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help..mostly girls advice needed


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this girl i really like is going out with this other guy who goes to another school which is like 20 miles away and they see each other like maybe once every two weeks..and well we have become pretty good friends..and im starting to like her alot..i think about her all the time and i guess the question i really am asking is how would i be able to ask her out..what should i tell her..not trying to sound rude towards her bf or anything..just what can i do or say

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Well, if she already has a boyfriend, then you can't really ask her out, can you? If she says yes, she's not a very loyal girlfriend...so keep that in mind. Has she said she wants to break up with him, or are you hoping she'll ditch him for you?

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Yeah, if she has a boyfriend then you have to respect that and can't ask her out. Keep talking to her and being her friend. Should she break up with her boyfriend some day, she may realize what a good friend you have been and begin to notice you. But until their relationship ends, you unfortunately have to wait your turn.

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I agree you should respect that she has a bf but that does not mean you have to swallow all your feelings. Especially when you are already friends with her. I would tell her things like: "I hope to once have a girl such as you as my gf", "I like spending time with you", "your bf is a very lucky guy" etc. Not all at once but drop such a line in your conversations now and then and see how she reacts. It might help her think of you as a bf rather than just a friend, and then I guess it depends on how strong the relationship with her bf is to see what happens next.

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in answer to espirit yeah its sorta mean but i was hoping she would ditch him for me its just that she barely sees him at all and i think that maybe i should show her that i would maybe be a better bf than he could be and well the biggest problem is no matter what i do i cant get her out of my head..i start looking for other people but no one else comes close to what i see in her...because rite now she is trying to make a long distance relationship work...and well i would think she mite rather have someone she could frequently see

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