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That sounds great. Even if a place is less attractive than expected, you can do a lot to make it your own, and make it nice without investing much. Some landlords will let tenants paint, and it's amazing what a coat of white paint can do to brighten up a space. Area rugs help with ugly floors. Bringing in lighting...cute lamps- creates a warm ambience. Let me know if you want decor ideas. I'm a pro- especially on a budget. I did my living room in my last place for under $500...including couches and all the tables, lighting and storage. It just takes a bit of leg work

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Faraday, you'd love this place. It's an old building, built in the 1920s, and the hardwood flooring is original. It needs to be refurnished, but I like it a lot. I'll put down rugs to make it a little easier to walk on. The walls have already been painted white, but they allow you to repaint if you want. High ceilings, archways, big, beautiful windows. It's lovely. There are some blue and green spirally window hangings already in there, which I'll leave until I can get better ones. I can see getting a nice, deep red one for the big window. Mom has a table and floor lamp she's giving me, but not sure what they look like. And she has a friend that is giving me a reclining chair.


I'm filling out the rental application right now.

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That place sounds beautiful. I love 1920s architecture. We don't have many old buildings like that here....they've torn down most of them because they weren't planned well street wise- so it would be one lane traffic and no alleys and stuff...so most of them are gone. So cool that you might get to live in one.


Take pictures. I want to see!!

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I just checked to see what it's going to cost to turn the power on at this place. It's more expensive to do it here than it was for my last apartment! And now I even have a year history of paying on time! I'll never understand how these things work. ](*,)

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I don't get it at all! When I turned on electric for the first time at my current place (previously, I had rented at two different places that included electric, so I had never had an account nor an electric history!), it didn't cost me a dime to turn it on. I just had to pay the partial month at the end of the month. That's totally sickening.

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I could understand if I was a first-time renter/owner. They're taking a chance on someone that they have no prior history on. But I proved that I'm a reliable tenant that pays her bills on time, for a year... Shouldn't that count for something?!


It counts for exactly nothing you still have to pay the hook up fee.

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I've never heard of that. We don't have that here. They hook it up because they want our business. Then they charge us "service fees" every month. Like if I unplugged and shut off everything in my house, my bill would still be at least $40...just in fees

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Yesterday I won tickets to a craft beer festival through a radio station! I told J and he's really excited to go with me. It's on Saturday and he asked me to spend the night that night too. He has a work meeting early on Sunday, but then wants to make me breakfast after. He really is a good guy.

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Realty lady said she'd let me know by today or Monday at the latest. But I'm hoping it'll be today, because then I can show J the apartment tomorrow when we're down there at the beer festival, because it's only a few streets away.


Ahh! I both love and hate the anticipation. I'll be really disappointed if I don't get it.

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I read that a few years ago. It's growing up with an alcoholic in the house.


I recognize a lot of my former self (and some things I'm still working on) in that article too.


Idk if you remember, but I used to be terrified of talking to Jay about any issues I/we were having because I thought he'd leave. That fixed itself over time...because he grew up in a healthy environment so he taught me (by example) to trust him and his love.


It's made me a better parent. I wish I had met him before having Tine...I hope I haven't screwed her up too much. I've tried really hard to be consistent...because I've known since I was a kid that both of my parents are inconsistent

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