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Just a vent about my ex


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I need to vent & I know you guys will listen & give me support!!

I have been divorced for about 16 years. My ex lives close by, my Daughter lives with him. I share a house with my Son & his Wife.

I spend a lot of time with my children, so of course I get to hear things about the ex.


My Son just got back from a trip to Vegas with his father & Uncle, and had the worst time. His father acted like a spoilt brat, having tantrums about stupid things, even down to whingeing to my Son that his Sister wasn't liking enough of his facebook posts (I kid you not). This man is 57 lolol


So, my Daughter organised a lunch with her Grandparents while their 2 Sons & grandson were overseas,( the exs parents), and they suggested I go too. They aren't my fav people, but I get along ok with them. They live close to my family, so we all decided to have chinese lunch together.


My Daughter put a pic on FB showing us enjoying our lunch. The ex decides to go on a rampage to my Son about how dare his parents go out with "her" (meaning me), that "she" isn't their family, and we all had no right to do it. Also why would they want to spend time with "her"....all meaning me.


I know my Son shouldn't have told me, but he is bipolar, so had a lot of negative things in his head he needed to get out.


This is greatly upset me, and I am mad at myself for letting it upset me. This man cheated on me, married the other woman, she cheated on him, so now he is alone & bitter & takes it out on everyone else.


I never stopped him seeing his children, never caused issues, just retreated into a corner & licked my wounds, and went on with my life.


PS: I have no feelings for him at all, I got past all of the anger a long time ago, I just don't understand the reason behind his rant.

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I guess he doesn't understand that it was about his daughter, and you are all family to HER. Heavens. Sounds like while in Vegas he was on a roll of negativity, and anything was target, especially your daughter and everything she was doing. You got caught in the crossfire. Lucky you're not with him anymore. As for reasons behind his rant, there might not be. It's emotion, not reason, and who know's what is really bothering him.

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Mid life rage. It happens when they get close to 60. (oooh I'm going to get flamed for this ....)


All their failures pile up and they start wondering what the hell they did with their life.


They gotta blame someone! And it's not them.


I'm not going to flame you at all. I've seen it too. It happens most often with those who've spent a lifetime stepping on others. They hit their 50s and 60s and then it dawns on them, "You know, maybe life isn't so great after all..." But of course instead of taking responsibility and doing some good for a change they just regress to acting like children well yeah throwing a tantrum.


Just keep in mind, good luck on your ex getting his kids to take care of him in his old age. They'll probably let you move in, no problem. But him? Nope, off to a nursing home with you dear Daddy, we have had enough.


I know that sounds really horrible, but keep in mind your ex will reap what he sows. He must be very miserable indeed, so you smile sweetly and tell your kids, "Well, that's his problem now isn't."

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Thank you ladies, I appreciate your feed back. Everything you have all said has been the truth, and I am soooo glad I am no longer married to him.


I think that I was so upset because I have really tried to be a good person, and have seen & heard the way he speaks and treats others & it is disgusting.


It happens most often with those who've spent a lifetime stepping on others. This is him exactly!!!!!


Well I am glad that I am not thin skinned, and am justified in being upset. He really is just a sad, nasty old man.

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Thank you ladies, I appreciate your feed back. Everything you have all said has been the truth, and I am soooo glad I am no longer married to him.


I think that I was so upset because I have really tried to be a good person, and have seen & heard the way he speaks and treats others & it is disgusting.


It happens most often with those who've spent a lifetime stepping on others. This is him exactly!!!!!




Well I am glad that I am not thin skinned, and am justified in being upset. He really is just a sad, nasty old man.


Your best revenge is living an amazing life and not letting his pettiness upset you.

It's his misery, don't be a sponge for it. That's his new wife's job

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Your best revenge is living an amazing life and not letting his pettiness upset you.

It's his misery, don't be a sponge for it. That's his new wife's job


Hahah, if he ever finds a new wife!!!! who would want to live with that misery??


I joined Eharmony & the second day I was matched with him. Promptly cancelled my membership

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