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I kept thinking the whole time how much I want my father's approval, even though I have such an intense dislike of him and most of the time don't want anything to do with him. It's strange because it's talking about how this form of attachment is developed from infancy, but my young childhood was actually really good. I do recall feeling that my dad had really high standards for me, but he still was a really good dad.


But you know, I started typing out all of the things I can remember from my childhood..... but the only things I can really recall are when he would coach my soccer team. Everything else, my mom was the one there. School projects... birthday parties... midnight releases for books or video games... He was never really part of any of those things. I remember family parties for sporting events and such, but those weren't ever just for me. It always included lots of his friends and family.


It's sort of like a light has just clicked on... Like I can feel something stirring in my chest... but honestly, I'm not in the mood to think about this any more today... I think I'll revisit this on Monday, when I have access to a computer to type.

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I had a fantastic weekend. Yesterday J and I traveled down to my part of town and went to a craft beer festival. Then we ate dinner at a seafood restaurant right on the marina. The sun and water was so pretty. We both had shrimp scampi, but each got different sides to share. Then we went back to his place, got gussied up and went out for drinks and dancing with friends. We left early and got some yummy food to take back to his place, which we enjoyed with a movie. Got to sleep in this morning and I'm currently sitting on his couch with a fat cat in my lap and a cup of delicious coffee.


What a fantastic weekend. I woke up with feelings. Trying to ignore them.

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Good ones. There was a moment... Last night... We were eating our fast food at his kitchen table... And we got quiet and just looked at each other... And I felt it there. This palpable, growing feeling between us. Neither of us said anything, but I don't think it was needed. It was like... A silent acknowledgement that we are on the same page... And that we like where we are headed... And it was good.


I think it'll be okay. Even with an added distance... And long work hours... It'll be okay. It'll work.


Just throwing out there that Friday night, on his way home from work, he called me. It's the first time he had done so. And I know he did because of the talk we had before. So he is hearing me. I'm cooling my jets and he is hearing me out and wanting us to be good.

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It does. I'm happy where we're at. His female friends want to plan for all of us to have a girl's night out for dancing. It's nice meeting new people and getting to know the people in his life. Everything we've done with them has been initiated by him or them. I don't want for any reason for him to think I'm trying to take over his friends or something stupid. But then I realized, that's just my childish thoughts. He just wants me in his life and to be involved in it. And that's good.

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I'm going to drop off the holding fee for my (MY!) apartment after work today. I asked to wait until next Friday to move in officially, so I have to put a deposit down to hold the apartment til then. But that holding fee will then be taken off the initial fees for moving in on the 16th. So I'm not losing it.


I'm super excited. I can't wait to make this apartment my own. I want to get rugs and curtains and hang pictures. I didn't do much in my old place, because is never felt like home to me. I so want this place to be home.


J is working late tonight. Usually on Tuesdays we meet his friends for karaoke, drinks and dinner. I asked him if he wanted to skip tonight, but he said no because he's really stressed from work and wants to see me. So, I'll just meet him there, instead of going to his place first and us riding together. It's nice to know I'm wanted.


He also told me not to make plans for the weekend, because it's PirateFest here! We're getting dressed up and going. (I told him I would only go one day of the weekend, because I'll be busy packing and organizing.)

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