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Ex refuses to give me back my things

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Got back with ex officially around Feb. Things ended on a really bad note two days ago.


He tells me he's pissed and will be blocking me for awhile, doesn't want to see me.

I block him too, and after two days (I was expecting a lot longer) he says he wanted to meet today.


I told him to bring my things, but when I saw him today, he tries to get me to have coffee with him. Says I misunderstood things, refuses my assertation that things are finished. I told him I had nothing to say that we'd discuss it when he brings my things. So for over an hour, he chases me around town while I try unsuccessfully to walk off. That was fun-being stared at in public. I tell him repeatedly to leave me alone, he doesn't respect my wishes and looked amused.


In the end I told him we had to sit somewhere so he can just tell me what he wanted to say. He tells me the same bs, about him caring about me, then tells me he's going to leave now and will wait for me to contact him when I'm ready to talk. He then emotionally shuts down and walks off. Keep in mind, I kept telling him there was nothing to talk about. That I just wanted my things back.


What should I do? He's essentially keeping my stuff hostage. I feel so hurt, he's taken advantage of me enough. Why can't he just do the right thing.


I've blocked him on everything again. But I really do need that item back. It was a gift from my mother, has sentimental value and was pricey.

He's trying to hold the power and I won't stand for it. I am finally walking away completely. I love this man, but I can't let him destroy my heart even more, I won't be able to handle it.

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