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Longfelt sorrow

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Hey all,


Been a while since I posted in this section. Gosh one day I wish I could be happily in love enough to not have to post here haha. Anyway, I'm not sure if I'm posting for advice or venting, maybe both.


Things have just been so heavy lately. I had a relationship end a while back that got complicated and although he turned out to be a selfish jerk, I guess I had just developed strong feelings for him. Our last contact was three months ago but I guess we were over prob 5 months before that. Anyway there was just something about him, so much game and charisma and I loved his style/vibe. We had so much in common and I felt we got each other. It ended because I guess he just never felt that spark with me, admittedly I made some mistakes and probably ruined it, but he wasn't without fault either. I do want him back and I wish he would come back, but I know it's over. In some ways, it's like being with him changed me, because everything and everyone else just doesn't taste as sweet as with him. Once you have Godiva, who wants Hershey's? Silly example, but you catch my drift.


Anyway, that's fine and all, I've dated several after him, made new friends, traveled, picked up hobbies etc. I will even be switching jobs and cities in a few months to get a new perspective.


It's just..despite all that, I don't know if I'm just not over him or if it's something else. But everything feels so blah and boring. There is no excitement in anything for me. I don't know, the days just run together and everything feels so blah. I just find fault with everyone, no guy seems exciting, even though they are all probably nice guys and I'm sure would offer me a great future. I don't know how to explain the feeling. I just don't enjoy anything anymore. It all feels like a drag. Even hanging out with friends and fam, nothing seems exciting. I go out and do it anyway, I'm not sure I'm explaining this well, but hopefully someone has felt similar.


If I had to guess, most of you all will say give it time, it will get better, do new things, and you will meet someone else eventually. It just all sounds so blah at the moment. 😔 I don't mean that in an ungrateful way because I have so much to be thankful for and I value the advice, I just want to feel differently and feel joy/excitement or something. I think I'm not making sense thanks everyone

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I totally understand your feelings. Its like word for word what Im going thru so Im shocked to come accross your thread now. I cant offer much advice since Im going thru it too . I broke up with my ex 3 months ago and can relate to that blah feeling and no interest in other guys or anyything... Im posting in your thread to say I understand u. !! U did explain it great. Hopefully someone can offer good advice here to your thread. Chin up.

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