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Normal to miss an old ex this way?

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Lately, for some reason I've been missing the times I spent with my old high school g/f. I think the reason for this is that I recently heard a CD I burned back in my senior year with songs that were on the radio when her and I hooked up - some of which we danced to together at prom. This was in the middle of 2003, and I've seen different girls from that time until now. What makes it even more strange is that she attends my same college campus, and, I haven't seen her in a long time. But, I did see her quite a few times in previous semesters and I didn't feel anything for her anymore (she's also gained a lot of weight). But, when I hear this CD, it strikes back old feelings.


Has this happened to any of you guys? In my opinion, the music doesn't rekindle any old feelings, but it's representative of something her and I partook in together. I guess I don't miss HER, but I miss the moments.


What do you guys think? Would like to read your opinions.

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