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The Random Thought Thread, Part 6


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I've been on both sides of the customer service nightmare. I've called and been on hold for an hour only to be told something I already knew and then directed to another department. I've been hung up on. I've been given the wrong advice and have had to start all over when it didn't work. Thought the point was to help the customer, not cause them more health problems.

On the other end, had a job issuing refunds and stipend checks to students. Quarterly we'd have a week where we would issue thousands of checks. The task of answering the phones fell to me as my coworkers were churning out the checks and getting them mailed. The calls were nonstop, getting transferred from one to another without even being able to put down the phone. And most of the time they weren't polite, demanding to know where the check was even though we legally still had two more weeks to get it to them. Then there was the person who called me and multiple other people every day for over a month demanding a check they were constantly advised they weren't owed. Every call was being logged into notes and you're talking to the same handful of people,... did she really think the answer was going to be different?

6 hours ago, Batya33 said:

what do the elderly or people with disabilities do -people who cannot advocate for themselves or don't have the endurance to keep calling? I have offered to make calls on behalf of people and you know that's hard too if confidential info is required.

There has to be some organizations that help people with things like that. I almost volunteered with a legal aid group. Think they had assistance for seniors.

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3 minutes ago, ShySoul said:

I've been on both sides of the customer service nightmare. I've called and been on hold for an hour only to be told something I already knew and then directed to another department. I've been hung up on. I've been given the wrong advice and have had to start all over when it didn't work. Thought the point was to help the customer, not cause them more health problems.

On the other end, had a job issuing refunds and stipend checks to students. Quarterly we'd have a week where we would issue thousands of checks. The task of answering the phones fell to me as my coworkers were churning out the checks and getting them mailed. The calls were nonstop, getting transferred from one to another without even being able to put down the phone. And most of the time they weren't polite, demanding to know where the check was even though we legally still had two more weeks to get it to them. Then there was the person who called me and multiple other people every day for over a month demanding a check they were constantly advised they weren't owed. Every call was being logged into notes and you're talking to the same handful of people,... did she really think the answer was going to be different?

There has to be some organizations that help people with things like that. I almost volunteered with a legal aid group. Think they had assistance for seniors.

I’ve become better at making sure I don’t have to start over if I get disconnected. A few years ago I needed to know if a certain service was covered. I was told no. So I start looking for out of network providers who take insurance. Not happening. Then I called back. That person told me it WAS covered. I mean I was thrilled but also - what wasted time and stress! Years later I did find out that the coverage protocols had changed around the time I was calling and so some customer service people were not aware. 
The most frustrating was one of those trial period subscriptions. It was for a kids magazine during the pandemic. Paper magazine. Of course they billed me /wouldn’t let me cancel. I persisted and it was resolved with no apology or acknowledgment for their error. Sigh. 

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11 minutes ago, Coily said:

Anyone else ever get concerned that decent but imperfect relationships come here amd are torn apart like some bestiary show at the Roman colleseum?


I wonder sometimes if relationships come here to die. It's like people are so quick to jump to the worse possible scenario, wanting to find things wrong and assuming people's intent without reading what is really there or considering other explanations. Probably a fair deal of projection going on, people taking there bad experience and assuming it applies in all cases.

I say that not to speak ill of anyone. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and has the right to say their piece. And in some cases the relationship clearly should end. But that shouldn't be the knee jerk reaction. Not every relationship is in critical condition. Every person isn't out to get you with lies and manipulation. Sometimes people are human and make mistakes.

Been tempted to see the ratio between posts that say break up versus those that say work it out. Seems like the former would easily win. Though I have helped many over the years who found a way to resolve the problem when most others were saying it was impossible.

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5 hours ago, Coily said:

Anyone else ever get concerned that decent but imperfect relationships come here amd are torn apart like some bestiary show at the Roman colleseum?

