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Boyfriend Moving In -- How Would You Inform Your Landlord?


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Then he should be limiting his visits. He is overstaying your welcome IMO.


Yeah, not doing that. I am fortunate to live in a place where landlords or roommates are not putting limitations on how often I have guests. I wouldn't agree to that as my dorm days are way behind me.



This is what I was thinking. I wouldn't add a bf to my lease...if you break up, it complicates things way more. If there's no lease and you break up, he's out. Simple.


I wouldn't tell the landlord either. Landlords don't care what you do as long as you're not causing additional damage to the property (like getting a pet- or letting all 12 of your family members move into your one bedroom flat) and you're paying your rent (and bills) on time.


Keep paying your rent on time. Be a good tenant. You'll be fine. Landlords don't want tenants moving a lot- moving puts dings in walls and adds more wear and tear to a place. The ideal tenant is the one that pays rent on time, stays for extended periods...and doesn't call with their drama.


Thanks for this. Indeed, the bolded part rings too.

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As long as he's helping you pay for groceries (which he is, according to your previous posts), I don't think it's a big deal that he comes and stays over with you a lot. I would feel the same way. Heat and water is included in my rent. I only pay electric. Having someone over is a pretty negligible increase on that unless they constantly plugged into the wall. I think it's good that he's already contributing to your groceries since he is eating your food, and that's the biggest expense.


I do think it's important to tell your landlord though, even if you don't add him to the lease. I've never heard of a lease that says you can move in someone else without telling the landlord. That's generally frowned upon. It's hard to find housing in NYC so I would remain on good terms with your landlord, keep him in the know, so you don't violate the lease.

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I finally got to check out my lease. Says:


"Renter is obligated to advise Owner, in writing, if any additional occupant moves into the apartment within 30 days of the date such additional occupant moves into the apartment. The apartment may not be occupied by more than the number of occupants permitted by law."


There is also list of terms I initialed and signed that specifies: "Tenant shall notify the Landlord of any additional roommates living in the apartment within 15 days of such person moving into the apartment."



All in all, roommates (non-related occupants) are permitted and it does not require adding a co-tenant to lease


So my plan is to give the landlord a heads up via email 2-3 months before he moves in and offer to arrange a meeting. Then closer to the move in date send written notice in the mail, per the lease and rider agreement.

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Hi Fudgie. I agree. He definitely contributes (share of groceries and cleaning. He takes out the trash 99% of the time though, which is fine by me!).


I don't want to violate the lease and I'm happy to know moving an occupant in won't require any changes to the lease (or an early renewal with a rent hike).

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I've never liked taking out the trash and always had my exes do it, lol.


It sounds like you two are on the right path and are of the right mindset. It's nice that you are giving the landlord a heads up well in advance. I bet you are a fine tenant and don't cause problems and given that you're being courteous about it, well, I'm sure everything will be okay!

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