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Vicious Cycle


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Been married over 10 long years,things seem to be getting worse. We've had our outs,where she'd kick me out for just a day...most recently I finally couldn't take it and left for 3 months. I came back with some conditions and she seems to be getting worse...worse part is the psychology of it is getting worse. A true victim mentality...she'll start with me on something,I react,then she cries that I'm being 'mean'. How childish is that? And we've argued to no end on this and just can't seem to get it together. Then when I go to leave,she cries that I'm screwing her over by leaving,so I feel guilty for leaving. But then I come back and it's the same mindf*ck! I really think she's insane...but then when I say that she just deflects it back to be and says the same thing!

What can I do?....

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We've considered counseling,but honestly I don't think she wants solutions...she just wants dominance over me. I said someone should film us so people can see how ridiculous she's being,but of course she shoots back yeah so they can see how mean you are to me...again totally missing the part where she instigated the damn thing in the first place. And so on ad nauseum til we can't take it anymore and just get angrier and more resentful...oh that's just me according to her,she's just an innocent angel^

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Are there reasons why you don't want to get a divorce? Sounds like emotional blackmail. If she refuses counseling then you may be right that the melodrama is, for her, an end in itself. This may just be the nature of her personality, and it may be doubtful that she will ever change. So perhaps consider consulting a divorce lawyer.

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