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Does this guy like me?


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Hi guys,


I'm sort of new to this forum, and I don't post much. I'm hoping to get a few opinions on this post.


It's about a guy. I've known him for about a year but we dont see eachother very often. I've spoken to this guy a few times and whenever I see him I get this hunch feeling that he kinda likes me, but I'm also very unsure.


When I drop by, he often has a very big bright smile and he often looks at me from a distance. I've caught him deliberetely and very openly just staring at me while I and mutual friends were just hanging out. This one time I hadn't seen him in a while and so I turned to say hello, and he just stretched his hand out palms up to me so that I'd hold his hand, with a big bright smile.


Othertimes, he just clams up around me and doesn't say a word even if we are sitting right next to eachother. He never really initiates conversation, so I don't know if he's just trying to be friendly or there is something going on. There are times where we'd stand a few feet away from eachother and we'd just stand there face to face and look at eachother for a moment, not saying a word.


When I'm sitting by myself, and he will be right next to me with a friend, I catch him craining his neck to look at me, or when he thinks I'm not watching he'll look at me, again from a distance. And like I mentioned before, when the oppertunity is there and we are face to face, most of the time he radiates a big smile at me.

But then there are times where I will speak to him, and he will deliberately look the other direction almost like he's trying hard not to look into my eyes - other times he will be very confidenent and look straight in my eyes and hold it for a good amount of time.


The last time I saw him, which was not too long ago, me and some mutual friends gathered incl. him, and this guy did not say a single word to me - he went utter silent. One of the only times he really spoke was when he interupted me and this other guy talking, when the guy I was talking to mentioned some things about my ex..he moved the subject to something we were talking about and when I tried to say something inbetween he ignored me.

There are also times where he will look at me from a distance with a firm and serious face - I really dont know what's up with that.

Then there is this other time where he injured himself, and he looked up at me, almost as if he was expecting for me to come over and help him.


This guy really confuses me, and maybe I'm reading too much into things, but it would be nice to have some external opinions on this.

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If he was interested, he would have made it known to you by now, in undeniable ways. You are trying to read into extremely insignificant gestures to see what you want, but when it gets to the point where you have to read so much into so little, then the answer is no.

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Making your feelings known is difficult, especially when it's within a certain social group. There are ramifications if the feeling isn't mutual because it can get weird. Not just for you two, but for anyone else involved.


The hot/cold thing seems to be him struggling not to be too obvious. If you're getting that vibe from him, and you like him, make a few small advances and see how it goes. Personally, I've always been way more comfortable taking chances on this kind of thing if I see there's a similar effort/struggle on the other side. All my best to you both.

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I think he likes you. When I was younger and had no experience with women then I'd do the same thing. If a guy is watching you from a distance and smiling often and you caught him looking at you often it's a clear sign he likes you. He just doesn't have the balls to tell you that.


As for him trying to avoid watching you at times - could mean the same thing. I often deliberately tried to avoid watching some girls who I was attracted because I was afraid to show her that I like her, at other times I was in a more confident mood, I would watch the girl more and smile.


The best thing for you to do would be to start flirting with him and see how he responds.

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What age is he, and you? It's one thing to be shy, and an introvert (if this is the case). It's another to be clueless if the woman gives you an opening. So, if you made it known in your conversations with him that you enjoyed talking to him, and being around him, then it's up to him to seize the moment.


You've done your job, he needs to do his (if he's truly interested, and is available).

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