Yes, sometimes.  When the perspective is -wow you mean if you are bickering and raising voices - that is abusive! At least sometimes it comes across that way especially if no context,  I guess though it's subjective -I was raised in a loud family, not a Norman Rockwell thing at all - (thank goodness- seems so sterile and stuffy) - and while I am an adult and can choose how to conduct myself in my family I'm not a person who is soft spoken/quiet/chill in general - I work on this when I need to be more soft spoken/quiet/chill and actually with a lot of success since I have to get a teenager up and out the door by 7:06am on school mornings - but I have a different view of what mutual caring and respect looks like in a relationship and I'm certainly not going to throw away a close friendship or marriage etc because we get cranky with each other and - OMG - aren't the epitome of decorum. 

As my husband said the other night when I brought up a disagreement we'd had an hour before about something stupid - "that? oh I forgot about that already!"- and we hugged and kissed.  I was glad he forgot - sometimes -there is too much "talk."  As my son said when he was 4 and misbehaved -I said to him "ok now let's have a talk" -he looked at me horrified as if I'd said "eat broccoli" and said no!!! no TALK!!!!"  He's right.

I also consider how long the relationship is and ages and why they are together because that informs whether it's worth it to put up with -whatever-because of the good stuff or bail early on since it is likely to become a dealbreaker and dating for a couple of weeks with rare exception isn't so serious yet.

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Dear Google,

I am finding myself deeply irritated by your new habit of placing AI generated answers at the top of my search results. I understand that you have invested more money then most of will make this year into this function and thus feel the need to justify the costs, as well as the jobs of the executives who came up with this idea. However, I much prefer to do my own research and come to my own conclusions then what your algorithim has decided is the correct answer.

I would also like to go to the articles and videos directly, thus giving the content creators their clicks, due, and proper credit. If a person is trying to earn money off of a Youtube channel, I will support that instead as you already have more then enough money. Besides, I would prefer to hear from a living being, not a machine.

In addition, it is just annoying to have to scroll further down for something that would have been right at the top of the screen.

I should probably just use duckduckgo.com for all my searches anyway. Would be best to protect my privacy and not give any more opportunities for you to spy on me anymore then you already do.

Wishing you were still just a math term,

ShySoul 😁

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  • 2 weeks later...

Were all humans created to be social creatures? Or is that just we've been taught?

Obviously the levels of being social that people are comfortable with or need varies from person to person. So wouldn't it follow that there could be someone who isn't social and doesn't require it? That in solitude they actually find more peace and happiness? 

And if being social ends up making a person feel hurt and misunderstood all the time, is it really beneficial to be social? Or does being social do more harm to their psyche?

Maybe some people naturally are like extra pieces that don't fit into the puzzle of the world at this time. And maybe that gives them a unique perspective that could turn out better in the long run.

Not saying anything for sure. Just throwing out a random philosphical thought.

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1 minute ago, ShySoul said:

Were all humans created to be social creatures? Or is that just we've been taught?

Obviously the levels of being social that people are comfortable with or need varies from person to person. So wouldn't it follow that there could be someone who isn't social and doesn't require it? That in solitude they actually find more peace and happiness? 

And if being social ends up making a person feel hurt and misunderstood all the time, is it really beneficial to be social? Or does being social do more harm to their psyche?

Maybe some people naturally are like extra pieces that don't fit into the puzzle of the world at this time. And maybe that gives them a unique perspective that could turn out better in the long run.

Not saying anything for sure. Just throwing out a random philosphical thought.

I think in general humans are wired to be social and I guess maybe way back it was for survival -you couldn't on your own get enough food for yourself and all that.  

If it's "all the time" then the person can decide to look elsewhere to find their people.  Or take a break for awhile from interacting.  I think there is a cover for every pot with rare exception.  For sure there are people with certain medical conditions/mental health conditions/disabilities/TBI who cannot interact with others in a productive way but I'm not referring to those people.  Right now I am alone. I was desperate for alone time today and almost did not get more of it (I typically have alone time early mornings and I love it).  But it's because of sensory overload -too noisy at home, and I also had to focus on work-work in addition to housework and meal prep so I really needed some alone recharge time.  

I think being social is very broad and there are so many ways to be social so that the broad brush of social=harm doesn't really make sense to me. 

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15 minutes ago, ShySoul said:

Were all humans created to be social creatures? Or is that just we've been taught?

Obviously the levels of being social that people are comfortable with or need varies from person to person. So wouldn't it follow that there could be someone who isn't social and doesn't require it? That in solitude they actually find more peace and happiness? 

