have kids, I have worries. I want athletes. Its just easier not to invite motorcycles into my world. Let it come out later, given that it is a stable-to-declining interest.


Haven't caught up on the rest yet.



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More LO drama.


I missed a class last week? My dance partner danced with DX. DX was telling my dance partner that he dated someone this summer. That said woman wanted him to take private dance lessons. He paid for them, the woman apparently didn't show up for them. DX then said this woman was an alcoholic. So now I know who our gossip is. So the only other single man in my age group in the entire studio dated LO. I would be curious about the timing. It might even be the guy LO was interested in re-acquainting with after she told me to walk in July.


My dance partner think it might be a coincidence. I don't think so. LO mentioned to me taking private lessons might be a way for me to learn quickly. I think LO is the only single woman in our school in our age group. LO is suggesting I might be telling people she's a alcoholic, one week later my dance partner is telling me DX is telling her a dancer he dated is an alcoholic. This town is too small. It's LO.


I was wondering if LO and DX would meet. I think they are both online. LO is always on the lookout for dancers. Well apparently it's old news.


I told my dance partner I know who the 'dancer' was. I told her about LO. I didn't want to. I don't want drama. But like any good political advisor I wanted to get ahead of the story. I thought between LO and DX and the fact it's such a small community eventually the whole LO thing may present itself in another way. Now my dance partner knows.


So I'm going to spending time in the dance studio with two men that dated LO. God knows what else will be revealed.


I wish there was another studio in the city. The community is too small here. But I think the drama may be over.


Actually there is another single woman at the studio. She's 51? and competes. She's drop dead gorgeous and seems like a nice gal. I tried to talk to her on Match some time ago. She never responded. At the time I didn't know she was at the same dance studio. It might have been before I was even taking lessons. I only found out in October when the school was putting on a dress rehearsal for dancers going to a competition. I recognized her as one of the dancers. She seemed awesome. Oh well.


Yup, small community.


Maybe its time you take up hip-hop.

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Just curious. What's your take on the alcoholism? Is it a possibility in your opinion?


I didn't spend enough time with her to really know. We drank when we went out. I've never really seen her drunk. I was at her place one night and she seemed a little aloof. She had a couple glasses of wine and seemed to warm up. That wasn't too troubling. It was a stressful night. But she joked about being a lush, and said I should find out now.


Another troubling moment was she admitted to having a bad memory. And she has a horrible memory. That doesn't mean it's caused by alcohol, but it could be. When I told her I had a good memory she said "oh oh". I guess she was letting me know she was dishonest. Kind of odd???


I think she probably has ADHD if anything. I've never witnessed someone changing their mind so frequently and drastically. Very impulsive. Minor things, like, it was getting late and she said I should leave. So I started getting ready. She took my glass I had been using and filled it up, and then gave it back to me. Like, I was pretty much out the door. She would just in mid conversation start a new activity. And things not so major. I mentioned I would like to date her exclusively at one point, maybe, but there was no rush. She asked "Are you sure? You know just last week I was planning on selling the farm and moving". And of course, even the day she 'dumped' me. I'm convinced it was just an impulse.


Some ADHD and some personality problems. And I think she might abuse alcohol and pot, I don't think she's a full blown alcoholic. I think DX was just gossipping. He's not someone who strikes me as being of great character. With the exception of me, I don't think she has good taste in men

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Given your comment above re the hog, I recommend taking it out of your OLD profile. Maybe you did that already? It unnecessarily narrows your audience, using me as an example. I automatically decline anyone who mentions riding. My brother has a Harley. One of my favorite friends rides one. I love being on a bike. I eliminate motorcycle riders anyway. I have kids, I have worries. I want athletes. Its just easier not to invite motorcycles into my world. Let it come out later, given that it is a stable-to-declining interest.


Haven't caught up on the rest yet.




I agree. It really isn't much of who I am anymore.


