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The blind fool


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Im sorry if this is lousy, this is my first time writing one. I hope its ok.

Here it goes :


Morning shall come again,

In the ray of the light I seek shelter,

And bask under the warmth of the shine,

Hiding away from the thoughts of the devil,

Even if it speaks the truth.


The candle that sheds light,

Shall slowly fade like morning to night,

As nothing is neverending,

But helpless fools believes in the comfort it brings,

As to children believing in old man's lullabies.


Am I a helpless fool,

Or am I a blind man,

Listening to the chirping of the birds,

Feeling the flow of the river,

When my eyes cry out to see,

What is actually a mirage to the senses.


Either way I am the same,

Just a helpless fool,

Just a blind man.



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