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The Random Thought Thread, Part 6


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4 minutes ago, ShySoul said:

That's why I get the supreme pizza. It comes with vegetables, so I get the salad on my pizza. 

See, pizza is a health food. 😉

Yes it is!  On that note, I REALLY miss when you could get a veggie pizza at Costco before Covid.  They never bothered to bring it back.  🤬

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9 hours ago, mylolita said:

Hey, if the prison officer looks like you I’ll go gladly

If you're going to go, go with a smile on your face. 😉

The whole world can tell me I'm wrong and that what I seek is an unrealistic fantasy that can never happen. But how many things that have happened started out as unrealistic fantasies? If it's what I want, what I know in my core is right for me, then I won't give in. As a brillant dreamer (Walt Disney) once said, "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."

Glad to see you back lolita. I've missed you.

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1 minute ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

Yes it is!  On that note, I REALLY miss when you could get a veggie pizza at Costco before Covid.  They never bothered to bring it back.  🤬

One reason I've barely been at a Costco since Covid. I'm sorry, I need a little more on my pizza then cheese or pepperoni. I'm more of a sausage guy anyway. 

Wait, that sounds wrong. I meant on my pizza..... 😬

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My terrier really hates it when I pull her hair out.  That's how we groom a rough coated one - it's called "stripping" - but she is getting more and more averse to it as she grows old. She's 9 now. 

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25 minutes ago, yogacat said:

Could you resist the daring crossing of this bridge?

Yes. I'll keep my feet on the ground if you don't mind.

But if I had choose between running across or bungee jumping from it, let me get my shoes on and watch me make a mad dash across it. 

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6 hours ago, Coily said:

Yay, I have my own personal lecture circuit about gaslighting.

Bring plenty of matches. 😁

Seriously, congratulations. You'll do well.

Unless this was another case of your trademark sarcasm and I can't discern the difference. In which case I'll say... bummer.

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On 9/7/2024 at 3:13 PM, ShySoul said:

Yes. I'll keep my feet on the ground if you don't mind.

But if I had choose between running across or bungee jumping from it, let me get my shoes on and watch me make a mad dash across it. 

I think I'd do the bungee-jumping, crossing that bridge would take longer. 😂

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So folks, I was recently given a job acceptance letter to be a Program Coordinator for the Boys and Girls Club. I had to do a background check (fingerprints) and once those cleared they would schedule me for orientation. Well, they said the fingerprints haven't cleared yet, and once they do, they will reach out to schedule my orientation.

I am tempted to call the place where I had the fingerprints done to see what the hold up is. Or, should I just wait to hear back from the Boys and Girls club?

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3 hours ago, yogacat said:

So folks, I was recently given a job acceptance letter to be a Program Coordinator for the Boys and Girls Club. I had to do a background check (fingerprints) and once those cleared they would schedule me for orientation. Well, they said the fingerprints haven't cleared yet, and once they do, they will reach out to schedule my orientation.

I am tempted to call the place where I had the fingerprints done to see what the hold up is. Or, should I just wait to hear back from the Boys and Girls club?

I would call the fingerprint place.  And, congratulations!

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5 hours ago, yogacat said:

So folks, I was recently given a job acceptance letter to be a Program Coordinator for the Boys and Girls Club. I had to do a background check (fingerprints) and once those cleared they would schedule me for orientation. Well, they said the fingerprints haven't cleared yet, and once they do, they will reach out to schedule my orientation.

I am tempted to call the place where I had the fingerprints done to see what the hold up is. Or, should I just wait to hear back from the Boys and Girls club?

How long has it been? Did they give you a timeframe for how long it should take? Wouldn't hurt to call in just to check.

I volunteered for them way back in high school and remember going through the same process. Congratulations. 

