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Woman soul

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I like everyone else am not perfect and even though I don't feel like I deserve many of the things life throws at me I also do deserve at least half of them.... I would like to learn how to calm my anxiety how to control my feelings wether is sadness or anger how to be less controlling towards my current boyfriend and just how to become someone better... I do feel like if I let my personal feelings control me and sometimes I lash out in a way I shouldn't verbally only.... I want to know if anyone has experienced this and if there is anything I can do.... To not cry not think of bad things and not get mad and react without thinking first...

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Well I think all you need to do is "STOP CONCENTRATING ON NEGATIVE THINGS AND START CONCENTRATING ON POSITIVE THINGS" try exercise everyday it proved that it will help or try to do yoga. You can read inspirational books or talk to someone who understands you like friends, family etc. if you have brother or sister who would listen you or understands you, talk to them. it will sure help you.

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