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K, I gave it some thought and I'm thinking that you ought to try this recipe:


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1.) It's very easy to make. K (my guy K) has made it for himself in the past and told me it was really easy. I've been thinking of doing it myself.

Just make sure that you really tenderize and pound out that chicken breast to make sure that it's nice and flat and will roll easily.


2.) You can use regular deli ham and swiss. Very easy. Make sure to use toothpicks to secure. Nothing to sautee, it goes right into the oven.


3.) You can whip up some mashed potatoes as a side dish.


4.) It looks pretty fancy without much effort.


This looks so easy and I love Chicken Cordon Bleu. I have already found a recipe that J agreed sounded great, which is Chicken in Creamy cilantro garlic sauce. It's easy too and I already have most of what it calls for. I'm gonna steam some broccoli for a side dish and toss a quick salad (thanks for the suggestion, LSD!).


I'm printing this recipe and doing it next time, Fudgie. Thanks!

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They announced today that my coworker is moving departments. I'm happy for her.... but not for myself. I didn't apply for it for two reasons. One, I had trouble with attendance when I first started working here and figured that stigma was still attached, and two, her new supervisor is my best friend's mother. I thought it would definitely be a conflict of interest. But I now regret not applying. I'm equally as qualified for it. Also, pretty much a few weeks ago, my coworker and I were just discussing how happy we were where we're at right now and weren't considering transferring. So I'm feeling a bit betrayed. She's a good friend and my last "ally" in this department. Not to mention the whole desk situation (I made a thread for that).


I'm trying very hard not to be bitter. It's a really good opportunity and she was the best for the job out of the candidates that applied. I just.... Sigh. Need to grow up.

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I may be biased because I am unhappy with my job, but I think you are more disappointed with yourself in not applying than anything else. There have been many times where I think I won't apply for a job and then at the last minute I do or the reverse. Everyone has very personal reasons for doing something or not doing something.


Next time, go for it. But I will say if you have attendance issues going to a new place where the boss might not accept that could be a disaster.

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J slept over for the first time last night. It was really nice. Initially I think we both had a little trouble getting comfortable; but every time I woke up, his hand was on my hip or back or arm. Just a hand. Neither of us are cuddlers when we sleep, but it really touched me that he found a way to touch me even while sleeping. He's very into physical touching. Hugs, kisses, holding hands, having a hand on the small of my back.


I took him out to a local favorite for breakfast and he just raved over it. I was glad to introduce it to him.


All in all, first sleepover was successful. I'm really glad. There were times that I caught myself just looking at him. And times he thought I wasn't watching him look at me. I think this is a good thing that we have going. He's really excited to move in with his best friend on September 19th. He says all the time that he can't wait for me to stay over with him. And I've become pretty friendly with his best friend, so I know he won't mind.


It's good. I'm really happy.

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Oh, dinner was a hit. I made the sauce way too spicy (I read too late that it said the red pepper flakes made the sauce spicy and to lessen the amount if needed). But J loved it. I made homemade mashed potatoes too, because he griped about not having any starch (lol) and some steamed broccoli. He ate every bite.

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That's awesome I'm glad things are going so well


I've noticed that you talk a lot about how he seems to like you a lot. That's awesome. How do you feel about him? Do you enjoy being around him? Is it easy? Does he make you laugh? Are you observing his character and if his beliefs line up with yours?

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We laugh all the time. I give him sh*t a lot because that's my personality, and he just gives it right back. We laugh with and at each other. He teases me about silly things. Makes me smile.


I'm very smitten with him, especially after a successful night of him sleeping over. Remember how it went with Tyler when he stayed over the first time? It took two months and then he didn't even stay the whole night because "his back hurt", only it seemed fine when we were being intimate and he got his.


As far as beliefs go, I don't know what you mean. We both believe in God but don't go to church. We both more so believe in being good people. He's kind to servers and cashiers. He tips well. In general he's just a really kind guy. I've only seen him get his feathers ruffled once. He was telling me about how his ex left a note about something under his door, rather than talking in person about it. He said he tries really hard to keep things cordial and drama-free with her, since he's leaving next month. It bothers him that she refuses to be an adult. But, then he gets over it quickly.

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I made a huge mistake. I am drunk with a friend and I tried to text sexy to J. And he completely didn't even understand what I was doing, or maybe he just chose not to reciprocate. I don't know. In any case, I suddenly felt ridiculous and juvenile. Rejected. He said he didn't get the impression that that's what I was trying to do. And then I felt like our age difference was swallowing me. 7 years. I felt like he was much more mature. Much more mature than me. Out of my league, maybe. He said in overthinking it and not to worry.


I don't know. I feel weird. Maybe it'd because I've been drinking. I just feel childish. Ugh.

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Some people don't like sexting...they don't get it. Jay doesn't like it...so gradually I gave up on him lol. It might be like that. It's not an age or maturity gap though- plenty of men, regardless of age, sext.


Go sleep Tomorrow is a new day.

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He told me this morning, "You're a delight to me. Stop worrying over nothing. When you accept others for their faults, you learn more about them than you ever thought possible. Everyone gets weird from time to time and that's okay. It's worth it to be yourself."

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New day. New week. Forgot my meds at work so I'm not feeling good at all. I feel myself being clingy and annoying. So I'm texting Jennifer instead of J. Haha!


Went to Costco and picked up a huge bag of chicken breasts, tilapia filets, and a big bag of romaine lettuce and butter lettuce. I'll be adding veggies and chicken to the salads so it'll fill me up for my lunches this week. Bag to the gym now that I'm recovered from being sick.

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One thing I'm finding that I don't really like so much is that J doesn't really initiate conversation with me. He'll text back right away or in a timely fashion if I text him first; but if I don't, I won't hear from him for hours or sometimes the whole day.


Logically, I know that I'm being silly. He has committed himself to me in a relationship and I don't believe he'd ever purposely ignore me/not communicate. I feel that he may not feel that it's as important to text throughout the day. And I'm telling myself that I don't really need that, either. It's just what I'm used to with prior relationships. We only see each other twice a week, and I find myself reaching through the phone for a connection. No, I don't need him in my life; but I do want him in my life and I make certain I have time for him.


Am I being stupid?

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