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Marah's weight loss journal


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One horrible photo of myself is going to serve as motivation and reassurance I need to make changes.

It's going to be really hard because I am psychologically hooked on self-medicating with food but it's time and it will be worth it.


I have a meal plan for myself and will be posting here to be accountable. If anyone wants to chat or exchange support, please feel free.




Spinach, vegan protein powder, almond milk shake- 150 calories

2 eggs, coconut oil, hot sauce- 180 calories



Vegetables- 50

Hummus- 100



Salad- 30

Dressing- 100

Beans- 50

Fruit- 100



Almonds- 100



Protein- 200

Vegetable- 50

Soup- 150

Sweet potato- 200


My dinners will be a bit changeable. It will resemble paleo. I just need to focus on cutting back sugars, starches, and dairy for health conditions.



Wish me luck!

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Thank you, Shal!


I have 70 pounds to lose. I think 1500 calories or so is a reasonable amount. I want to be consistent and stop eating incessantly. Sometimes I eat up to 3500 calories per day, but mostly 2500. It's just too much!

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You can do this!


I have about 55ish lb left to lose. I'm 220. I had weight loss surgery but I still have to watch my diet. Good on the almonds. I think you should eat a little more than a salad for lunch, more protein. Otherwise you will feel starving!


My nutritionist always told me "(healthy) protein, carbs and fat, for every meal and snack!" So when I pick what to eat, I try to make a little meal that has a little of each, heavy on the protein.


Remember to start small. If 1500 is too hard and you are finding it easy to give in to binging, maybe start with 2000 calories and work your way down. Cutting 500 from your diet is a lot less drastic than cutting 1,000 and you are more likely to stick with it and not feel as deprived and shocked because you're going from eating a lot to eating, well, not much. Slower change is better and you feel much better.


I think the best diets are not diets, just lifestyle changes and things you can keep up day to day. There are some healthy foods I don't like, like cottage cheese and soy beans. I would never stick with a diet if I had to eat them. I have found healthy things that I love to eat. Greek yogurt, Apple slices with a little extra sharp cheddar, baked fish, avocado, fresh eggs.


I know you can do this! We both can!

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I have 70 pounds to lose. I think 1500 calories or so is a reasonable amount


That's the number of cals a close friend of mine had started with and it worked for her although she had to lose (and she did lose!) much more weight than you. She used to weigh 330+ pounds (at 5'5) and she now weighs 143..and she did it all on her own, without surgery or anything! She's a shining example for everyone in our circle of friends.


Keep at it

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Thanks everyone!


Shal, yesterday was basically full binge mode. I was doing ok with fruit, vegetables, and oatmeal, eggs...then I ate, god I don't even remember, at the end I was eating PBJs on graham crackers. My achilles heel is end of the day ravenous, mindless eating. I know a ton of strategies but I never seem to put them in play. I move at the speed of light, get all stressed and irritated, and just cannot be stopped.


Fudgie, congrats on the progress! Good luck and feel free to post here whenever I think a social network helps for weight loss! I weigh about the same, 213.

I wish seafood weren't so damn expensive, I'd like to add that to one of my meals. Tuna is about 2 bucks a can, I could add that sometimes.


Missmarple, that's so great! I lost 120 lbs long ago but have gained 50 back over the years. She must be so proud!



See, with exercise, I have a tough time because while I love it, I struggle not to go nuts with binges afterward. I astound myself how little control I have at times.

It's insanity!

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I buy frozen haddock and once in a while, shrimp. The Frozen haddock is not that expensive but the shrimp is so that's a bit of a treat but I love shrimp!


You've lost 120 before so I know you have it in you to do it again!


I hear the evening snacking is the worst for many people. I think a lot of it is habit, not hunger, but it's hard to break from.

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Eliminate all of your favorite snacks from the house! You cant eat it if it isn't there.


Drink a lot of h2o. When you go to get a snack...drink 8oz of water instead and get out of the kitchen. Set the timer for 30 min and do something...anything. If you are still hungry...have a piece of fruit.

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Thanks guys.

I agree, I always eat breakfast but it doesn't prevent late day binges.


I do cook, but we eat out more than we should. We're in that spoiled "healthy food is boring we want burgers" mode and it's no good.


The only thing that made me stay away from the carby sugary food was the desire to be attractive. I wanted to look better so bad, but now, even though I still want that I feel less inspired by it. To be honest I don't care about my health, I know that's wrong to say. Of course I don't want diseases but it's hard to let that be enough. Humans are weird lol.


Yesterday I ate a lot less but still imperfectly. I was on the road all day. I had low sugar Kind bars, chicken soup, roasted chicken. And then on the bad end I ate a couple slices of bread and some dark chocolate covered pretzels.


The bread needs to go. I had 2 eggs, a vegan protein shake, and then more bread already this morning. But calorically I'm on track.

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Today I ate even less than yesterday, but not of healthful food. I'll be glad when the holidays are over and the social obligations are done along with the temptation.


Tomorrow we have bad food planned but I'm not going to pig out. I will also workout twice as long tomorrow to get my blood pumping.

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You just have to find whatever motivates you and stick with it. Sounds like you could benefit from "thinspiration" pictures. Some people find that putting pictures of attractive thin folks on their fridge helps them to stay on track.


For me, that wouldn't work. I actually don't care much about how I look but I am terrified of ending up like the obese people I see at my work in the hospital, many of whom are missing limbs. Health is what scared me to the operating table and it is what compels me to stay on track. But yet I know many who have been successful and they are doing it for other reasons. Or just so they can live longer for their kids. I say, do whatever works!


I've had a pretty good day. I am drinking 40 Oz of diluted crystal lite right now on the night shift. I am having some baked chicken later. I had a small homemade taco today (made with grass-fed, low fat beef) and some fruit. I am trying to up my protein because my mom and I just started going to the gym to lift weights together. My muscles are so sore. I need to bulk up AND slim down! Lol.


Do you track your calories? I do. I find it helpful.

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Oh ya, I think of health too but I always worried more how others saw me. I don't want to lose mobility, or have appendages amputated over freaking cake!!!



Nice! I like lifting weights too. Keep up the good work


I do, I use MyFitnessPal

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Pretty much my thinking, of all the things to lose a leg over, cake is not one of them!


I use MFP too but I prefer Lose It. Trying to give MFP a chance, I am trying!


My muscles hurt so much today but I took some Tylenol and my mom and I are going back tomorrow to work out!

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Shal, feel free to post here too


Hope you start healing up Fudgie!


I am so sick of eating holiday junk food, uggggh. I can't stand the thought of pizza or cheese or sweets at this point. Hopefully this is rock bottom for a bit. I've never eaten this poorly for so long.


We are making salmon and vegetables tonight, I'm so excited. The salmon was cheap and I begged to get it. Been gazing at this website with colorful recipes, it's gorgeous stuff.

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I have since gone back to the gym and I feel so much better now. I upped my protein intake and water intake and I think that has helped. I plan to go to the gym tomorrow after I sleep after my night shift.


Good for you, salmon!

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I am so sick of eating holiday junk food, uggggh. I can't stand the thought of pizza or cheese or sweets at this point. Hopefully this is rock bottom for a bit. I've never eaten this poorly for so long.


Join the club...I think I've eaten the most junk food EVER during this holiday! Especially chocolate. My new year resolution is not to eat chocolate again until Jan 26 (that's when my birthday is..lol).

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