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8 months and still casual…leave or stay?


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Naomi, I can assure you he is a loner. It jumped out after your very first posts. Nothing wrong, I say, with being a loner, and he has at least made it clear to you that is what he is. It would be worse if he was the type who strings along women under false pretences.

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You just need to understand yourself 100% and if you can't handle keeping your emotions out of it then you end it and you go cold turkey withdrawl, zero contact so you rehab from him.


Strangely enough, I feel kind of indifferent. But I know myself..the emotions and the crying will start soon enough.


I wanted to slap him when he told me to go date other men just three minutes after we played hide-the-salami.

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Now the ball is in your court - can you handle someone you can "come home to," can you continue counseling, etc, to move through your commitment issues so that you can meet someone like that? That is your next assignment!


Agreed. I had someone to come home to for 10 years and wasn't really thrilled/happy with that situation.

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I think you handled it really well, as well. .

I think you knew this all along but was afraid to get it in writing because then you would have to act on it.

With some distance you will be thankful for the outcome.



""He said, "How about we take a break? After you find a boyfriend, we can hang out again?""'

This part concerned me. Is he suggesting a side piece as well?

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I didn't feel that conversation felt finished. Is it finished? Hard to tell.


Yay! Your a free agent. Please don't go back to him.


I don't know what else needs to be said. I was supposed to decide if I wanted something more serious, to let him know.

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""He said, "How about we take a break? After you find a boyfriend, we can hang out again?""'

This part concerned me. Is he suggesting a side piece as well?


I don't think so. Because in the beginning he said we are sexually exclusive. And if one of us decides to sleep with someone else, we have to tell the other person. He is pretty much monogamous without the committal piece. That's why I don't think he is suggesting that he would be a side piece.

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Don't even go there....


huh? Last night I asked him if he was sleeping with someone else, and he said no but if he was he would tell me, and we'd stop sleeping together.


That's how I know he wasn't insinuating a "side piece" if after I found a BF. He is monogamous (but noncommittal.)

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Just a bit perplexed, Naomi. This is the end of the road with this man. Yes? Nothing further to be said, really.


If however you want to continue seeing him on HIS terms (no commitment, not a lot of emotion, a loner etc.) then only you can decide that.

I had understood you would like to meet someone with more of an interest in a long-term relationship/partnership.

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Why would he want to be your friend, once you find a new boyfriend? He is deluded.


I think he knows deep down you will go back. I know you will go back.


You know what? I was taken aback at how much he kept trying to weasel in the topic of "friends" in that whole conversation. I think he is deluded too. There is no way in hell we can be in the same room, alone, as friends watching TV without some type of physical affection. He is extremely cuddly and I'm really affectionate.


Friends while I'm trying to find a BF. Friends while I have a BF. Friends while I'm dating around.


What the hell is he thinking?

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Never mind, Naomi, what he is thinking. What are you thinking?


He has told you in no uncertain terms he cannot offer you anything more. No commitment, no anything.

However, while you dither he will be smiling to himself knowing that you will go back for more of the same.....

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You know what? I was taken aback at how much he kept trying to weasel in the topic of "friends" in that whole conversation. I think he is deluded too. There is no way in hell we can be in the same room, alone, as friends watching TV without some type of physical affection. He is extremely cuddly and I'm really affectionate.


Friends while I'm trying to find a BF. Friends while I have a BF. Friends while I'm dating around.


What the hell is he thinking?


I guess it's not too far off of a question considering that you had agreed to his loosely defined terms up to this point.

At least from his point of view.

But no. . you can't be his friend and move on at the same time.

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Just a bit perplexed, Naomi. This is the end of the road with this man. Yes? Nothing further to be said, really.


If however you want to continue seeing him on HIS terms (no commitment, not a lot of emotion, a loner etc.) then only you can decide that.

I had understood you would like to meet someone with more of an interest in a long-term relationship/partnership.


Of course….


I think there was a miscommunication. I didn't type out the full explanation. Someone asked me if he was suggesting a "side piece" after I had found a boyfriend, and I said I don't think he is capable of "side pieces" because if he was pretty adamant about "you need to tell me if you're sleeping with someone else so we can stop having sex," then I doubt he was alluding to having sex with me on the side if I found someone else. That's all. No, I didn't mean I was going to continue on with him.

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He is desperately trying to keep you in his life, by offering friendship (as he can't offer it any other way), as his means to keep you. He can't phrase it any other way.


But I don't think your strong enough to say no. I think if this was to end, it would have to come from him, as then it would be final.


Give him a few days and he'll come sniffing around to see where your at. That conversation was no where near finished.

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He is desperately trying to keep you in his life, by offering friendship (as he can't offer it any other way), as his means to keep you. He can't phrase it any other way.


But I don't think your strong enough to say no. I think if this was to end, it would have to come from him, as then it would be final.


Give him a few days and he'll come sniffing around to see where your at. That conversation was no where near finished.


For real?


Why do you say that?


I felt like convo was finished.

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Where did it say on your end "This is over, I think it's best we do not see/contact each other again"


All you kept saying was "I'll let you know".


The conversation last night was not to end it. It was to find out where we are at.

Anyway as you can all tell, I do not make hasty decisions. I think about them, consult you guys, and then execute.

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Dear girl. You already knew (heart of hearts) where you were at, or not at.

And IMO this is one time where a hasty decision might be a good idea.


I am getting the sensation that you are hooked on this man, even if he is a loner and does not want commitment of any kind.

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Dear girl. You already knew (heart of hearts) where you were at, or not at.

And IMO this is one time where a hasty decision might be a good idea.


I am getting the sensation that you are hooked on this man, even if he is a loner and does not want commitment of any kind.


Well, nothing has happened yet, as this "talk" just happened a few hours ago.


I can still decide never to see him.

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