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Okay, so I've always been very sceptical of spirituality and honestly, feel seriously out of character for considering this, but I'm definitely curious as to how many people believe that fate exists or plays a part in relationship.


So there's this guy (always is) at my work, where I have only been working for two months. To be honest, I didn't really like him at first. He's a few years younger than me and is a bit of a bossy, smug know-it-all. Well, those were my first impressions, anyway. After a month or so I started to get to know him better and realised that I actually really enjoy his company and find him easy to talk to, and in a work place where I'm known as “the quiet one” I could relate to way he seemed a little bit of an outsider to the rest of the group, and like me is a little introverted (at least on the surface). He's nice looking too, and my attraction towards him has grown.


Anyway, due to recent problems at home I am living with other family. Conveniently, about a week or so after I realised I was developing feelings for him he moved just down the road from where I'm staying. Now I don't have to find excuses to talk to him at work, because we walk home together. I sometimes feel that he is attracted to me, and sometimes I don't. I worry about making a move and making things awkward at work. He's fairly quiet and guarded yet I feel a certain pull to find out more about him. I meet a lot of men at work but he's the only one who I feel drawn to.


To be honest, I still don't believe in fate, but this has got me wondering a little more than usual. We pretty much both moved to the same area at the same time, which has encouraged us to spend more time together. Maybe what with the uncertainties (my friends have moved away and my career plans are flailing) I feel I need some concrete plan to believe in? Apologies in advance if this sounds like the dumbest post ever. I'm not interested in rushing into anything as I know I haven't known him wrong and this may just be a passing crush, but I can't shake the attraction and keep wondering if he feels the same way at all. I'd seriously be too scared to try and advance the walking home situation, but then, he's also quite shy, too.

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I don't believe in fate exactly but I do believe in karma. You guys may have some karma to work out together. You may have met eachother to learn a lesson. Believing in karma means you know you can't change the past but you still have the ability to affect the future.


In fact everyone we meet is due to karma, not just romantic partners. You can learn valuable life lessons from everyone you meet.


So in short, yes there is some cosmic reason you two have met. Go with the flow and be open to learning.

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