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FWIW, I know how you feel.


Not sure how you (or anyone) can control the intrusive thoughts, but if you're able to, more power to ya.


For me, I just sort of accept that this person will probably always hold a place in my thoughts, and that's okay (for me).


I even had a dream about him last night, remember it clearly, thought about it (and him) all day. Good thoughts.


The good news is these thoughts haven't prevented me from opening my heart to other men, if it did obviously that would be an issue I would need to explore and ultimately resolve.


I dunno, jmo I just think certain people (certainly not all) with whom we felt an emotional connection will always remain part of our consciousness, a least on some level; it's not a bad or negative thing, at least not for me.


That said, eight months together with SL, congrats! :D

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I need to whine . .or I need some wine. Maybe both.


I lost an employee and my new hire doesn't start until May 1st. Until then I am short staffed and pretty much can't take any time off.


I have been waiting for this contractor to redo my bathrooms. He's in high demand and we are tentatively scheduled for 4/18.

In the meantime he's not very communicative and any info I have had to pull from him. I work 90 mins from home. When I planned this the idea was I would work out of a remote office closer to home so I could at least be there when the workers arrived and/ or before they left. The idea of having someone in my home and never laying eyes on them isn't going to work. Now being short staffed I can't afford to do be away from the home office. I've waited 6 weeks and now everything is going sideways.


SL had promised to help me out by going by my house to check on the work. I am supposed to meet with the contractor one more time before the start date to go over logistics. I can only imagine that it's safe to assume he would want to do both bathrooms at the same time, so it translates into me not having a bathroom other than the powder room downstairs. I can either shower at the pool or at my moms. No matter how I slice this it stresses me out. It's no wonder I have put this off for so long. One reason I chose this contractor is because he is labor only. Meaning - I shop and buy all materials. I did my homework a month ago and I know everything I need. I can't get these things by myself without a truck and if it does go fwd SL will have to help me on Sunday.


Here is Thursday and the contractor hasn't contacted me with a start date. I hesitate to ask because honestly, I just assume postpone it. If I wasn't sure, I am now because SL just informed me of his aunts passing and having bought his plane ticket to go with his mother for the funeral. He will be gone Monday through Thursday. I didn't have the heart to tell him I was counting on him. He's a little stressed himself with his father's health who can't go, having lost an aunt yesterday and a brother in law earlier this week.


Add in we are supposed to leave on Friday to Las Vegas for a softball tournament. Aaargh!


I just throw my hands up. . I have no idea how this is going to play out. Maybe I won't answer my phone. . but I did sign a contract. ;/

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I can only imagine how stressful/frustrating. I'm sorry SL can't help out this time - sounds like he wasn't that close to the Aunt but needs to help his mother attend the funeral. I hope things improve very soon.
Thx Batya. Just having someone to pat me on the head and say 'Now, now, it will be ok' helps.
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Thx Batya. Just having someone to pat me on the head and say 'Now, now, it will be ok' helps.


I know that feeling! I have a number of go to methods for that for "self-help" and I know they don't always work, or as well as we'd like. It really will be all right.

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Hey -how are things going today? I woke up at 4:30 from a dream in which i made a mistake at work. But when I woke up I actually thought the dream had some basis in reality and that I had to do damage control. After about ten minutes of searching on my computer I realized -nope, no mistake. And then of course I couldn't go back to sleep (alarm is at 6). Hope you are more rested than me!

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Guess who text me last night?

Leaving work early today to meet up with the contractor and he's starting tomorrow. The timing couldn't be worse, but there isn't really a good time to gut two bathrooms upstairs.

I decided to look at it this way - I oversee construction projects at work and only recently I realized how on edge I can be going into each one. But in reality, when all is said and done, I just facilitate it.

You would think I was laying tile and using the power tools, the way I go into things.


This time, I am just paying for someone to do it. Yes, it's an inconvenience and the timing is bad with no one to help me.

But hello!, I've been doing things on my own for most of my adult life.

How is this any different?

I got this. .

I hope :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m sorry that everything is happening all at once. I understand the stress of that :)


How have the reno’s been going? Did he give you a date of completion? Are you going to post pictures when they’re done? Because I’m super jealous and excited for you. My bathrooms are 1990’s time capsules...and I dream of having a shower that I can shave my legs in lol.


I hope your reno’s stay on budget, finish on time, and exceed your expectations.

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It's been a grueling couple of weeks. At this very moment I do not have either a shower or a bathtub and showered at SL's last night after the sponge bath in the downstairs bathroom sink the night before wasn't going to cut it for two days in row. Tonight I get to wash my hair in the kitchen sink :)


I will post pictures soon and the work this guy does is amazing. But all in all we are 8 days in and only half way through. I've been a good sport but turning the corner to the second half, I can feel myself starting to grow weary. I underestimated how dirty the demos would be.


They've gutted the bathrooms down the studs and seeing they are both upstairs, hauling debri down and out has polluted every area of my home. The insides of my drawers are dirty, my closets. I can go on but I'll just sound like I am whining. My bed is in the middle of all of this and though I was out of town for 3 nights and stayed at SL's last night, I have stayed a few nights. I peel back the protective sheet and crawl into bed that smells of dust. I am sleeping in the middle of a construction area with bathrooms on either side of me.


All last week I was planning my next project but I think by this time next week I might have hit a wall and will likely need a break.

