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Why am I such a hypocrit!


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I cant stand it =/.


I help all these people by listening to their problems and then giving my advice but cant even take my own or other peoples advice!


I give so much credit to those that I have helped and actually took my advice but hate myself for not being able to do the same for myself =/.


Why dont I have enough will of my own to change it's so frustrating

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Haven't you ever heard that saying?


"Take my advice, Im not using it!"


This is definitely not uncommon. It's easy to look at other peoples' situations objectively because you have no emotional involvement. With yourself, obviously that's going to be different. I don't think there are many people out there that ask themselves for advice, otherwise we wouldn't have wonderful sites like this in existence and thriving.


Don't worry, this is not unusual at all!

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yah but the funny thing is I want to change but I'm too affraid to because of my past. I mean I know I will have to one day but it's probably just randomly gonna happen. I wish I could just say ok tomorrow I'm gonna change and bam change LoL.


Not saying that I'm not happy alone, I got quite good at entertaining myself over the years, but I know I could fit in with other people cause I have so many interests but I just stray away when the oppertunity comes cause I always end up getting hurt.

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Well, unfortunately change doesn't usually happen overnight. But you definitely don't want to go through life living in constant fear that you're going to get hurt. It's always a risk, once you care about something or someone, yes, it does have the potential to hurt you. However, the benefits far outweigh the risks.


Take baby steps. Pick one day a week that you're going to go out somewhere where there's other people. Even if it's just a book store. The more familiar it becomes to you, the easier it will be.


Hang in there. It will take time and patience, but you don't have to be alone. You can find other people who will entertain you!

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Another thing my best buddy is such a posotive guy but he's also 3 years younger then me. He keeps trying to tell me to be more posotive like it's so easy.


Everytime I tell him that it's not that easy to just be confident after not having it for my entire life and he gets all upset and theres always alot of tension. I'm just affraid he's going to turn his back on me one day like everyone else has. I wouldnt blame him though if he did cause I know it must be hard to be around someone who always thinks so negatively =/.

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Here's another saying: Do as I say, not as I do.


I know how you feel. Sometimes I wish I could just follow my own advice more, but it's not as easy as it seems. People are their own worst critics and can easily fall into a cycle of doing things they wish they hadn't, or not doing things they wished they did. It's hard to break out of that cycle. Keep telling yourself you can do it, even if it means thinking in your head, "I think I can. I think I can" over and over. Even better, "I KNOW I can." Take baby steps to build up your confidence. View it as a personal battle between yourself and your fears. Get your competitive side going and don't let that fear anywhere near the endzone.

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