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I'm not weird about expiration dates...I can eat yogurt weeks after the date...same with eggs (you just see if they float)....I'm not weird about veggies that have sat in the crisper too long, they make it into stocks or soups...


It's things that I've made. Mostly we eat vegetarian, so I think food is general good for a week after preparing it. And opened jar of pasta sauce...maybe 2 weeks (I check for mould)...but he wants to eat 3 week old leftovers...like he'll be insisting something is still good, and I'll put it out of the fridge and the container will have moulded. Or it smells funky. But he can't smell things, so he rarely believes me...I think I have a

Really sensitive nose, I can smell the garbage a few days before he can...and when clementine was a baby, I could smell a diaper on a different floor (and no one else could).


Oh man, I just checked out that site...and now I'm going to be even more paranoid! Things I think are okay, are like a week past when they should be eaten (according to that site anyway) lol. I mean, we never have stomach issues, so I don't think we eat food that's already turned...maybe we've built up a tolerance lol.

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I'm not weird about expiration dates...I can eat yogurt weeks after the date...same with eggs (you just see if they float)....I'm not weird about veggies that have sat in the crisper too long, they make it into stocks or soups...


It's things that I've made. Mostly we eat vegetarian, so I think food is general good for a week after preparing it. And opened jar of pasta sauce...maybe 2 weeks (I check for mould)...but he wants to eat 3 week old leftovers...like he'll be insisting something is still good, and I'll put it out of the fridge and the container will have moulded. Or it smells funky. But he can't smell things, so he rarely believes me...I think I have a

Really sensitive nose, I can smell the garbage a few days before he can...and when clementine was a baby, I could smell a diaper on a different floor (and no one else could).


Oh man, I just checked out that site...and now I'm going to be even more paranoid! Things I think are okay, are like a week past when they should be eaten (according to that site anyway) lol. I mean, we never have stomach issues, so I don't think we eat food that's already turned...maybe we've built up a tolerance lol.


My niece just turned 21 and she is married with an adorable toddler. She posted a video where she'd made a casserole, it apparently slid out of the pan onto the kitchen floor and she scooped it up and served it, no joke. Everyone survived. I just.... can't.

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My niece just turned 21 and she is married with an adorable toddler. She posted a video where she'd made a casserole, it apparently slid out of the pan onto the kitchen floor and she scooped it up and served it, no joke. Everyone survived. I just.... can't.


Lol , I can just picture it.

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I can't eat off the floor lol. Especially casserole, it's wet! That's funny.


Eating things from the floor is actually pretty good for the immune system. When my girl was a baby/toddler I'd try to keep track of her, but jeez, she'd eat so much stuff off the floor...even at the grocery store But...she has an awesome immune system now...like she never gets sick. And as a toddler...she was perpetually sick. I guess it worked out- I'd rather her not miss school. But man, it was so gross.

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One good case of food poisoning changes the way I look at days old food.

TMI, but I was bringing up bile and my tongue was stained black. I was 20 at the time, living on my own. From what I know now that was grounds for a hospital stay.

So yes, I'm a label checker for sure!


When I was 20 I got food poisoning from spaghetti that was past it's prime. Jay has somehow never had food poisoning (which I'm skeptical of)...so I think that's why he's all meh about it. But yeah, when you're violently expelling everything from your body for a day...you don't want to ever allow that to happen again. So not fun lol

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I do think the expiration dates for a lot of different foods are kind of overkill but I think that's done on purpose. Eating things off the floor? Oh heeeellll no. I remember when we last saw K's brother's family, their youngest was in the "I eat anything, anywhere, anytime, any place" phase and it was just so gag-inducing for me. I'm so glad I don't have any memories from that time in my life because I think having that memory would really gross me out.


I've gotten food poisoning more times than I care to admit, although not in recent years. I've always been really drawn to very rare/raw meat. Honestly, if I COULD eat raw meat safely, I hate it say it, I probably would. I really like the smell and taste and texture. Same goes for eggs! Annnnd that's why I got sick from food sometimes because I was younger and didn't care/didn't think about it.


Now I won't eat raw things. Unless it's sushi. Or irradiated beef. But I still prefer my steak and burgers very rare.

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We don't have rare burgers in canada. It's so weird to me when we've went to the states and someone at the table has ordered a burger and the server asks how they want it cooked. It's just not a thing here.


But I've never been eaten ground beef. I've had steak...but the vegetarian for 23 years that still dwells inside me can't eat meat if it's been ground up. I don't trust it.


Maybe I could eat a rare burger if I ground up my own burger from steak or something...but idk. I've never had a meat burger lol, it seems weird. Yeah....I have issues lol.

