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The Random Thought Thread, Part 6


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14 minutes ago, ShySoul said:

It's only in the last few years I've started liking squirrels. My favorite animal is still the dolphin. Unfortunately it's a little difficult to spend time with them unless I can get my own boat. lol. 

Somehow I found a Youtube channel where a lady feeds squirrels that visit her window. I couldn't resist the cuteness. The more I thought about it, more I saw squirrels as the ideal introvert animal. They are always alert and prepared for danger. They are quick to run when something doesn't feel right. But at the same time they are curious and can't help but to observe and watch you. They are slow to trust, but when they do will come right to you and sit peacefully by you or even in your lap. They tend to like space and not want other squirrels getting to close. Plus they are highly intelligent, have amazing memories, and even like to jump around and have fun.

In other words, a lot like me. 😇

The squirrels instinct is to jump in a zig zag to confuse predators. Unfortunately that makes it more likely to get hit in heavy traffic. Saw one a couple months ago run straight across eight lanes without getting hit. I was prepared to witness something tragic but was relieved he made it safely. Give him an almond and a concerned talking to about the dangers of playing in traffic. 😁

The slow life suits me just fine as well. I'd get into sloths, but I always figure I can do it later. 😁



Very neat.

Sloths were a few years ago. Before that, Lions...

I have had a different spirit animal for the past few years. But, I won't say why. 😉

Maybe I am a bit of a chameleon. 😅

The dolphin... Slippery and weaving in and out with finesse and ease. Social but in its element being alone. Intelligent and capable of great strength but also gentle and musical. They seem to sense and feel energy and play accordingly. 

There's a woman at a holistic massage therapists office (I booked my Dad an appointment to help with his right side that is paralyzed) and she had little cups full of nuts for squirrels in the back of their office. 

The office was more of a sanctuary in the woods. Beautiful little rooms only large enough for a table, a piece of art or a tree trunk. It looked like a great place to get a massage.

I actually looked up a piece of the artwork they had there, I dunno, I liked it. 

It was of a woman that looked like a queen or something but she had a little monkey around her neck and her face looked like a puzzle. Look at the intricate details in the painting:

Looks like Mexican artist 'Frida Kahlo'.



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5 hours ago, been14years said:

he said it mosquito bite and there a red bump on my butt, and he kiss my butt cheek while he see it,

We teach children to kiss it and make it better. I think he took that lesson seriously and was hoping he could cure it with the magic of his lips. 😉

Everyone has some quirk in the relationship. Makes it unique and special for those involved.

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5 hours ago, yogacat said:

I have had a different spirit animal for the past few years. But, I won't say why. 😉

Hmm... now you're being a tease. I'll just keep that in mind as a mystery to unravel. And I like mysteries. 😉

Sounds like a neat office. I like the art as well. The intricate detail is amazing. 

If I haven't said it before, you're a good writer. Your description of the dolphin is spot on. Also kind of fits me. Guess there's a reason my friend says I'm a dolphin-squirrel. 

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