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Track to being a better significant other


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Ever since my boyfriend and I split up for two months after three years of dating, I am constantly trying to be a better girlfriend than I was in Round One. However, my emotions and instabilities often cloud my perception. I want to be a healthily supportive, loving significant other that strives to make her partner happy. Hopefully keeping this journal will motivate me to keep myself in check and be the best I can be for him.


Today was especially good because my love [i'm just going to call him Babe, since that's his "name" anyway] and I got over a fight yesterday and had a very productive talk about it. We both had school (we're in college), and I took him to lunch before his evening class. We went to BJ's Pizza, which is a favorite of our's. He never wants to let me pay, so I pretended that I was going to the restroom to give the waitress my debit card--and she thought it was cute, because she knew I was trying to be sneaky! He got a kick out of it and it felt so nice to treat him!


Babe is still at school, and he will be going to the gym when he gets home. Babe is a lot more fit than I am. I'm skinny, but I don't have any kind of tone or muscle and he has an amazing body. I'm very proud of him and I think he is beyond sexy, but I always get jealous when he goes to the gym. It's his productivity that I'm jealous of, because I love being lazy! After a long day of school I just want to curl up in my bed with a book or cuddle together and watch a movie...but he's very dedicated and pumps iron two hours most days. I commend him for that, and I support him...but I know I need to be more supportive. I often find myself asking him to skip gym days so that we can do lazy things together, and I know that's selfish! I'm going to join the gym next week and hopefully my newfound drive to be more active will help me to understand his determination. I don't want him to think I don't support him, because I do! When he gets home I'm going to make sure to encourage his workout and even make him a protein shake!


We are also going on a date to an amusement park on Friday after school, which was his idea. So I'll make sure that I think of a date night for next week. I also need to think up something sweet for Valentine's Day!

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Welcome to ENA journals


Good to see you are actively trying to be a better person in a relationship, I think continuous self improvement is important. I agree that you should be supportive of his gym efforts, I think it's nice that he makes an effort to in shape. Trust me you wouldn't want to be one of those couples that get "too comfortable" and stop taking care of themselves.


May I ask why did you break up the first time?

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