I was just on Match. There is a woman I was talking to before. I stopped talking to her when I thought things might take off with LO. It might be worth throwing up a profile. Hmmmm. I dunno. If she respond, I'll have wasted time and money. It's quite a risk for someone I don't know. I know I enjoyed email with her, she's pretty, she dances, and she seems like she has her head screwed on right.

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I agree! Great tweaks, ITIC.


For opening, maybe even " Life together would be wonderful, there is so much to enjoy (and start your list)


Also, maybe edit for less repetition of the words "someone" and "I", and only say "fearless" once. (Less repetition can sound more confident, and there are other words to convey "fearless".)

For the opening:



Life with me would be wonderful. I know, because I spend a lot of time with myself.


I don't like it. I want to! I feel unseen, unimportant. Like i am being plugged in to your life, and like you think that would be wonderful no matter who I am.


Riffing on a theme:


Our life together would be wonderful. I know, because I live in a happy wonder all the time.


Life with me is wonderful. I know, because I love my life with me! It is missing you, though. How is life with you?


Do you love your life? Enjoy what you do and how you do it? Want to share?


One happy, passionate, man whose life is wonderful seeks one and only one happy passionate woman who loves her life to bits and wants yo share.


Etc etc.

Life with me with me is wonderful. I know, because I spend quality time with myself.

[i'm trying to demonstrate confidence. I also think it's implied, because I'm on a dating site, that I want someone to share it with. It also hints at independance and a man who is secure in who he is. I think it's more of a sales line. Still mulling it over]



I’m here to meet a friend, a lover, a confidante. Someone to explore life with. Someone to have adventures with. Someone to grow old with. I would rather be a traveler, than a tourist. Someone to protect from whatever they need protecting from. A fearless lover. Someone to embrace adventure with.


I love live music. I play guitar. Talk of alternate tunings is the ultimate pillow talk for me. What is yours? I do a lot of photography. My interest is in seeing the world in unique and creative ways.

[i deleted the part about loving art. I do, but I don't want someone to think I'm an aficionado. I'm not. I don't spend time studying it. I do go to galleries from time to time. But I I'm clueless. I'm the cliche "I know what I like" ]


I run, sometimes marathons. I spend time in the gym. I hope to be in this body for some time to come. I want to get the most out of it. Besides I get high when I work out.


I want to learn more ballroom style dance. Would love to compete someday. It’s a stretch goal, starting this late in the game. But I don’t do easy goals.

[still struggling. It would be very narrow to imply or outright suggest I want someone who would like to do competitive ballroom dance someday. There's only two I know of in my age group. The one who ignored me on Match and LO. And if a woman was that interested in dance at that level, she would be attending the studio I'm already at. Kind of depressing. As I meet new dancers, maybe there is another out there. For now I'm leaving it vague. I think the reader might assume, correctly, I already have a dance partner. Which is complications I don't want to think of right now. ]


I’m pretty smart. I work in a technical field. Dang, I better spell check this before I hit enter. I don’t mind if people mix up “there” and “their”. It doesn’t make me smarter to know the difference. It would however make me a knob to correct others.


I’ll probably fall behind in a conversation about popular culture.


The sound of falling rain is the most peaceful and romantic thing in the world.


Do you believe as I do? Honesty without discretion is cruelty. Maintain the dignity of the other person, even if they sometimes don’t deserve it. Never say words in anger that can never be taken back. Hold people when they cry, no matter why they are crying. Be kind to everyone, you never know what struggles they have.


I am fearless in my search. I will not be deterred. I will meet her, and we will live happily ever after. I’m serious.


I’m funny too. My cat laughs at me all the time.


What say you, mavens of the OLD profile?

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I like it. It loses energy in the middle. Taking a stab at it. Using all caps, sorry for the noise.



Life with me with me is wonderful. I know, because I spend quality time with myself.

[i'm trying to demonstrate confidence. I also think it's implied, because I'm on a dating site, that I want someone to share it with. It also hints at independance and a man who is secure in who he is. I think it's more of a sales line. Still mulling it over]


I’m here to meet a friend, a lover, a confidante. Someone to explore life with. Someone to have adventures with. Someone to grow old with. I would rather be a traveler, than a tourist. DELETE THE COMMA Someone to protect from whatever they need protecting from. A fearless lover. Someone to embrace adventure with.