And if being social ends up making a person feel hurt and misunderstood all the time, is it really beneficial to be social? Or does being social do more harm to their psyche?

Maybe some people naturally are like extra pieces that don't fit into the puzzle of the world at this time. And maybe that gives them a unique perspective that could turn out better in the long run.

Not saying anything for sure. Just throwing out a random philosphical thought.

Funny you wrote this as my book I'm enjoying this long weekend is The Way of the Hermit by Ken Smith. He digs into this in a really interesting way! Hermits have had a place in almost all of human history, a positive one mostly, and it's only more recently a more negative connotation has been given to it. But I'm talking about people who consciously choose a more solitary life, not those who are alone due to say isolating factors in modern life and wouldn't really choose that if given other opportunities. 

It's a fascinating subject. 

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32 minutes ago, ShySoul said:

Were all humans created to be social creatures? Or is that just we've been taught?

Obviously the levels of being social that people are comfortable with or need varies from person to person. So wouldn't it follow that there could be someone who isn't social and doesn't require it? That in solitude they actually find more peace and happiness? 

And if being social ends up making a person feel hurt and misunderstood all the time, is it really beneficial to be social? Or does being social do more harm to their psyche?

Maybe some people naturally are like extra pieces that don't fit into the puzzle of the world at this time. And maybe that gives them a unique perspective that could turn out better in the long run.

Not saying anything for sure. Just throwing out a random philosphical thought.

I do think evolutionary-wise we are biologically wired to connect with others, whether through family or community. I go through periods, sometimes I am really incontrovertibly social, and sometimes not so much. Sometimes, I feel exhausted after socializing; other times, I feel energized!

But I also think a large part is based on individual preference and that certain personality traits are linked to a lower need for social connection. 

It's definitely possible for someone to thrive in solitude, but I don't think it applies to the majority of people. It reminds me of The Shining when Jack is working on his novel, but he also goes through the seasons. Eventually, he is working on the frozen picnic tables that need to be inside, and he is losing connection with humanity. I really think it comes down to individual preferences and personality traits.

But Maslow's hierarchy of needs (if you're a Maslow fan) lists "Belonging" as one of the fundamental needs for human beings. Others include nourishment, shelter, and safety.

Take it for what it is!

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Balancing Your Email Needs for More Focus and Productivity - Acompli

It's likely that for most people, some level of social interaction is necessary for overall well-being. But there are definitely exceptions and preferences!


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Just now, yogacat said:

It reminds me of The Shining when Jack is working on his novel, but he also goes through the seasons.

I was once watching it in a hotel room and realized it was the same room number as in the movie!!

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1 hour ago, itsallgrand said:

But I'm talking about people who consciously choose a more solitary life, not those who are alone due to say isolating factors in modern life and wouldn't really choose that if given other opportunities.

Think that's key, choosing to lead the life that is right for you. 

If the push to be social (eg the constant push to be on social media or use whatever app is trendy), isn't you it can just lead to worse feelings of isloation. Being alone in a crowd isn't something a person should have to experience. You can be absolutely happy with minimal contact if that is the life you are supposed to live.

The variation in human experiences and needs are as unique as snowflakes. Perhaps it's not human nature, as much as individual nature.

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On 9/1/2024 at 4:50 PM, Batya33 said:

I was once watching it in a hotel room and realized it was the same room number as in the movie!!

@Batya33 did that freak you out? I would've been like "spookieeeeeeeeee" 🙀 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 😆

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21 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

How could someone even fathom eating this?!

Easy. They have a death wish. If you are going to go, why not go with the greasy and cheesy goodness of this 6 layer monster?

I could think of better ways to die, which probably explains why I'm on the skinny side.

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You can tell me I’m wrong in a silly expectation fantasy all day long, every day, ANY day HUNN-EY and keep it coming with ya tight slicked back curls and your gorgeous stately nose LMAOOOOOOO


A nice break to allow me to briefly forget the current communist surveillance thought crime state I am waking up to find myself in. 


Hey, if the prison officer looks like you I’ll go gladly HAHAHAHAHA


💋 🥩

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