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Thanks so much! I'm excited to start this new chapter and can't wait to see where it takes me. Heard back from them. Orientation is next week! 🙂 I wasn't sure how long it takes to process fingerprints. I've done background checks for jobs and those come back fast but this took about a week. Time to celebrate with some insta-noodles 🍜😊

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8 hours ago, yogacat said:

Thanks so much! I'm excited to start this new chapter and can't wait to see where it takes me. Heard back from them. Orientation is next week! 🙂 I wasn't sure how long it takes to process fingerprints. I've done background checks for jobs and those come back fast but this took about a week. Time to celebrate with some insta-noodles 🍜😊

That’s awesome Yoga!  Congrats on your new chapter. I agree, this is definitely a great time to celebrate with Instanoodles. 

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11 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

Did any of you watch this show when it was on Nick (Nickelodeon) at Nite?

No, but I'm willing to bet my father did. Talking chimps were right up his alley while I also found them annoying. Feel like there were several shows featuring monkeys, many of them talking ones. 

Next think you'll be telling me is that there was a show about a talking horse, of course...

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16 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:


Did any of you watch this show when it was on Nick (Nickelodeon) at Nite?

No. I wasn't even aware of these chimps. 

We humans like to humanize animals. Recall that woman Charla Nash that was teared from limb to limb? I want to see a show about talking 700 point intelligent squirrel that occasionally goes berserk thinking she is a chimp. I call it: "Trudy The Nut." 😂


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2 hours ago, yogacat said:

I want to see a show about talking 700 point intelligent squirrel that occasionally goes berserk thinking she is a chimp. I call it: "Trudy The Nut." 😂

You know I'm watching that. In fact, I'm "nutty" enough to produce. But only if you will be head writer. 

I'll work on getting our star to cooperate. There's one squirrel friend of mine I actually feel I am communicating with. She'll sometimes come down when I motion for her that it's safe.

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16 hours ago, ShySoul said:

You know I'm watching that. In fact, I'm "nutty" enough to produce. But only if you will be head writer. 

I'll work on getting our star to cooperate. There's one squirrel friend of mine I actually feel I am communicating with. She'll sometimes come down when I motion for her that it's safe.

They did have the "The Secret Squirrel Show" but it is a cartoon. I wonder, what is the secret with squirrels. Where do they go at night? Do they have a secret society or underground bunkers? 

I wanted to have a pet sloth once but the cost of building a room that mimics the Amazon rainforest was a bit too steep. So, I settled for a rescue dog. I had a cat already, I like both... 

I did have a pet rat. Not sure what I was thinking there. Squirrels are rodents, so why not? Just a lot cuter.

How do you communicate with your squirrel? Do you make little noises or look it deep in its eyes. 

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3 hours ago, yogacat said:

They did have the "The Secret Squirrel Show" but it is a cartoon. I wonder, what is the secret with squirrels. Where do they go at night? Do they have a secret society or underground bunkers? 

I wanted to have a pet sloth once but the cost of building a room that mimics the Amazon rainforest was a bit too steep. So, I settled for a rescue dog. I had a cat already, I like both... 

I did have a pet rat. Not sure what I was thinking there. Squirrels are rodents, so why not? Just a lot cuter.

How do you communicate with your squirrel? Do you make little noises or look it deep in its eyes. 

Thank you, now I have something else to add to my watch list: https://archive.org/details/secret-squirrel

I've seen webcams of squirrels sleeping in dreys at night. But I'm sure that's a cover to throw us off track. There is probably a whole squirrel hierachy, with covert missions and secret lairs. 

I've gradually got her used to my voice by talking to her as she eats. I'll also make hand gestures, telling her to stop or motioning her to come to me. She's a smart one. She'll run down trees and be at my side before I notice her and will race to the usual feeding spots ahead of me. She'll get spooked by a dog and be up in a tree barking danger warnings but stop to look down at me. I can see the decision making going on - is it safe enough to go to human with nuts? He won't hurt me. Call her Raisin.

Oh, and they are a lot cuter then rats. Especially love how carefully they have to pat the ground after burrying something. Even saw one delibrately place a leaf on top just to be safe. 😄

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Just now, ShySoul said:

Thank you, now I have something else to add to my watch list: https://archive.org/details/secret-squirrel

I've seen webcams of squirrels sleeping in dreys at night. But I'm sure that's a cover to throw us off track. There is probably a whole squirrel hierachy, with covert missions and secret lairs. 

