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8 months and still casual…leave or stay?


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This is a pic of the canoli. The store bought is always such as a disappointment as is tiramisu. I see the winery is doing salami making classes - YUK YUK YUK. Italians from some parts get very excited with that sausage making festival as there is partying which goes with it.

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This is a pic of the canoli. The store bought is always such as a disappointment as is tiramisu. I see the winery is doing salami making classes - YUK YUK YUK. Italians from some parts get very excited with that sausage making festival as there is partying which goes with it.



I think I've had my share of an eight-month sausage party for now.


Wow..it's only 80 bucks to take a cannoli class????


This is great!! Maybe I can do both if I'm in Europe already.


Thanks for the distraction!! I woke up very depressed again about my situation, but there are many many things to look forward to.

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Love the website you posted for Mimi Thorisson! What a beautiful picture she paints of her life with friends, family and food, and her photos are so inviting and warm. Reminded me of a book I adore called "Life is Meals". Posting the link for you thinking you might enjoy it as well! link removed

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The photos and ideas just keep getting more spectacular Sophie! I hadn't seen the stove, but when I saw the lively tiled floors, ai thought, "That's what I want in my home!" Im going to be finally buying my own home this year, and whilst my current rental is very suitable for me and in a great position, I really don't like the stove which is electric.


The magnolias as part of the table setting make it look very special, and the blue plate has got me going to be on the lookout for more pieces of something I already have.


Re the cooking classes, here and there at the surrounding wineries in this state are cooking classes. I live near one of the most renowned wineries in the country. When the weather warms up, I will go cycling there - in fact, I think I will get myself a good vintage bike, basket and all. I will post a link to All Saints Winery near me. You will like it.

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The Photos on the website don't do it justice - it's one of my favourite places. The family own another vineyard and winery down the road from All Saints and they sometimes have joint events. There are heaps of wineries there and also Olive oil plantations, some with cafes which also sell locally produced fine foods.


Are they caramelised strawberries in the photo? I used to enjoy making and eating the (with vanilla icecream)


I really like the idea of the kitchen being the heart of the home - I will make a large eat in kitchen, hopefully with some of the warmth and creativity of your pics.

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Hey SB - I actually read some of the entries on Mimi's site - kept thinking how lucky her (seven!) kids are to grow up in such a beautiful place around an amazing bounty of food. Didn't know those were magnolias though - for some reason I thought they were orchids. Hah!


Are you in Australia? The Marlborough region in your neighboring New Zealand has the BEST Sauvignon Blanc in the world (in my opinion.) I am near this area (where they filmed the movie "Sideways") - link removed. Absolutely gorgeous as well!

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That's spectacular Sophie. I travelled and worked in NZ for 6 months a long time ago, and seriously wanted to move there but I didn't want to be so far from family. I can't recall where your part is - is that South Island?


Lol Naomi, I'm daft - just got your pun of the "8 month sausage party"

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Hey SB - I actually read some of the entries on Mimi's site - kept thinking how lucky her (seven!) kids are to grow up in such a beautiful place around an amazing bounty of food. Didn't know those were magnolias though - for some reason I thought they were orchids. Hah!


Are you in Australia? The Marlborough region in your neighboring New Zealand has the BEST Sauvignon Blanc in the world (in my opinion.) I am near this area (where they filmed the movie "Sideways") - link removed. Absolutely gorgeous as well!


Haha, no, Sideways was shot in the Santa Barbara, CA region. (Unless there was another remake of Sideways.)


But I agree, the Sauvignon Blanc from Marlbourough is the best!

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Naomi, I would be thrilled as I am sure others would be if you start up a journal of your planned trip and ideas on cooking and photos links as has been shared. The ending of this relationship I would say could be the catalyst for much greater things in your life. I'm off to All Saints now for a cycle. Thanks for inspiring me!

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Actually, there really isn't a difference. Because I said no, I'm moving on too, as soon as the doctor stated he couldn't provide anything more serious. I did it within one week after our talk. We just got to enjoy eight months of, ahem, exercise beforehand.

Yes, there is a difference. (in the timing) But I'll concede because you are not playing a victim and you made me lol (literally).

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I can't recall where your part is - is that South Island?