I love live music. I play guitar. Talk of alternate tunings is the ultimate pillow talk for me. CONSIDER INSERT: Or of photography, and how different something can look by looking at it differently. What is yours? DELETE/MOVE PHOTOG because you ask her ans then talk about yourself again. Try ending with the question. I do a lot of photography. My interest is in seeing the world in unique and creative ways.


[i deleted the part about loving art. I do, but I don't want someone to think I'm an aficionado. I'm not. I don't spend time studying it. I do go to galleries from time to time. But I I'm clueless. I'm the cliche "I know what I like" ]




I run, sometimes marathons. I spend time in the gym. I hope to be in this body for some time to come. I want to get the most out of it. Besides I get high when I work out.




I want to learn more ballroom style dance. Would love to compete someday. It’s a stretch goal, starting this late in the game. But I don’t do easy goals.


[still struggling. It would be very narrow to imply or outright suggest I want someone who would like to do competitive ballroom dance someday. There's only two I know of in my age group. The one who ignored me on Match and LO. And if a woman was that interested in dance at that level, she would be attending the studio I'm already at. Kind of depressing. As I meet new dancers, maybe there is another out there. For now I'm leaving it vague. I think the reader might assume, correctly, I already have a dance partner. Which is complications I don't want to think of right now. ]

I STILL VOTE TO DELETE. Your voice is vague too, i need to learn, well im old to compete, but maybe bc i do learn fast and i like a challenge... its mealy even though you mean it strong.



I’m pretty smart. I work in a technical field. Dang, I better spell check this before I hit enter. I don’t mind if people mix up “there” and “their”. It doesn’t make me smarter to know the difference. It would however make me a knob to correct others.




I’ll probably fall behind in a conversation about popular culture.

DELETE - i get your point but it slows your rhythm and is less important.



The sound of falling rain is the most peaceful and romantic thing in the world.




Do you believe as I do? Honesty without discretion is cruelty. Maintain the dignity of the other person, even if they sometimes don’t deserve it. Never say words in anger that can never be taken back. Hold people when they cry, no matter why they are crying. Be kind to everyone, you never know what struggles they have.




I am fearless in my search. I will not be deterred. I will meet her, and we will live happily ever after. I’m serious.




I’m funny too. My cat laughs at me all the time.






What say you, mavens of the OLD profile?

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Publishing again, with suggested edits and all comments removed. I think something strong happens, by moving the sensual, sexy rain sentence to the fore. Let's see...


I made five more changes on the fly - no gym high, leave me with your body, and deleted fearless lover, adventure due to repetition, and deleted spell check and knob, and moved cat.




Life with me with me is wonderful. I know, because I spend quality time with myself.


I’m here to meet a friend, a lover, a confidante. Someone to explore life with. Someone to have adventures with. Someone to grow old with. I would rather be a traveler than a tourist. Someone to protect from whatever they need protecting from.


I love live music. I play guitar. Talk of alternate tunings is the ultimate pillow talk for me. Or of photography, and how different something can look by looking at it differently. What is yours?


I run, sometimes marathons. I spend time in the gym. I hope to be in this body for some time to come. I want to get the most out of it. I’m pretty smart. I work in a technical field. I don’t mind if people mix up “there” and “their”. It doesn’t make me smarter to know the difference. I’m funny too. My cat laughs at me all the time.


The sound of falling rain is the most peaceful and romantic thing in the world.


Do you believe as I do? Honesty without discretion is cruelty. Maintain the dignity of the other person, even if they sometimes don’t deserve it. Never say words in anger that can never be taken back. Hold people when they cry, no matter why they are crying. Be kind to everyone, you never know what struggles they have.


If life is an adventure and you understand the kindness I offer and seek, like or message me to connect. Will you let me have the next dance?

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