The contractor `doesn't paint' which means I have to paint two bathrooms the minute he's done. Not sure how that's going play out but I deal with it when the time comes. SL has offered to help but honestly two people can't fit in one bathroom to paint. I suppose he could be doing one while I do the other.


Just - ready - to - be - done

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The insides of my drawers are dirty...


I have to say, the 6th grader in me snickered at this...I'm so ashamed.:upset:


I had my living and dining room floors sanded and refinished a couple of years ago, and despite the best efforts to seal off the rooms, there was dust EVERYWHERE. Truly discouraging. But I really like the new tile you chose for the shower - especially the mosaic on the floor.

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2 weeks today since construction started and things have been skipping along. . until they are not.

The shower door was the wrong size and needed to be reordered. In the meantime I was able to put up a shower curtain, temporarily.

No biggie. Ill live.


The contractor was there on Saturday so I pretty much spent the weekend at SL's. My poor cat has been hiding in the closet most of this time (when the contractor is there) so I thought to bring her to SL's over the weekend. Saturday evening was ok. She seemed to settle in and then was up all night being pest. Sunday she spent the entire day in SL's closet, so in the end it probably wasn't the best of ideas. . but worth a try anyway.


I showered last night and noticed standing water in the floor of the shower this morning. :( I mopped up the puddle in what appears to be a low spot and headed into work. Everything I know about this stuff translates into him possibly having to rip it out and redo it? I hesitated telling him. I know he's gotta be about as done as I am, but I can't have a water that doesn't drain in the shower. Can this be happening? I text him and he said he'd look into it. That's where I stand now.


I went out with some friends for our usual Thursday night happy hour. Friday I went with SL to see his friends son fight (boxing) I was exhausted. Though my time with SL is comforting with losts of sleep and good cooking, I just don't feel rested sleeping elsewhere and knowing my home is trashed the way it is.


I have a new employee starting tomorrow, who will need a good 4 days of training and SL has a friend and his wife in town and they want us to to a baseball game tomorrow night. It's my friends birthday today and a group of girls are going out to celebrate. I am making excuses just so I can go home. I am so burned out and honestly have been for the past couple years?


I don't know how to be everywhere with what limited time I do have. I hate to say no to things because it ultimately means I prioritize my job over my personal life and friendships. There are only so many sacrifices I am willing to make for this job. I won't even mention that Monday nights I typically go see my mother


Somewhere in the midst of all of this I need some time off to paint and put my house back together.

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2 weeks today since construction started and things have been skipping along. . until they are not.

The shower door was the wrong size and needed to be reordered. In the meantime I was able to put up a shower curtain, temporarily.

No biggie. Ill live.


The contractor was there on Saturday so I pretty much spent the weekend at SL's. My poor cat has been hiding in the closet most of this time (when the contractor is there) so I thought to bring her to SL's over the weekend. Saturday evening was ok. She seemed to settle in and then was up all night being pest. Sunday she spent the entire day in SL's closet, so in the end it probably wasn't the best of ideas. . but worth a try anyway.


I showered last night and noticed standing water in the floor of the shower this morning. :( I mopped up the puddle in what appears to be a low spot and headed into work. Everything I know about this stuff translates into him possibly having to rip it out and redo it? I hesitated telling him. I know he's gotta be about as done as I am, but I can't have a water that doesn't drain in the shower. Can this be happening? I text him and he said he'd look into it. That's where I stand now.


I went out with some friends for our usual Thursday night happy hour. Friday I went with SL to see his friends son fight (boxing) I was exhausted. Though my time with SL is comforting with losts of sleep and good cooking, I just don't feel rested sleeping elsewhere and knowing my home is trashed the way it is.


I have a new employee starting tomorrow, who will need a good 4 days of training and SL has a friend and his wife in town and they want us to to a baseball game tomorrow night. It's my friends birthday today and a group of girls are going out to celebrate. I am making excuses just so I can go home. I am so burned out and honestly have been for the past couple years?


I don't know how to be everywhere with what limited time I do have. I hate to say no to things because it ultimately means I prioritize my job over my personal life and friendships. There are only so many sacrifices I am willing to make for this job. I won't even mention that Monday nights I typically go see my mother


Somewhere in the midst of all of this I need some time off to paint and put my house back together.


The tile work looks beautiful. You picked nice stuff :)


I hope it doesn’t all need to be torn out...*fingers crossed*


Your contractor isn’t getting sick of it- this is his job, he does the year round...it’s tough on you because there’s no escape.


Hopefully it’s finished up soon.

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I think he has to get a 2% slope for drainage, so 1/4" drop per linear foot.
You know your stuff;)

I got a text from him last night saying he hopes it's corrected.


There was a slight deflection of responsibility due to the tile 'I chose' Him saying typical mosaic is 1/2 in thick and the one 'I picked' is 3/8's. Whatever.


He's making close to 8500 in labor. He's getting paid to know the difference. And apparently he does if he's made the calculation - after the fact.


Besides, I looked it up. Average is 1/2 but that doesn't mean all. Add in he mentioned the project before mine had the same penny tile.


I'm smarter than I look. . [emoji851]

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His excuse does not make any sense to me lol! The slope is created by the mud, which should be applied so that it slopes toward the drain. Whether the tile is 3/8” or 1/4” is irrelevant. No matter what the thickness of the tile is, the top of the tile will be parallel to whatever slope he created with the mud. But it’s not worth arguing over if he fixes it!

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