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Hostage seige in Sydney yesterday.


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I am not sure if you are aware, but there was a Hostage situation in a Lindt café in Sydney CBD. A radical Muslim cleric held 15 people at gunpoint, some escaped, but most were there for nearly 15 hours. It ended when he shot 2 hostages & then police stormed the café & shot him.


My Daughter works near the café & her building was locked down by the police, then evacuated. She caught the first train out of the city, then ended up in my Office sobbing. It turns out that her company holds their Monday morning meetings in that café. The only reason that they weren't there yesterday was that her Boss was at his Son's school for a meeting.


I am now doing the "what ifs". I could very easily be at a hospital now, or the morgue instead of my Office. My life could have changed in an instant due to one idiot's actions.


I am so angry, but also so sad. Those poor families having to deal with this. But I am also so grateful that she wasn't there, and that makes me feel guilty.


All these emotions & feelings whirling around inside of me.....just needed to get them out.

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I'm so sorry to hear that. I saw that on the news and felt so bad for everyone. I'm glad your family is safe, was safe. I had similar emotions after I had family that were supposed to have been at the Twin Towers the day they came down, but weren't because they'd been stuck in traffic. What you're feeling is totally normal, but it's still terrible we have to go through these things at all.


Hugs to both you and your daughter.

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Thank you everyone, you have helped me a lot, I really appreciate it.


My Daughter called me crying, she & her workmates went & laid flowers outside the Café & signed the condolence book. It is a hard day for them, but they are certainly very lucky & had someone/something watching over them.

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I can't imagine what you and your daughter must be going through right now and all of Sydney ( I visited 2 years ago-lovely place with beautiful people).

We are all living in paranoia. NYC can be frightening as well, always wondering what's around the corner....Her boss really did save their lives when you think about it Hopefully you will both be able to speak in groups that will form as a result of yesterday's events. They van be very helpful.

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Totally agree Sadchick.

I had dinner with my Daughter tonight & she said she feels so guilty because on any other Monday she would have been there.

If she keeps talking like that I will get her to see a counsellor.

The problem is that she has to pass the area on her way to work as well. There is now a huge memorial of flowers & condolence books near the cafe.

It is going to be a constant reminder to everyone for a long time to come.

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