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It might be because things were so up in the air in the end and we never did have total closure, but I still think about my ex everyday.

When I think about it, I am still holding on to the emotions I felt for him and subconsciously replay the memories in my head sometimes. Like little snapshots that are very clear and it tugs at my heart.


We broke up in 2013 and he meant a lot to me.

Occasionally, I check out his fb and looking at his pics, I don't feel much at all (feels like looking at a stranger), but when I think back to my memories of him, they are still really emotionally charged.


I've been with my bf over a year now and I really love him to bits. No one has ever affected me the way he does, but sometimes when I hang out with him my mind momentarily drifts to my ex. It's strange and I want it to stop.


Should I get some therapy? Would that even help. I'm not confused, I know even if my ex came back, I'd not hesitate but to still be with my bf because I'm absolutely crazy about him. It just seems like these feelings aren't going away and I'm alittle over this.

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Maybe. I usually don't recommend therapy for 2 reasons. It's extremely expensive and it's a business. I also think it's important to do the hard work yourself, no one will do it for you. HOWEVER, I'm not saying it doesn't work or is not helpful for some people. Some simply need it!!! No question about it.


I think you are just doing a poor job deflecting and managing your thoughts. No therapy will do that for you.


Deflect those thoughts (of your ex) when they come up and think of something else. Maybe something peaceful. Or do something. ANYTHING to get your mind off of it.


If you allow these thoughts to stay in your head, they will only get bigger and flourish. If you squash them, well, in time they will start disappearing as fast as they come.


In time, with practice and consistency you will find that mind diversion is one of the most powerful build in tools us humans posses.

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I think it's normal to 'think' of people who've been in our Lives and who've had meaning.

Our mind is full of memories.. and he was someone important to you at one point.


I think, as long as it isn't taking control of you in any way, it's okay. You are able to keep moving on ahead and there is NO question of things occurring again with him.

I don't think therapy is needed, unless you find it's consuming your thoughts too much.


You're happy now, right? That's what matters.

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