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so confused... help


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So here it is, im 31 yrs old and currently using my GI Bill to go back to school. i met this girl a couple of months ago and since then it was the best relationship ive had to date. we both clicked on so many levels, could go a couple of hours with out her calling me. then that all changed at the beginning of the month.she moved and her life became very busy also, we had sex and well Im a bit larger than what she was used to and it ended up hurting her it was intentional but she then pulled back very hard and told me we needed to slow down with sex until she could get used to it. but that same weekend she just ignored me for 2 days not responding to my texts or calls. so that monday we start talking again and she said she was to busy and to just relax everything is fine... but a few days later the same thing is happening she just ignores me all weekend when we both have off work. and then last week when she still told me she loved me and everything was fine. we had lunch on a thursday, i thought i would be nice then sent her flowers that same day. i didn't hear from her the entire rest of the day and she then text me to tell me we had to break up. since then its been very limited contact, she went on to tell me that she was pregnant from before we started dating and that we couldnt talk anymore because she couldn't offer me more than a friendship. it just doesn't make sense at all and im still very confused from everything that has happened.

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Well...if she is pregnant from before she met you than she has an ex in her very recent past.

I doubt the child could be yours since you only had sex once and it didn't work so well (assuming you used a condom). So...you were a rebound guy and she has gone back to the ex.


There really isn't much you can do.

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