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love aint true..


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i used to think the point in life was love

but than i realized love isnt true

because that person will always screw you

they will always pick themselves over you

one little aspect can ruin anything

over and over again

love is a trend

love is a comfort

that some cannot withold

because they are to selfish and to bold

to hold the memory and to be happy

is this wat God taught us

or is this what we have taken

i give up

im to shaken...

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  • 4 months later...

love is both; human instinct and a feeling


there'll be a day when that hitz you


until then keep ur head up



Illusion is the first of all pleasures.

Oscar Wilde

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i remember one of my friends telling me that if love walks away or becomes bias then it was never love to begin with. i think to some degree pain can come with love but i dont think selfishness does. its possible that youve never experianced true love. i know that the meaning of a relationship, to me, has changed over years, with different people and its possible that maybe you have yet to reach the peak. ive mistaken lust for love a few times before. i think putting limitations isnt going to let you go far, is it? and why give up when someone closes a gate, im pretty sure you can climb over it or find a rute round, yeah?


but then again, i could be the naive one. maybe there isnt such a thing as love, but we all search for it and at points it gives us hope, so im gonna believe, whether or not it is existant.


like, when you mentioned god, people get hope from him/her but lets face it, to how much do we know its real? we dont, we just have to believe...so..its up to you.



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