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I'm with you, Fudge. I like my meat to still be mooing back at me. Just enough to get a nice char mark on the outside, then serve it to me! For health reasons, though, I order medium-rare. I've actually never gotten food poisoning. I don't think I've vomited in at least 20 years, at least I can't remember it. Not form food nor alcohol. I must have a steel stomach!


That goes for red meat, btw. Chicken and fish better be done or even overcooked. I don't play with that s**t!

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I like my burgers rare in a good, upscale restaurant but have never ordered that in Canada because they seem to tut-tut that practice. I mean, I understand why - unless the ground meat is irradiated, it IS a risk. You're not weird or have issues. You're vegetarian! Many people don't like/can't handle the taste of meat. I am a total carnivore - meat, chicken, fish, whatever, it's all good. If I cook with ground beef, I have to actively resist the urge to pop some into my mouth.


I do cook my chicken to the right temp, although I've accidentally eaten it when underdone and it tasted fine to me - but that's dangerous. I love raw fish (sushi), especially sashimi, I'll eat that raw any day of the week.


Years ago, when my grandparents were alive, we went out to a nice local steakhouse. I ordered a steak rare and it came out medium (pink) so I sent it back. I think the cook was p__ssed because when it came back, it was a new steak but it was BARELY cooked, I mean, essentially raw. It had some solid fat in it, which I cut off. I ate the whole thing to prove a point and asked the waitress to tell the cook that I enjoyed it.


Don't get me wrong, I think there is a lot of things wrong with the meat industry. I don't agree with how they slaughter (I think it would be better to use an inert gas somehow, it induces a euphoria and is painless) and I also actually prefer grass-fed beef, even if it costs more. If they could make meat in a petri dish and have it taste the same, have it have the same macros, and have it cost less than an arm and a leg, I'd buy it! I would think that would be really neat!

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This week needs to seriously end.

The slight drama with S and his fudging of his timeline has put a little stress on our relationship. I feel we are being extra cautious at the moment and it feels awkward. Hopefully this weekend we can back on track.


Yesterday while parking in my office building, I somehow took a corner of a wall just right and I was pinned. Frontwards, backwards I couldn't negotiate it and ended up ripping my entire bumper off my one month old car. It came so easily, it still rattles me.

Crap, I haven't even made a payment on it!


$4000 in damage is as of now nearer to $3200. One headlight alone is $1100.

I won't use my insurance because they'll double my rates and I'll end up paying more than that within a couple years and going forward.

Crap, double crap.


Wednesday night my heat in my home goes out. We are having a cold spell.

For us wimpy Californian's it is considered cold and I currently have no heat.

Yesterday while taking the time off to get the car estimate, I figured it would ultimately work out so I could be home to have the heater serviced.

Heating/AC man . . .no show.


I get they are probably slammed with work right now, but the minimal decent thing to do would have been to tell me he couldn't make it.

I would have respected that and called someone else. But no. I use Yelp religiously and give reviews. I made sure to add one to his.


I get to work this morning and need to sort out the car and the heat and feel a little overwhelmed.

I decided to table the heat issue and concentrate on the car.

Car repairs and financing it, worked out. I take the car in on Monday.


Going home to really cold house.

BUT. . I do have a little space heater I can carry room to room.

I feel like I am camping.


Add in I haven't slept well all week and my boss is his typical maniacal self, I have officially hit the wall!

I need a glass of wine or two or three.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I met S on Saturday and we had a late lunch and then ice cream.

For me, I am done for the day but S has an incredibly high metabolism and will need to eat again. (and again)


It's about 7pm and we are watching a movie. I can hear him behind me, getting himself something to snack on.

He comes up behind and leans over for a kiss.


I can smell the cold soup he's eating straight from the can. Just writing this makes me want to gag.

Why is it if he had warmed it up and put it in a bowl, it would have made a difference?


Him eating it that way, I can't associate it with anything other than dog food. . Ack!


He laughs, saying he'll just lick the spoon and put it back in drawer.

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Time to look into some electric fireplaces for back up! We have 3 of them...they help a lot when you need targeted heat, and they looks so pretty (we have one in our bedroom, my studio, and the dining room).


Hope you got your furnance/heat sorted out. We had a morning where ours didn't kick on...and was it ever cold in the house that morning! Makes it so hard to get out of bed.


I'm sorry about your car I did that one time- I hit a pillar in an underground parking garage...scraped/dented the side of my vehicle real good...luckily mine was paid off and old, so I wasn't devastated, just bummed out. I would cry if that happened to my current car.


****shudders*** soup out of a can?!?!? I can't even. That's gross lol. The only canned soups I can think of that aren't condensed are like those chunky soups with meat and potatoes and stuff...****shudders**** lol. That would weird me out so much!

