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Starting To Feel Alittle Intimidated By Guy I'm Dating


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How do you get passed feelings of intimidation? We've been spending time getting to know each other and he continues to take me to great places. He seems thoughtful and puts in effort. Has become a lot more affectionate as well.


Last time he talked about his job in a lot more detail, and I began to realise just how ahead of the game he was. He's a mid 20's guy, that's in one of top law firms in the country, going to get a second book published eventually, is very talented artistically and just told me he's getting a payrise. Not to mention he's very well rounded and is physically attractive.


The last 3 years, I've dated successful guys, and my ex is very successful too...But don't know why with this guy I suddenly feel really in over my head. Especially since I very recently quit my job.


This guy continues to spend whole days with me, texts me long texts and moves really slow. It wasn't a big deal before, but now I feel differently.


How should I handle this?

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Try to forget about what he does, and get to know him for who he is on the inside. The girl I am dating should be way out of my league, but she still went on dates with me, had a good time, and she said "yes" when I asked her to be my gf. So, I was in the same kind of situation. What I did was just pretend like she didn't matter so much, which allowed me to get to know her for who she is. Turns out, she's even more beautiful on the inside. But, now that I see her like that, I am much more comfortable around her and don't have any problems. Share, talk, and learn about him. Don't rush things, try not to think about his status, and eventually you will be fine.

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