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poem please read and reply thankyou


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In my mind my heart my soul I see and feel you everyday,

From the stars in the moonlit sky to the morning bright sunray.


I have came this far to try to heal my broken heart,

But ever since the first and last day I seen you I loved you from the start.


Memories take me to a place I will never ever forget,

Mabe that is because my heart has and always will be set.


I try to make myself better knowing that you are no longer around,

But then my phone starts to ring and your voice is that sound.


I hope that when you do return it will be something we can keep,

Even though we went through the storms our love still remained deep.


To think of letting go was not really ok with me,

But now I am stronger and my eyes are open to see.


I dont think that its over for good I dont think that you dont care,

I just think we need to live our lives and then our hearts we can share.


Dont forget about me loving you or you loving me,

When the time comes we can reunite and be as happy as we can be.


Even though I have cryed and you hurt me so bad deep within,

I know that this is true love and in the end we both will win.


So after all the tears I have cryed and all the hurt I have been through,

It really doesn't matter because now I know what's true.


Just remember you are special and I never turned any colder,

I know when you are done flying free you will land on my shoulder.

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Hi, This is a real emotional and heart felt poem. Letting go is not easy and if you truly believe this person is your love for all you life, It's even harder. In the poem it sounds like you have accepted the situation and are content with it to some degree. That's good and you have expressed it well. I write poetry as well and have use it to get over a love that I still miss dearly. Keep writing it does help. I have a blog with my poetry in it. it's link removed. My pen name is Tom Michaels. Try Blogging. It's fun and it's free. I feel unbounded when I write there. I really enjoyed reading your poem so keep writing..

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Hi Ang3l I read your poem and it is wonderful. What emotions that can be read through the lines. I hope all is well with you and that you are getting along these days. Keep writing because you have a talent that should not be wasted.

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Aww I have been really busy lately and I have not had any time to visit this site as much as in the past. You know you can talk to me anytime on AIM so pop on sometime and let me know your still alive! lol j/k


If you want to talk come on to AIM.

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