Annie is correct - the area is wine country north of Santa Barbara in California. Naomi - what do you think of SB's idea to start a new journal of new beginnings to include cooking and wine and travel, etc? Just a thought... seems like there are a lot of folks here inspired by that as well!

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You have the wrong idea. Getting into a relationship is not something like getting struck by lighting - implying you are the innocent bystander that just lets things randomly happen to you. State what you are looking for instead of becoming smitten with Tom or Harry and then being disappointed when you were sure they were looking for a girlfriend and they are not. And then end up in emotional turmoil. Rather, getting into a relationship happens due to a series of conscious choices that we make. We screen people to decide who to go on that third or fourth date with and who to cut loose. It is actually very easy to bring up the heavy stuff. "So, what's your story - do you have kids? Oh, one who is 30 and is a lawyer? you must be so proud. I don't have kids, and at the age I am at, I don't wish to have a child." "Married twice? I am divorced myself. I don't see myself getting married again, but I would like to have a relationship with the right someone.


Okay - then guy who is hoping for a kid can have a nice meal with you and good conversation but not ask you out again and the guy who is really wanting to walk down the aisle with wife #3 and is looking for a good stepmom to his kids will go out a few times seeing if you are really for real on that opinion and then cut bait and meet his future Mrs.


Think of yourself as an awesome, valuable commodity who is good enough to not have to settle.


Yes, you did waste time with the doctor only for the reason that you didn't speak up as to what you wanted. You were not happy in the relationship.You wanted to feel more desired. You could have found out what he wanted earlier and either been content in knowing and decided to continue just casually seeing eachother and meeting for sex or break it off and find a serious boyfriend before you were so in one sided love with him.

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I'm not sure that it was only about sex - Naomi said they hung out when she had a personal reason for not being sexual active. I do understand where OP is coming from, and aid say she was prepared to see where things went, she doesn't regret the time she had, but she's acknowledged that it's time for her to move on.

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Naomi, I had a lovely day and did get to that winery where I bought some fine foods and got a great book which is a guide to wineries, restuarants and cafes in the region which extends quite a long way. I found out about a place not far away where they have chocolate truffle-making classes, and Im going to look into that. I bought a bottle of Sicilian Blood Orange which Ive tried with lemonade, some dukha which I have sampled and some seasoning. I saw so many things Id like to try. The store owner chatted with me a while as it was so quiet due to the bad weather so she told me some other places to try for special ingredients and food.

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I still think saying "I want a relationship!" on the first date is like saying "I want to be struck by lightning!" It'll happen when it happens.
You don't say "I want a relationship" you say, "I'm dating with the goal to an exclusive relationship, what is your end goal?" If you tell someone on the first date "I want a relationship" it would scare most people away so I can see why you don't want to reveal your goal if you thought that was the way you had to do it.


I'm not sure that it was only about sex - Naomi said they hung out when she had a personal reason for not being sexual active. I do understand where OP is coming from, and aid say she was prepared to see where things went, she doesn't regret the time she had, but she's acknowledged that it's time for her to move on.


It might have been more then just sex but it was not as much as what Naomi wants. Which I think is the end point of "Abitbroken's" post.

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Yes, you did waste time with the doctor only for the reason that you didn't speak up as to what you wanted.

I didn't know what I wanted. I was enjoying my time getting to know him instead of being troubled with statuses and definitions.


You were not happy in the relationship.You wanted to feel more desired. You could have found out what he wanted earlier and either been content in knowing and decided to continue just casually seeing eachother and meeting for sex or break it off and find a serious boyfriend before you were so in one sided love with him.


I didn't waste my time. What time is there to be wasted? I don't care to be married, I don't care to have a baby.


Once I became vexed about being stuck in a long-term casual relationship, I posted here.


Two weeks later, I asked him.


Five days after, I ended it.


How's that for execution?


I would have been wasting my time had I let it continue past "the talk" because that's when my goal was defined more clearly in my mind and I clearly would be settling after that point.

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I do not like this journal thing, BTW. And it was not my idea to change the location.


You might send a private message (PM) to a moderator (mod) about it. For long threads, mods will often either close the thread or move it to the journal section.


The upside is that at least it's still going and not closed.

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