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Blue Spiral's Adventures in Solitude

Blue Spiral

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I suppose that, in addition to talking about social issues, I should also talk about my life.


I watched football for roughly fourteen hours on Saturday! It was very relaxing. I watched some on Sunday, as well, but not as much.


My phone buzzed, the other day, and I was greeted by the sight of a sexy (but somewhat clothed) selfie. No, it wasn't one of my cam model friends, though they do sometimes send those. It was the woman I've been talking with offline. She asked for my number a week or so back. I don't think that she's interested in me, but she seems to think that I need cheering up. I was extremely shocked by this. I'm pretty sure that she's dating a guy, or several guys, but if she's fine with it, so am I! In my experience, some women send these simply as a way of saying "Hi, I like talking with you."


I'm slowly making my way through Luke Cage.


I'm pouring one out for my ancient clock radio. I've had it since I was a kid, and it looks very antiquated...but it worked, and I'm style-blind, so I kept it. Unfortunately, I accidentally spilled a glass of water on top of it, and most of the water went into the exposed part--the top speaker part, I guess, but I can see circuits inside. Anyway, I was afraid that it'd catch on fire or something, so I had to throw it away. I'm gonna have to go find a new one. It's weird, not knowing what time it is when I'm in bed. I'm sort of too lazy to reach over and check my cell phone. Also, it requires that I get halfway out from under the blanket...

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That's unfortunate about your clock, Blue. Maybe you can find an old model just like it online or something? I know some of those are still popular and there is still demand for SIMPLE clock radio alarms so you should be able to find something.

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I'm fine with getting a new kind of one...all I really need is a clock that glows in the dark. I never used the radio or the alarm. Believe it or not, I've only used an alarm to wake up a few times in my life, and I haven't done it in about a decade.


Speaking of technology: Westworld is helping to raise awareness of the sex-robot concept, and that can only be a good thing. Hopefully I live long enough to experience them. I look forward to our future of male abortion, VR, sex-robots, and decreased monogamy.

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I'm fine with getting a new kind of one...all I really need is a clock that glows in the dark. I never used the radio or the alarm. Believe it or not, I've only used an alarm to wake up a few times in my life, and I haven't done it in about a decade.

Sounds like your boss must be pretty flexible with your working hours? Or you just never sleep in?

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"If most single moms/divorced women lost primary custody and still had to pay 18 years of child-support, the system would be torn down."




This is one of the most superficial and offensive things you have ever posted. You have never had a child, not likely ever to, and I've seen from other things you have posted that you have a problem with single mothers. I wouldn't even attempt to argue your points. Just stay wallowing in your ignorance and insensitivity.

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Sounds like your boss must be pretty flexible with your working hours? Or you just never sleep in?


I telecommute.


This is one of the most superficial and offensive things you have ever posted. You have never had a child, not likely ever to, and I've seen from other things you have posted that you have a problem with single mothers. I wouldn't even attempt to argue your points. Just stay wallowing in your ignorance and insensitivity.


I have no problem at all with single mothers (though I don't like it when some of them look at me as a meal-ticket); I have a major problem with a system that prioritizes either gender over the other in any circumstance. Are you seriously telling me that, if the shoe were on the other foot--if women were paying 90% of the alimony, if men initiated divorce 70% of the time, if men could destroy women with nothing but an accusation, and if women almost always lost out on primary custody and still had to pay through the nose for 18 years--you wouldn't have any problem with it? Come on. Women would be marching in the streets and raising a ruckus the likes of which we've never seen. It would be a National Issue. Politicians would be railing against it in order to get elected, there'd be a lot of victim talk, and it would be outrage-covered in the media 24/7. But when all of that ridiculous, unfair stuff happens to men...ehh, who cares?

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Alimony payments are often not fair. I'm with you. But they are set up so that the partner who stayed home with the kids (and gave up their career) is given an opportunity to go back to school/make life adjustments to accommodate a change in lifestyle (like going back to work). It's also set up so that...if a partner supported their spouse through med school etc, to their own disadvantage, it will help equalize them.


I know a few women that make alimony payments to their ex husbands. I know a few women that receive alimony from their ex husbands. I'm not a huge fan of it. I qualified for alimony from my daughters father but chose not to accept it...it would have put too much strain on him financially, and it would have decreased chances of us having a good relationship.


I do think women will be paying a higher percentage of alimony in the coming years...more women are pursuing higher education and earning more...and that will change things. I mean, women being allowed to work after marriage is something that's only come about in the last 100 years. It wasn't really mainstream until 50 years ago....it will take time to equalize pay and for women to be in the same positions as men.


And I think with that custody will change too. I know more men with 50/50 custody than not. I've offered it to my daughters father- he's not interested. Things are changing. Men are becoming stronger in parental roles...and as that is changing, so are custody arrangements.

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I agree, faraday, the alimony issue isn't as bad as it used to be. Of course, that's not something I'll ever have to worry about, since I won't be getting married. I just feel badly for men that have to deal with it...


