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You and I


Because I know you, I am still alive.


Rough as we may be to each other at times we continue to be friends


Everyday there is a different emotion that you give me good or bad, I still get it.


Times with us have been good and bad, but through it all we are still here.


Through the days, weeks, and months that I have gotten to know you and you have gotten to know me, we have learned a great deal about life. About growing up and adapting to new ways of peoples way of doing things.




Many times I was mad with you, others I was happy. I would rather remember the happy.


You are there for me through thick and then. When no one else could help, you did.


Every time I see you you have a smile on your face. It brightens my day, even if it's not much, still my light is brighter.


Right when I begin to understand you and respect you you do something to make me mad. Then something sweet.


So many times I have tried to trust some one. All of them have failed me some how. You haven't. For this I thank you.



Author's Comments:

This was written about someone who has helped me through a really rough time lately and I am greatful. Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions. Bonus: What is the person's name. If you read closely you can catch it.

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