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The Random Thought Thread, Part 6


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3 minutes ago, mylolita said:

This is understandable Batya as I think normally most people feel exactly the same way! 

My husband has a friend who he employs a day a week and he’s been with him for about 20 years now! In business - and he’s 84 and slim and fit and he has slightly high blood pressure and he also mentioned his doctor told him to monitor his cholesterol levels as well. Just like you, he’s never smoked and doesn’t drink. Sometimes it might simply be an age thing? Our work friend looks absolutely great and has amazing energy by the way so from the outset I’m not concerned about him at all! 

The comfort in this Batya may be that, it’s very minor or sounds mild (your readings) and therefore your doctor is asking, simply as a medical precaution, to monitor. But if they were really concerned, you would have been urged to take medication I imagine - so the monitoring sounds like a good sign! Not a bad thing at all!


Do you find your job stressful? 

My neighbour who is healthy and fit and only 41 suffers with elevated blood pressure but he openly admits it’s stress that’s doing it and I believe him. He has a demanding job, self employed - long hours in a tough financial climate and a newborn. I can see why he might be feeling it and his blood pressure reflects this.



So my cholesterol is genetically high but recently I had a coronary calcium scan and got a perfect score (my cholesterol ratio is great).  I did smoke for about a year as a teen but quit over 40 years ago.  Never drank to excess, have had maybe a half glass of wine in the last 5 years.  Yes for now we're just monitoring to see if meds are in my future.  I've always had a stressful job and parenting is stressful too! But I didn't have elevated BP in my 20s or 30s when I had a particularly stressful job so who knows lol.  I feel fortunate that despite menopause etc I haven't put on weight -indeed I lost weight over the last number of years and was slim before and I am active and fit etc. I see so many women put on weight either not losing the baby weight and/or during menopause.

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16 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

So my cholesterol is genetically high but recently I had a coronary calcium scan and got a perfect score (my cholesterol ratio is great).  I did smoke for about a year as a teen but quit over 40 years ago.  Never drank to excess, have had maybe a half glass of wine in the last 5 years.  Yes for now we're just monitoring to see if meds are in my future.  I've always had a stressful job and parenting is stressful too! But I didn't have elevated BP in my 20s or 30s when I had a particularly stressful job so who knows lol.  I feel fortunate that despite menopause etc I haven't put on weight -indeed I lost weight over the last number of years and was slim before and I am active and fit etc. I see so many women put on weight either not losing the baby weight and/or during menopause.

I’m obviously no doctor Batya and am simply speculating but it sounds maybe genetics may play a role in this when people are healthy and leading active lifestyles! 

I have been personally glad of the baby weight I put on as, I know I’ve mentioned this to you before, I was roughly 95lbs for many years (15-18 years old) and didn’t stray too far from that until I got into my mid 20s. I’m just under 5’5’’. I was, for me, far too underweight. My babes helped me become “normal” which, I’m secretly thankful for! (Or, as normal as you can be! I don’t believe eating disorders ever really go properly away. That voice stays in the back of your mind!)


After reading your thread Batya what I may do is be inspired to make my own doctors appointment as I need more reassurance! I panick that I have clogged arteries which is causing the low blood pressure. Or maybe too much caffeine on an empty stomach? Not enough sleep? 

I think you’ll become a pro at taking your blood pressure! 

Enjoy the bed making 🤣



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19 minutes ago, mylolita said:

I’m obviously no doctor Batya and am simply speculating but it sounds maybe genetics may play a role in this when people are healthy and leading active lifestyles! 

I have been personally glad of the baby weight I put on as, I know I’ve mentioned this to you before, I was roughly 95lbs for many years (15-18 years old) and didn’t stray too far from that until I got into my mid 20s. I’m just under 5’5’’. I was, for me, far too underweight. My babes helped me become “normal” which, I’m secretly thankful for! (Or, as normal as you can be! I don’t believe eating disorders ever really go properly away. That voice stays in the back of your mind!)


After reading your thread Batya what I may do is be inspired to make my own doctors appointment as I need more reassurance! I panick that I have clogged arteries which is causing the low blood pressure. Or maybe too much caffeine on an empty stomach? Not enough sleep? 

I think you’ll become a pro at taking your blood pressure! 

Enjoy the bed making 🤣



Thanks! This is -strange ok - but visualizing bed making - making up a really comfy guest bed for example - helps me fall asleep -just going through the steps, especially the care I take in making a bed comfortable and cozy - is oddly relaxing lol.  

I worry about health stuff too!!  Especially silent stuff -the not knowing! I do monthly breast exams at home and my annual mammogram so that gives me some peace of mind in that way.

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I hate the feeling of inertia.

You're super busy the entire week and then when you have some down time, you say to yourself, "damn, nothing to do, I feel like being lazy." Running around all week, getting things done, and then...BAM, I feel like a sloth.

Sure, what's so wrong with taking the occasional 45 min nap in the afternoon, or lounging on the couch catching up on Black Mirror or watching reruns of Three's Company? Nothing, that's what.

But you know what I miss? The cool weather. It's going to be near 100 for the next couple of days and the heat just makes me want to lie around the house until at least 2 pm. I'm supposed to call my best gal pal today but......meh. Love ya, M!

Maybe when I hit my exercise class later today I can get re-energized and come home ready to tackle a few things.

Wishful thinking, huh?

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1 hour ago, yogacat said:

I hate the feeling of inertia.

You're super busy the entire week and then when you have some down time, you say to yourself, "damn, nothing to do, I feel like being lazy." Running around all week, getting things done, and then...BAM, I feel like a sloth.

Sure, what's so wrong with taking the occasional 45 min nap in the afternoon, or lounging on the couch catching up on Black Mirror or watching reruns of Three's Company? Nothing, that's what.

But you know what I miss? The cool weather. It's going to be near 100 for the next couple of days and the heat just makes me want to lie around the house until at least 2 pm. I'm supposed to call my best gal pal today but......meh. Love ya, M!

Maybe when I hit my exercise class later today I can get re-energized and come home ready to tackle a few things.

Wishful thinking, huh?

Wow. I relate so much. But I do make myself take naps as needed. I wake up too early to get my workout in and it catches up with me. One thing I do to avoid that inertia feeling is have a good book to read. My inertia ended last night when husband and son arrived home from their trip hungry. Today doing all the trip laundry plus prepping for son’s camp tomorrow 

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1 hour ago, Batya33 said:

Wow. I relate so much. But I do make myself take naps as needed. I wake up too early to get my workout in and it catches up with me. One thing I do to avoid that inertia feeling is have a good book to read. My inertia ended last night when husband and son arrived home from their trip hungry. Today doing all the trip laundry plus prepping for son’s camp tomorrow 

I usually like getting my workouts done first thing in the morning too but this particular class doesn't start until late today so I feel like I've had all day to procrastinate which isn't usually the case.

But I'm hoping once I get there I'll feel better!

Books are great. Each morning, I read a set number of pages. My back is still out of whack but I am slowly integrating more exercise until the pain has subsided in my legs. Oh and they won't give me steroids, I have to do the "conservative" treatment for now which is basically just PT and stretching and exercises. Slow but steady.

It's weird. Most times I am like an energizer rabbit and then other times I'm at that inertia stage.


Laundry? I did my linens today so that's a plus. 😃

Hope your fam had a nice trip!

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