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Poetry Tips.


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I was wondering if I could get some tips on writing a poem. Particularly love poems, but doesn't have to be. Sometimes I can write poems, but they take my like 2 hours to write, sometimes they come out good, sometimes they dont. So if you had any tips to give that would be more than great. Thanks.

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nah man. u cant learn to write poems like that. the english teachers that try and teach u cant either. poems come from the heart. u gotta find somethign that really touches you. something that makes u angry or happy or sad or simply makes u laugh. something that really touches you.

Now all u have to do is take a pen n some paper. n just let it flow. Dont try to make it rhyme. if it does thats nice, but some of the most touching poems are non rhyming. just let whatever comes to you flow. dont stop writing because 'it doesnt sounds right' keep writing until u cant write anymore, until u are mentally exhausted.

dont think. just write


hope this helped.

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I think the trick to good poetry is to come up with one thing that is clever or poetic and then allow the poem to build toward it.


Also, read other people's poems. I compare it to writing well, the best way to do it is to read op ed pieces of great writers.



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I think Bored guy sums it up well, for me I only write poems when there's something specific I want to write about so I sit there and work out ho to express whatever it is on my mind, I write out whatever comes to mind and the rest seems to just work itself out.


I personally think what you say is more important than how you say it when it comes to poetry.


People may disagree with me though and I definatly don't see myself as any kind of expect in the matter, that's just how it works for me.

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Boredguy said it.


If you feel like writing, find that one thing that

something that makes u angry or happy or sad or simply makes u laugh. something that really touches you.


Just let it come together, don't worry about fixing it together, or adjusting it. Just write.


It doesn't have to rhyme, or be in any certain format. If you write it and call it a poem then it is.


Don't limit yourself. In the end, you can make changes to the format, spelling, and all that stuff but during, don't worry about that.


Writing is a great way to get out feelings.



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