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I'm not being friend zoned right ;/


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sidenote: these dates sound fun. btw, y not initiate some of the physical contact yourself? why wait for him to do it all the time? im not saying sex or anything major. but if you feel like holding his hand and the time is right why not do it


I was going to ask the same thing. I've been guilty of waiting for the guy to make all the moves, dates etc.

I get feedback from guy friends that I can be stand offish so they aren't able to read me.


It goes both ways. . He is looking for cues from you . .Are you giving him any?


It doesn't take much. . a hand on his knee. . leaning up against him. . taking his arm. If he is reserved I'll guess he's waiting for some signal from you as well.

He's probably just as confused on how to proceed. I don't think you need to have a conversation with him about this, at least not yet. . and not until after you step it up a little bit on your end.


Good luck!

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