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Diet Diary Of A Redhead


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I wanted to start a fresh journal up separate to my personal diary to keep a track on healthy eating, weight loss and exercise for the New Year.


This diary may be slightly controversial as technically, I'm not over weight at all, but I do like to be a certain weight and that weight at the moment is not it!


Current stats:


Height: 5'5''

Weight: 7 stone 12lbs or 110lbs


Ideal weight: 7 stone 2lbs or 98 to 100lbs.


Let's do this!


Lo x

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So today I broke into my new weight band and can say I am no longer 8 stone! Just seeing that number 7 on the scale, even though I'm at the top end of it, made me so happy.


I know my current obsession with shedding a few pounds for a really sleek and slim look is not just 'New Year, New Me'. I'm feeling a lot of stress and unhappiness in my new job and one way I have always made myself feel better in the past is to control my weight. When I feel out of control in other areas of my life, if I am watching what I eat, it gives me a sense of structure that I feel I lack in the chaos of my mind!


Over Christmas I must of put on about 3lbs which I noticed when wearing dresses over the party season. The fat tends to want to stick to my arms for some annoying reason. I want sleek, slender arms! Oh, and slimmer thighs. My thighs are looking slimmer already which is a massive plus for me.


Since it's the weekend, I haven't eaten like a saint (last night me, my husband and friends got pizza). The old me would of demolished 3/4 of a large pizza if not all of it, and last night I only ate two slices, so there's some progress there at least.


The plan is for me and D to get down to the gym tonight and do some lengths in the pool. My husband hates me dieting, but I don't want to get crazy skinny, so hopefully he will understand.


I think Jennifer Aniston once said she felt most comfortable at 100lbs and no one jumped down her throat. I hope D realises I'm not trying to take this too far like in the past. I just want to feel slinky again.


Lo x

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  • 2 weeks later...

7 stone 11lbs.


That was three days ago. Absolutely splurged on Sunday when D suggested ordering a pizza. UGGHHHH! Felt so good thought and I was happy to eat it. Back on the health track for my working week. I want to loose another 1 - 2lbs this week. I've got gym and a pole dancing lesson sorted to keep me active.


Lo x

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Another pizza lol? Do you enjoy cooking? You can find recipes for a healthier, low-carb pizza, and who knows your husband may even enjoy it.


You should post everything you have each day. I'll have a look. You'll be suprised how hard it is to stay in balance when you're counting.


Also, remember 'skinny' doesn't equate to being 'healthy.'

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7 stone 11lbs.


That was three days ago. Absolutely splurged on Sunday when D suggested ordering a pizza. UGGHHHH! Felt so good thought and I was happy to eat it. Back on the health track for my working week. I want to loose another 1 - 2lbs this week. I've got gym and a pole dancing lesson sorted to keep me active.


Lo x


How are pole dancing lessons? I've always been extremely interested in taking classes! Also, pizza is my weakness, too We are different heights, but we have a close goal weight. I'm 5'0 and I'm around 113 lbs, but I would like to be less than 105 lbs. Joining the gym next week!

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Hey Leila!


I think we can do this haha! You're so nice and petite!


The pole dancing lesson was great! Felt a bit rusty and the teacher just blasted through about 8 moves which was too fast paced for me to really 'get' a trick! So fun though! I think if you go with a girlfriend it's the best. At the moment I'm by myself but the other girls in the group are really canny.


Hows the gym going? I hardly ever go to mine and have vowed to start full time in February. Gulp.


Lo x

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