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When you die

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I think there is an afterlife. My uncle recently died of lung cancer. Before he died, he had a surgery that went wrong. He died for several minutes. He came back to us for a few more months. He told everyone about how he felt peaceful and happy. He was on a sandy beach and just felt at peace.

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This is a cool website I found in which people discuss their near death experiences. I'll admit I'm not the most religious person whoever I do believe when we die our conscious/soul has to go somewhere and that all our memories and being can't disappear into nothingness.


From a religious view when we die our souls go to heaven/hell.


From a non-religious scientific standpoint I think that it's possible that when we die our brain waves continue to live on and in a sense we may become in essense pure energy. Yes sounds insane and something out of Star Trek etc. but when I was reading through the descriptions of those w/NDE (near death experiences) a lot of people often stated that after dying, rather nearly dying, they had an out of body experience and then reported being wisked through space (a la the warping scene in Stargate, maybe similar to the movie Contact) towards a bright light in which at the end they did indeed meet a being which some described as Jesus and others as angles. Of course this non-religious still ties into the religious view IMO since you still are talking about being wisked into the heavens (stars) upon death.


Okay it's bed time..I don't think I made any sense with this last paragraph at all Sorry I just got off of work after working the 5pm-3am shift.

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One more thing to add from the website. It's interesting to note that atheists, gays, and those of all different religions still noted and described similar things when having their NDE's. Kinda of interesting as if these events were to be true, then questions would arise about the whole traditional "hell and damnation" for those who aren't the follows of whatever religion is supposed to be the 1 true religion. Of course not trying to start that argument here but still found that to be an interesting observation.

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Well... my last final in college asked me for a philisophical proof that there is an afterlife. You can't really prove anything 100%, but it is quite a comforting argument, and it came at a time when my grandfather had just passed away. I'll spare you two and a half page essay full of religious and philisophical jargon that will confuse the heck out of everyone. However, my professor is a very interesting and brilliant man and his arguments which verify the existence of God and that our story does not end when we die. Notice that I said verify, not prove, because you really can't show physical proof.


However, I hold a B.A. in religious studies, and I do not believe that faith and science contradict one another. In fact, they really go hand in hand... when studied from the method that we used of course (historical-critical). But I digress.


I believe that our stories are not meant to end when our physical bodies die. While I hesitate to call it heaven, and I don't really believe in hell (definitely not the firely pit where devils live), I do believe that we are reunited in some way with those we love and care about. Perhaps we all join the life force of the universe, maybe we are reincarnated, or maybe our spiritual beings reside in a place with God. To be honest, I am not sure of the specifics, and I never really will be. All I know is that I feel too connected to the life force of the universe to really believe that my story will just end one day. I've read, heard, studied, and seen too much to believe that this is all there is to humanity.

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Just wanna know.. are you a Christian? Do you believe in the Bible?


Have you read the verses where it was recorded when God talked to Adam after he and his wife sinned? God said, that because of that rebellious thing they did, he'll die and when he die, he'll be back to dust coz out of it he was taken.

Another verse said that a person, the moment he died, his thoughts would be gone.

Another verse said that a person living knew that he'll die but a dead person knows nothing. (I just forgot the verses.. i'll send them to you next time.. I don't have my Bible here with me now)..

So that simple.. when we died.. we will be back to dust and our thoughts would be gone..

If you "study" not just read the bible.. you find nothing that tells that people, when they died they'll go either to heaven or hell..

Make a research.. and you'll prove me right..


This is a long discussion but I would welcome questions..

Just send me private message..



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i believe that after we die, we go to either Heaven or hell. my definitions tend to be loose when definiting these two places, but i basically believe heaven will be nice, hell will not be. if you accept god's love into your heart and do your best to live for him, i believe heaven awaits. but that's just me. i feel that is right within my heart. if you want to read more, check out


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take care, i'm always here to talk


although, i don't think anyone should take their life to get to heaven, i don't think it works that way.

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Your brainwaves need a medium (ie. a brain ) to survive. So they couldn't really leave your body and become one with the universe.


I mean you are eminating waves from your brain all the time. Are they becoeming part of the universe already? They just dissipate.


Brainwaves are just sort of a product of the functioning of your brain. They are not the brain itself. Once the brain stops functioning (due to lack of blood, oxygen etc.) it stops producing waves.



You can't prove anything 100% (except in mathematics where a proof is not accepted unless it is 100%) so it may be that the universe is some kind of illusion and that we go somewhere else after we die. We can't know for sure, there is no real evidence supporting any afterlife theory. Even the theory that everything goes black and its over.


Personally, I don't care if there is or isn't an afterlife. If there is then that is cool! but if there isn't then I will not be around to realize it! Do you get my point? Its not like you have to lie there staring at darkness for eternity! Either their is an afterlife and you are their to experience it or their isn't one and you are not around to know that there isn't one.


I am not afraid of dying I am only afraid of how I will die. If, without any warning, I suddenly died right now I wouldn't care! Because either I wouldn't be around any longer to care, or I would be in heaven! You can't lose!!


Another thing I think is that the Earth is like a giant organism and I am just a part of it, like a cell in the human body. When I die it is not all that important because the Earth still lives on.


I said above that I am only afraid of how I might die. Like, for example, I think being deep fried would probably be one of the worst ways!

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As for the first repley, im wrighting this to find out other views people have about death. It seems death is always sad event for the loved ones. Mostly because they will realize that they never spent any time with the one that has died, because they had too much to do. Anywhy,

I chose not to declare a religion, and i hate to say this but i feel that the church is hiding facts from the general people. Yes, i do believe in God, i just wish that the religious powers would tell the whole truth about our history. If only i could sit down and have a conservation with the pope, the would be sweet. As for me not choseing a religion i think that it doesn't matter if you attend church all the time, but just as long as you have faith and never dought, you will be fine.


Yea, but if you lie there looking into a empty space technially that would be considered as an afterlife, a very boring one but one non-the-less.


Im not afraid of death, i do believe in an after life , the few seconds of pain befor i die can't measure up to the feeling of being at total peace. I just hope that i make an imprint on this Earth that people will follow.

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It's a question none of us can answer until we die. Which is why I say, does it matter? Or is it our life here and now on earth that is what we should be thinking about? From what I hear from others, there seem to be three basic trains of thought. The first is some sort of heaven/hell idea, although there are variations and differing views on what these places are. In general, heaven is for the good people who have lived good lives and done what is right. Hell is for those who do evil, sinful things. Obviously, we would want to go to heaven since its suppose to be perfection and paradise. So we should do good with our lives.


Then their is the idea of reincarnation. From my understanding, the better life you live then you will be reincarnated into a higher lifeform. So you want to be good and do the right things. Or, there is nothing after death. So, wouldn't you want to make this life as close to heaven as you can?


There are probably ideas out there that don't fit these three, but I think you'll find that the answer is irrelevant. In the end, it is how we live in this world that matters. Why wait for heaven, when you can have it now?

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