I've gradually got her used to my voice by talking to her as she eats. I'll also make hand gestures, telling her to stop or motioning her to come to me. She's a smart one. She'll run down trees and be at my side before I notice her and will race to the usual feeding spots ahead of me. She'll get spooked by a dog and be up in a tree barking danger warnings but stop to look down at me. I can see the decision making going on - is it safe enough to go to human with nuts? He won't hurt me. Call her Raisin.


Shyzz, it's fascinating that you have such an affection for squirrels. Do you see yourself as a "squirrel whisperer?" 

Or, is there something about squirrels that you feel connected to? 

Just curious...

I mentioned the sloth, because well, I like to move slow in general. Plus, they can live up to 40 years. I hate how dogs and cats we only get such a limited about of time with them and it's short!

Yes, add "The Secret Squirrel Show" to the watch list. Start a "Squirrel's Appreciation Club...The secret life of Raisin..."

I'm curious why squirrels seem to have a death wish darting towards incoming traffic. I try to avoid hitting them but it's like frogger. 😄

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9 minutes ago, yogacat said:

Shyzz, it's fascinating that you have such an affection for squirrels. Do you see yourself as a "squirrel whisperer?" 

Or, is there something about squirrels that you feel connected to? 

Just curious...

I mentioned the sloth, because well, I like to move slow in general. Plus, they can live up to 40 years. I hate how dogs and cats we only get such a limited about of time with them and it's short!

Yes, add "The Secret Squirrel Show" to the watch list. Start a "Squirrel's Appreciation Club...The secret life of Raisin..."

I'm curious why squirrels seem to have a death wish darting towards incoming traffic. I try to avoid hitting them but it's like frogger. 😄

It's only in the last few years I've started liking squirrels. My favorite animal is still the dolphin. Unfortunately it's a little difficult to spend time with them unless I can get my own boat. lol. 

Somehow I found a Youtube channel where a lady feeds squirrels that visit her window. I couldn't resist the cuteness. The more I thought about it, more I saw squirrels as the ideal introvert animal. They are always alert and prepared for danger. They are quick to run when something doesn't feel right. But at the same time they are curious and can't help but to observe and watch you. They are slow to trust, but when they do will come right to you and sit peacefully by you or even in your lap. They tend to like space and not want other squirrels getting to close. Plus they are highly intelligent, have amazing memories, and even like to jump around and have fun.

In other words, a lot like me. 😇

The squirrels instinct is to jump in a zig zag to confuse predators. Unfortunately that makes it more likely to get hit in heavy traffic. Saw one a couple months ago run straight across eight lanes without getting hit. I was prepared to witness something tragic but was relieved he made it safely. Give him an almond and a concerned talking to about the dangers of playing in traffic. 😁

The slow life suits me just fine as well. I'd get into sloths, but I always figure I can do it later. 😁



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Is this Random thoughts threads is like What on your mind type of thread?

So my random thoughts, what on my mind?

ha.! my corny husband, he still literally kiss my butt cheek after all these years together (and we together 14 years, married 12).

Never once he grope my butt in any way. But he will literally kiss my butt cheek. He has been doing so for 12 years, nothing related to sex at all. It just his ways of show affection, every time we in bed together or if he see me lay on my stomach play with my tablet, he will slide down my underwear and literally kiss my butt cheek, his lips must be on the skin and meat of my butt, lol.

Something funny happened when we had the heat wave in SoCal, I was out in our garden backyard, it hot in the Summer so there mosquitoes, a mosquito bite my butt through my yoga pants.
It itches like crazy, I couldn't see the back of my butt, I was worry a spider bite me lol, so I asked my husband to see it for me, he said it mosquito bite and there a red bump on my butt, and he kiss my butt cheek while he see it, lol. I giggles, lolol.

He is corny, but I love him, we all have our quirks in our marriage.

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