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I'm sorry about your car I did that one time- I hit a pillar in an underground parking garage...scraped/dented the side of my vehicle real good...luckily mine was paid off and old, so I wasn't devastated, just bummed out. I would cry if that happened to my current car.


****shudders*** soup out of a can?!?!? I can't even. That's gross lol. The only canned soups I can think of that aren't condensed are like those chunky soups with meat and potatoes and stuff...****shudders**** lol. That would weird me out so much!


I can still hear the clinking of the spoon inside the can. Gack!


Car fixed and returned. $3600 and I am almost done beating myself up over it. Not quite, but close.


I couldn't take care of the heat while dealing with the car, rental and $$ everything in between. I felt overwhelmed.


Not to mention I pretty much need to take a day off of work to get the heat repaired.

~ Space heater and down comforters!

It doesn't hurt that I live in California. Things could be much worse.

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S drove up yesterday only to drive home this morning. I swear he has more windshield time then face time with me, midweek.

He's gracious and generous and I appreciate it.


I typically go south to his house on weekends but tomorrow is my friends birthday and we are throwing her a surprise party

at a hotel with a live band. There should be about 150 people total.

S gets to turn around and drive back up tomorrow. He's a good egg and I am sure to tell him so.


The pace has been a little grueling but I've been taking advantage of the time that S has no trips scheduled.

Starting the end of this month he'll be gone half the time between then and the end of June.

I am looking forward to a weekend where I don't wash my hair and stay in my pjs and binge watch Netflix all day.


Tonight I have to buy a gift and some new spanx to wear under my clingy tshirt dress for tomorrow. . uhg.

Then I am going home, alone, on the couch and disappearing into my tv.

Much needed down time just to wind back up for the weekend.


Plus I have a housekeeper that comes every other Friday. She's reeeaaally inexpensive and it's so worth it.

As much as I am a decent house keeper, there is something about having your - entire house clean all at the same time -

On a good day, I can cover the bathrooms and the next day the laundry etc.

Having everything shiny and smelling good at the same time is a treat.


$75 is money well spent. I love to sit in the middle and marvel at it. Besides I work too much and deserve it, dam8it!

I know. .I am weird - and tired too

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S drove up yesterday only to drive home this morning. I swear he has more windshield time then face time with me, midweek.

He's gracious and generous and I appreciate it.


I typically go south to his house on weekends but tomorrow is my friends birthday and we are throwing her a surprise party

at a hotel with a live band. There should be about 150 people total.

S gets to turn around and drive back up tomorrow. He's a good egg and I am sure to tell him so.


The pace has been a little grueling but I've been taking advantage of the time that S has no trips scheduled.

Starting the end of this month he'll be gone half the time between then and the end of June.

I am looking forward to a weekend where I don't wash my hair and stay in my pjs and binge watch Netflix all day.


Tonight I have to buy a gift and some new spanx to wear under my clingy tshirt dress for tomorrow. . uhg.

Then I am going home, alone, on the couch and disappearing into my tv.

Much needed down time just to wind back up for the weekend.


Plus I have a housekeeper that comes every other Friday. She's reeeaaally inexpensive and it's so worth it.

As much as I am a decent house keeper, there is something about having your - entire house clean all at the same time -

On a good day, I can cover the bathrooms and the next day the laundry etc.

Having everything shiny and smelling good at the same time is a treat.


$75 is money well spent. I love to sit in the middle and marvel at it. Besides I work too much and deserve it, dam8it!

I know. .I am weird - and tired too

We have that twice a month same price. My issue - we spend about 2 hours decluttering and cleaning up for her and her people so even if I wanted her to come more often I don't really have that block of time in advance of her coming. Do you declitter or are you already near so that anyone. Am come in and clean?

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I did that too with cleaning lady when I had one many years ago, and felt sort of guilty that I wasn't just doing it all myself. For quite a while,mai was on an online program called Flylady which was fantastic. I've been out this morning and gotten a whole heap of cleaning products. I did some training in the food industry and food handling, and it has made me super vigilant about kitchen hygiene.

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We have that twice a month same price. My issue - we spend about 2 hours decluttering and cleaning up for her and her people so even if I wanted her to come more often I don't really have that block of time in advance of her coming. Do you declitter or are you already near so that anyone. Am come in and clean?

Ha ha, I do clean the house for the housekeeper. So, no you're not alone.

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$75 is money well spent. I love to sit in the middle and marvel at it. Besides I work too much and deserve it, dam8it!

I know. .I am weird - and tired too


You're not weird. I would gladly shell that out for someone to give this place a good cleaning.


Hope your luck turns around. But if you're going to have a furnace break, California is the place to do it My city is completely closed tomorrow due to the coming snowstorm. I so want to visit California some day. Even thought of moving there when I was married.


Yeah, yuck, cold soup.

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