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So, do you ladies pay for teeth cleaning for your pets?


I am so conflicted. Vets seem to upsell you on things so it's hard to trust them that they need regular dental cleaning. We might all be doing it if it was remotely affordable, right?


Considering we've had domesticated animals forever and nowa'days vets make you feel neglegant for not doing it.


At the same time, I've had a toothache where I felt like I wanted to take my life.


Just curious how you feel about it. .

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My parents found a lady that cleans pet teeth for $90...and she comes to their house and brings everything. It takes under 30 minutes...it's pretty reasonable. They get it done every year or two. They said last time they had it done, huge chunks of stuff/plaque were coming off their cats teeth.


They found her on one of those but/sell sites. They found the vet wanted way too much.

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My parents found a lady that cleans pet teeth for $90...and she comes to their house and brings everything. It takes under 30 minutes...it's pretty reasonable. They get it done every year or two. They said last time they had it done, huge chunks of stuff/plaque were coming off their cats teeth.


They found her on one of those but/sell sites. They found the vet wanted way too much.

Thats Crazy! There has to be demand for it. I'll look around for my other cat.

But Im assuming they aren't equipped to anestitize them? How does that work?

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The lady that came by wrapped the cat up (and all 4 paws) in a towel, and my dad held him down while she cleaned his teeth. Dad got to release the cat, so the cat thought dad "saved" him lol, and wasn't mad at anyone except the dental tech after.


But yeah, no drugging. My parents liked that. It was pretty quick and painless.

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That's great. I feel so bad right now. The vet was dismayed at the condition of Xena's teeth. I got a scolding. I ended up walking out with my tail between my knees.

At the same time most of my friends have cats and haven't done the cleanings either.


She's 16- she's lucky to have teeth lol.


I think a lot of it is genetics, just like humans. Some people have good teeth...some cats have good teeth.

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So, do you ladies pay for teeth cleaning for your pets?


I am so conflicted. Vets seem to upsell you on things so it's hard to trust them that they need regular dental cleaning. We might all be doing it if it was remotely affordable, right?


Considering we've had domesticated animals forever and nowa'days vets make you feel neglegant for not doing it.


At the same time, I've had a toothache where I felt like I wanted to take my life.


Just curious how you feel about it. .


I've had cats almost my entire life. Never even heard of paying for teeth cleaning. I've lost many cats over the years. Recently the boy's cat died after 17 years. Her teeth were fine, right up to the end. My current cat is almost ten. Her teeth are fine. I definitely think it's an upsell.


Your cat is gorgeous. Glad it was nothing too serious.

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That's great. I feel so bad right now. The vet was dismayed at the condition of Xena's teeth. I got a scolding. I ended up walking out with my tail between my knees.

At the same time most of my friends have cats and haven't done the cleanings either.


That just angries up my blood. Scolding a grown adult at a time like that. What an A SS. I would have given him, or her, a very colorful F U and taken my cat elsewhere.

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I'm home. My mom, my son's just left and it's just me and Macy. (Cat #2)


Hardest thing I've ever done was to let her go. They found cancer in her jaw.

I could have brought her home and kept her comfortable for possibly two months or let her go.


I got to hold her while they put her to sleep. I've cried so much my head is pounding. . .Gut wrenching experience.


RIP Xena B.

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Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. Sending my love your way. My girl passed from cancerous tumors in her belly. I know how you're feeling. I'll think warm, loving and peaceful thoughts for you.


I had a dog that died when I was 16. That was his age too. He was one of my most loved pets and when I'm tired emotionally and physically, he comes to visit me in my dreams. I always am aware that I'm dreaming and that I know he is dead, but I know he comes to me when I need his love. I shall hope for that for you, too.

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I just saw...I came on here to ask what happened...but now I know. I'm so sorry it's not fair that they live for such a short amount of time and leave us. I'm glad you got to be there with her. All she knew at the end was the warm lap she'd spent many evenings curled up on, and the pets of her mom...it's not a bad way to go being loved like that. Now I'm crying

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I'm home. My mom, my son's just left and it's just me and Macy. (Cat #2)


Hardest thing I've ever done was to let her go. They found cancer in her jaw.

I could have brought her home and kept her comfortable for possibly two months or let her go.


I got to hold her while they put her to sleep. I've cried so much my head is pounding. . .Gut wrenching experience.


RIP Xena B.


So sorry for your loss reinventmyself. I'ts so heartbreaking to say good bye to our much loved pets.

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I'm glad you got to be there with her. All she knew at the end was the warm lap she'd spent many evenings curled up on, and the pets of her mom...it's not a bad way to go being loved like that. .


I loved that you said this because that is how it happened. I hadn’t really thought of it that way.

My mind is mush right now and haven’t really sorted out all the emotions to begin with.


She was so happy to see me post surgery. She looked like nothing had happened. You could tell she was somewhat sedated but kept making circles around my arms as I leaned on the examining table. She’d get comfortable or try to bury her head in the crook of my arm as if to hide only to circle and settle in again. So sweet resting her chin on my arm with her little paws draped over. . She’d doze, circle and snuggle over and over. She couldn’t get close enough.