...but not too badly. Any man that gets married in 2016 deserves whatever he gets. In the past, one could plead ignorance, but that isn't the case, anymore. Granted, I figured this out back when I was a teenager, but I've always been ahead of the curve.


Also: holy crap, how did I not know about Maitland Ward until now?? I mean, I saw a few eps of Boy Meets World as a kid, but I didn't really remember her. She's my new dream woman. All 39-year-olds should look like that...

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Err . . . . . I think there would be more cam models who see you as a meal ticket. LOL!


Now, I admit, I'm almost Trump-bad when it comes to financial stuff. But if you compare the amount of money that men spend on dating, and then girlfriends, and then wives, compared to the measly two or three thousand that I've spent on cam models...well, I'm pretty sure that I'm coming out well ahead of the game. I've heard that big city dates can cost over a hundred bucks, and I know that my acquaintances' girlfriends and wives want better cars, bigger houses, etc.


Also, for the record, I've only spoken with a few models, while many single mothers have not-so-subtly tried to gauge my ability to be a Beta Provider type.


She's very attractive although she doesn't need collagen injections in her lips. It's fairly obvious she has them. But otherwise, she's hot and I like her hair color.


Yeah, that's my only complaint, though I never would have mentioned it if you hadn't. "Oh, look, the Mona Lisa has a speck of dust on it...nah, I still think it's great."


I sort of love her.

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I was (re-) watching Up In The Air, the other day. There are so many great parts: Clooney's "sell me on marriage" speech, his overall philosophy, Anna Kendrick's ridiculous list of requirements, etc. But, when his sister's fiance gets cold feet, and he's trying to talk him into marrying her, he gives a little speech about how most of his happiest memories involve other people. I must be wired differently, because very few of my happiest memories involve other people.


From the time I was a teenager, I've always been surrounded by couples, and I've never understood how that whole dynamic works. I mean, literally how it works; asking me to navigate a relationship would be like asking a color-blind person to describe different colors. When I was with Deedee and my second girlfriend, I was the classic post turtle: I had no idea how I'd gotten up there, I didn't belong there, and I couldn't do anything while I was up there. It's weird to be 37 years old and to see teenage couples who know more about monogamy than you do. It must be some built-in thing that I don't have. For a long time, I only saw the negative side of it...but I'm starting to realize that I never saw the appeal, either, and that's why I never tried very hard to find a girlfriend. If I'd actually made one of my relationships last, I'd be miserable, right now, because I'm just not built for it. My life is challenging enough as it is, and I can't imagine adding monogamy and children to it.

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If you don't want to have a family, and you're doing just fine on your own, then I don't see a real need to get married. Not everyone wants to be married. True story: a professor down the hall from me was telling his employee (one of my friends and a brilliant cancer researcher) that she should get married because when he got married, his life became much easier. He (old fashioned professor from a foreign country) never had to worry about what to eat or what to wear since. I think she looked at him rather skeptically. I think my friend's life would become easier if she married a housewife, not a man, lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The woman that I talk with at the coffee shop is trying to "help" me. Since I've been single and not looking for the last ten years (the first time I told her that, her eyes got really wide), she's decided that I need advice, and this advice primarily consists of my apparent need to "improve" in various areas. (Sound familiar, male ENA posters?) I appreciate the sentiment, of course, but it's starting to get annoying. On the other hand, it's extremely interesting, as well.


She has a theory that, in order to get women, men need to be at least two of the following three things: tough, ambitious/successful, and emotionally available. Since I'm not tough (which she diplomatically phrased as "Well, you've never been in the military, and, y'know, you haven't had any ranch jobs or anything, so..."), I apparently need to focus on the other two qualities. I said something along the lines of, "What if I'm basically happy with the way I am now, and don't want to change?" She had trouble wrapping her mind around this, to say the least. Many (most?) women seem to be shocked at the idea that heterosexual men can do things for reasons that have nothing to do with women.


She continued to insist that I should be more emotionally available for what basically amounts to general health reasons. "If you could just, like, be more obvious about what you're feeling, maybe women would get you more." She asked me what I was feeling at that exact moment...and I have to admit, I messed with her a little. I thought about it for about five or ten seconds and finally said, completely deadpan, "I feel...hungry." In all seriousness, I don't know: sometimes I feel like I'm far more emotional than most men, and sometimes I feel pretty dead inside. I honestly can't tell if I'm an emotional wreck or just sort of numbly chugging along.

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In a strange coincidence, both Deedee and one of my favorite FWBs contacted me on the same day. The FWB even sent me an enticing new pic!


Also, my oldest friend has recently claimed that I'm basically the real-life version of Tyrion from Game of Thrones. I'm short, I have serious family issues, I'm sex-obsessed, I'm Machiavellian, I'm cynical and bitter and evil on the surface but sort-of good and hopeful underneath...

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Tyrion is awesome, yeah. I like the book version better than the show version, though...granted, you could say that about most of the characters. (And, yes, you'd better believe I put on my hipster hat when I typed that.)


I can relate to Tyrion's internal struggle between good and evil, in the sense that he kinda-sorta tries not to be evil sometimes, if he feels like it, assuming no one does anything to tick him off...

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