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What does it mean?


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He isn't satisfied with the relationship.... He is wondering if there is something better out there. However, he doesn't want you to go away until he finds someone else. Therefore...he may soon suggest a "break", but not until someone else strikes his fancy.

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mhowe may be right here. Sometimes a person knows the relationship isn't fulfilling them, yet they don't have the courage to break it off. Maybe the fear of being alone? Maybe the fear of not finding someone who will be a better match?

Seems like your partner isn't fully satisfied with the relationship and at the same time he is not sure about breaking up (for several possible reasons, as mentioned, or maybe other reasons that only he knows).

On other way I could interpret this, is that even though he feels something is missing in the relationship, he has already created an emotional bond with you and cares for you and knows he will miss you if he breaks up.


I suggest you talk to him about this and clarify everything, ask him what he is missing. And then both of you can make the right decision about your relationship.

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Don't guess, seek clarification. Ask him what he thinks is missing. If you can't provide what he wants leave him. If he's unsure, you risk leaving or staying depending on if he finds what he thinks is missing in the relationship.


This can be attributed to the end of the honeymoon phase. The "you're so perfect phase" has ended. And now without the fantasy of the perfect person the relationship is seen more realistic. This can cause reflection. Sometimes it's downhill form here. Especially with inexperienced people or people with unrealistic expectations.

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I understand, I guess it's prob better I find someone who can appreciate me. Out of curiosity, is how he feels more of a commitment issue more than something I'm not offering? Like he has had a few serious relationships but hundreds of dates that he can't commit to for various reasons. I don't know, I guess I just like knowing stuff, gives me a sense of understanding to close the chapter

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Haha I did, he says he doesn't know. He wishes he could answer and has been trying to figure it out for a while but is unsure so he's asking me.


I have no idea either. I wish I could help some. I guess it's for him to figure out. But I was just curious on thoughts if anyone had insight or went through similar.

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