She was in an out of sleep all the while purring loudly. They had all the med’s ready for me to take her home and make her comfortable. At no time do they ever suggest putting her down. We must have been there for close to two hours. Neither my son or my mother would help with the decision. It still guts me. I couldn’t bring her home, where I am gone for 11 hours a day with a cat that’s been given, at best two months. I couldn’t bear the thought of her suffering or slowly declining just to bring her back to the vet.


My mother had held one of our dogs when she was euthanized. I might have been too much of a coward to do it without her suggestion. But she purred herself to sleep in the arms of the person who was blessed enough to have the gift of her for 16 yrs and then went silent. She deserved that. As hard as it was I wouldn’t have had it any other way.


I woke up this morning with my eyes so swollen. They look a little better now. . but not very good.


My heart breaks for her sensitive, little buddy Macy. Macy will not be a good `only’ cat. She adored and looked up to Xena. Macy typically sleeps with me but each time I woke up last night she was gone. I’d call her and she’d join me only to leave again. I left her alone this morning to come to work and need to work overtime tonight for a project.

She’ll be alone, her first day without Xena for maybe 14 hours.


What a month. Within 2 weeks, I lost my phone (with my drivers license & credit cards) a boyfriend and precious fur baby.

Sorry if I sound overly dramatic. . I have my moments.

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Thank you for sharing. I teared up. She loved you and lived a great life with you. As Faraday said, it was the best way to go. Her health would only have gotten worse. You did the best thing for her.


Be kind to yourself. You've had a really hard month. Gather your friends and family close and keep Macy closer. My heart is aching for you.

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I'm so sorry for you. I had to put down a cat when she was 18. I have another now who is 20 so at some point, will have to do that agsin. We don't have people here that Zi know if who clean pets teeth apart from vets that I know if. I used to get my Siamese cross done, but it cost an absolute fortune and Zi just can't afford it - not many people can. I did have to have 13 teeth removed from a rescue dog I have and have started using dog toothpaste on her, but not an easy task.


Your dat us at peace, and you did the right thing.

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I loved that you said this because that is how it happened. I hadn’t really thought of it that way.

My mind is mush right now and haven’t really sorted out all the emotions to begin with.


She was so happy to see me post surgery. She looked like nothing had happened. You could tell she was somewhat sedated but kept making circles around my arms as I leaned on the examining table. She’d get comfortable or try to bury her head in the crook of my arm as if to hide only to circle and settle in again. So sweet resting her chin on my arm with her little paws draped over. . She’d doze, circle and snuggle over and over. She couldn’t get close enough.


She was in an out of sleep all the while purring loudly. They had all the med’s ready for me to take her home and make her comfortable. At no time do they ever suggest putting her down. We must have been there for close to two hours. Neither my son or my mother would help with the decision. It still guts me. I couldn’t bring her home, where I am gone for 11 hours a day with a cat that’s been given, at best two months. I couldn’t bear the thought of her suffering or slowly declining just to bring her back to the vet.


My mother had held one of our dogs when she was euthanized. I might have been too much of a coward to do it without her suggestion. But she purred herself to sleep in the arms of the person who was blessed enough to have the gift of her for 16 yrs and then went silent. She deserved that. As hard as it was I wouldn’t have had it any other way.


I woke up this morning with my eyes so swollen. They look a little better now. . but not very good.


My heart breaks for her sensitive, little buddy Macy. Macy will not be a good `only’ cat. She adored and looked up to Xena. Macy typically sleeps with me but each time I woke up last night she was gone. I’d call her and she’d join me only to leave again. I left her alone this morning to come to work and need to work overtime tonight for a project.

She’ll be alone, her first day without Xena for maybe 14 hours.


What a month. Within 2 weeks, I lost my phone (with my drivers license & credit cards) a boyfriend and precious fur baby.

Sorry if I sound overly dramatic. . I have my moments.


You did the right thing. It doesn't feel fair that we have to make a decision for them- to live a few more months in pain, or die now...it's a heavy burden.


I felt so guilty when I had to put a cat down a few years ago...and he went out just like your Xena did, curled up on my lap getting pets. He had no idea it was the end, only that he was comfy and not in pain and had his human. I only had him a few months...the last I adopted him from failed to mention he had kidney failure. I'm glad I was able to give him lots of cuddles in his last few weeks.


Last night Tine and I went and saw A Dogs Purpose. I think it relates to cats too...just the relationship between a pet and their human....it's so much bigger than non pet people know. Our babies just love us so much. We're lucky to have them. It's just so hard when they go.


My mom is worried about what will happen to her cat when she's gone. He's still a baby, only 3. I've assured her that if dad moves on from the cat (I doubt he will, he loves that cat) that I will never leave her baby- he'll have a home with us. I think mom is more upset about leaving the cat than us lol. It speaks to how profound that bond is though.

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