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Back and Chest


Pull-ups 1X10, 2X8

Dumbbell pullovers (flat bench) 5X10

Lat pulldowns Ascending weight. 2 warmpup sets of eight reps apiece, three working sets of 5 reps apiece

Iso-lateral decline bench presses 3X8

One-arm dumbbell rows 3X8

Butterflies (aka Pec Deck) 3X10 ascending weight

Seated cable rows (close grip) 3X10


Two part chest cooldowns at light weight

Decline dumbbell presses (2X15)

Chest machine pressed (2X15)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I weighed in at a feathery 179.3 at 6 ft 3.5 inches tall. On a day when I went out to lunch with a buddy anhd had a mini pizza and jalapeno poppers. Not really sure how I'm that light, but I feel great.


Chest and Part 2 of Arms (Also did some arms Tues)


Iso lateral decline presses 4X8 (206 lbs)

Pec flyes (machine) 4X10 (140 lbs)

Seated incline dumbbell curls 4X10 (25 lbs each arm)

Seated dumbbell skull crushers 4X10 (55lbs)

Dumbbell pullovers (50lbs)

Dumbbell chest presses (on flat bench) (50 lbs each arm)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Legs and abs


Prone leg curls...warmup set at 100 lbs for ten reps, then 3X10 at 110.

Plate-loaded leg press... 4X10 at 440 (including the starting weight)

Leg extensions 5X10 at 50 lbs

Standing dumbbell calf raises...5X10 at 60 lbs in each hand, hold for a three-count each rep

Roman chair straight leg raises (3X10)

Toe presses on the leg press machine...3X10 at 250 lbs, hold for a three-count each rep

Eagke ab crunch mahine...5X10 at 130 lbs

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^^ You want to kill you quads and I want to kill my calves.


Shoulders/arms /calves


Dumbbell skull crushers 4X10

Standing bicep cable curls 4X10 one second pause at top of motion each rep

Machine shoulder presses, neutral grip 3X10

Standing dumbbel calf raises 4X10, hold for three-count each rep

Seated bicep curls machine 3X10

Seated toe presses on leg press machine 4X10, hold for three-count each rep

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Shoulders/Arms/Dang, I forgot to do calves


Neutral grip shoulder presses 2X12 (lower seat) and 2X8 (higher seat)

Seated dumbbell skull crushers 4X8

Standing cable bicep curls (curl bar attached, pulley set closest to the floor, movement to the neck, hold for one-count per rep) 4X10

Standing dumbbell side lateral raises 4X10

Standing cable tricep pushdowns (triangle handle, pulley set closest to the cieling) 3X15

Seated one-armed dumbbell preacher curls 2X10

Rear delt flyes (pec fly machine) 3X10

Seated one-armed concentration curls 2X10

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Back and Chest with a Calves movement


Mixed it up tonight, because Arnold says it's good for you.


Pullups (1X10, 2 X 8 )

Close-Grip Lat Pulldowns with the V Handle 5X10 (Heavy sets of 10 X 3, deload by 10 lbs on each of the last two sets)

Iso-Lateral Horizontal bench presses 3X8

Dumbbell pec flyes 5X8

Standing dumbbell calf raises 5X8

One-arm dummbell rows 5X8 on each side

Dumbbell pullovers (5X8 )

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Played about 45 minutes of knockout shooting from the top of the key three point line and then about seven or eight feet back from that for a couple of games.


So exhausting. About an hour and a half after lunch I weighed 178.9 lbs and was down to 10.26 percent body fat according to the machine at work (not sure how accurate is)

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Deadlifts and Legs


Barbell deadlifts: 1 warmup set of 5, add 40 lbs, 1 set of 3, add 5 pounds, 1 set of 3, back down to warmup weight for a set of 5.

Seated leg curls: 5X10

45 degree plate-loaded leg presses: 5X5 heavy weight

Seated leg extensions 3X15 light weight

Standing dumbbell calf raises 5X10

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Abs, shoulders, arms


Seated straight-arm ab cunches (machine) 5X10

Two-handed cable tricep pushdowns 5X10

Seated two-arm incline dumbbell curls 3X10 at heavy weight, 1X10 at 5 lbs lighter, 1X10 at 5 lbs lighter

Seated Arnold dumbbell presses 3X10 at heavier weight, 2X10 five pounds lighter

Roman chair straight leg raises 3X15

Leg press cable machine toe presses 4X10, hold for 5 count each rep

Light weight bicep cable curls 2X15

Neutral grip shoulder presses (machine) 3X8

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Back and Chest


Wide grip seated cable rows 5 X 10

Two arm dumbbell bench presses 3 X 8 heavy. Drop five pounds for 1 X 8, drop five pounds for 1 X 8

Lat pulldowns 3 X 8 heavy. Drop 20 lbs for 2 X 8

Pec flyes (machine) 3 X 10 heavy. Drop 20 lbs for 2 X 8

Wide grip chin-ups 1 X 8.

Pull-ups 1 X 5. Was smoked and the area was getting crowded, so...

Close-grip lat pulldowns with the V-bar 3 X 10

Dumbbell pullovers 3 X 8 heavy. Drop 5 lbs for 2 X 8

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Seated Arnold dumbbell presses: 5 X 8

Standing cable tricep pushdowns with triangle bar: 5 X 10

Single arm dumbbell preacher curls: Heavy sets of 8 reps, 5lbs lighter for 10, 5 lbs ligter for 12

Alternating two movements: Standing single arm dumbbell front raises for a set, followed by a set of standing dumbbell lateral raises 3 X 8 for each

Superset: 3 X 8 Dumbbell hammer curls de-loading by 5 lbs on set two and another 5 lbs on set 3. Supersetted with bicep machine curls de-loading by 10 lbs on set 2 and 10 more on set 3

Toe presses on the 45 degree leg press 5 X 10

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Abs and Legs


5 X 10 Straight-arm seated machine crunches

5 X 10 Toe presses on leg press machine (first set was a 10 lbs lighter warmup, hold for five count per rep)

4 X 10 Prone leg curls machine

3 X 15 Leg presses on plate-loaded 45 degree leg press machine

3 X 10 Straight leg Roman chair leg raises

5 X 10 Leg extensions (machine)

2 X 10 Toe presses on the 45 degree leg press machine

3 X 8 Barbell deadlifts

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