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Blue Spiral's Adventures in Solitude

Blue Spiral

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Scenes from Blue Spiral's life:


So, while searching my FWB-finding site, I came across a woman that, IMHO, is definitely in my league. She's in her early forties, in good shape, and cute. I thought, "I probably have a chance with her!"


I quickly discovered, however, that she has...ten thousand friends, most of whom are men who constantly flirt with her. These men range in age from twenty to over sixty. She had one or two bikini pics on there, but most of her pics were more conservative. If even a moderately above-average woman can get that much interest from men...yeah, that's just too much competition, for me.


Once I was done discovering all this, I sighed and went back to playing video games.

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To be fair, I think any time a woman sends out that signal that she's open for contenders for a no strings attached roll in the hay, the competition gets stiffer real fast.


If she puts out the signal for ' great guy to spend my life with', the hordes thin out rather quickly.


So you are in the most competitive market! Kind of ironic for a guy who wants to avoid all that.

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Scenes from Blue Spiral's life:


So, while searching my FWB-finding site, I came across a woman that, IMHO, is definitely in my league. She's in her early forties, in good shape, and cute. I thought, "I probably have a chance with her!"


I quickly discovered, however, that she has...ten thousand friends, most of whom are men who constantly flirt with her. These men range in age from twenty to over sixty. She had one or two bikini pics on there, but most of her pics were more conservative. If even a moderately above-average woman can get that much interest from men...yeah, that's just too much competition, for me.


Once I was done discovering all this, I sighed and went back to playing video games.


She enjoys the attention, but the odds are that she is barely sleeping with more than a couple guys a month, which is already a lot. I am completely turned off by these attention wh*re myself. Nothing wrong with being a poly, you just don't need to cry-wolf about it online. But, to each his own. I feel sorry for the miserable men spending their evening trying to reach out to her.

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To be fair, I think any time a woman sends out that signal that she's open for contenders for a no strings attached roll in the hay, the competition gets stiffer real fast.


If she puts out the signal for ' great guy to spend my life with', the hordes thin out rather quickly.


So you are in the most competitive market! Kind of ironic for a guy who wants to avoid all that.


yeah, i mean, slightly above average woman in her 40s looking for a serious relationship is definitely not going to get tens of thousands of messages!!!

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To be fair, I think any time a woman sends out that signal that she's open for contenders for a no strings attached roll in the hay, the competition gets stiffer real fast.


Are we not doing phrasing anymore??


Just to be clear, while I call it my FWB-finding site, it's a normal social networking site. It isn't some freaky sex place. Also...


If she puts out the signal for ' great guy to spend my life with', the hordes thin out rather quickly.


...she does say that she's looking for a long-term relationship, but all women say that, and not all of them mean it, so I had hope.


So you are in the most competitive market! Kind of ironic for a guy who wants to avoid all that.


Yeah, don't get me started. Some men rise to the challenge; I've historically said "Wait, why do I care, again?" and wandered off.


She enjoys the attention, but the odds are that she is barely sleeping with more than a couple guys a month, which is already a lot. I am completely turned off by these attention wh*re myself. Nothing wrong with being a poly, you just don't need to cry-wolf about it online. But, to each his own. I feel sorry for the miserable men spending their evening trying to reach out to her.


She definitely enjoys the attention, but I doubt that she's even sleeping with that many guys. I've been involved with several women who had a lot of online friends (though not as many as her), and 99% of orbiters are strictly non-sexual, in my experience.


That said, loving attention is a sign that a woman may be DTF, and I've always used it as a key metric in finding FWBs.


yeah, i mean, slightly above average woman in her 40s looking for a serious relationship is definitely not going to get tens of thousands of messages!!!


You're wrong! Or at least, she claims to be looking for that.

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She definitely enjoys the attention, but I doubt that she's even sleeping with that many guys. I've been involved with several women who had a lot of online friends (though not as many as her), and 99% of orbiters are strictly non-sexual...


She might just be an internet nerd, who really has ten thousand friends in real life beside the Pope and the Leaders of the World (And even them...) Or popstars.


Being an orbiter: Worse than the friendzone, imo. You are basically a filler.


Also, good idea to use alternative social medias to find FWB or F-buddies. Ive done that on Myspace years ago and it worked a couple times.

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Being an orbiter: Worse than the friendzone, imo. You are basically a filler.


I was an orbiter before I even knew what orbiters were...and, shockingly, my "beta game" was strong and my (only) strategy was to go from orbiter to FWB. That's literally the only tool in my toolbox. I pay attention to them, I (honestly) flatter them, I flirt with them, and then either we hook up or I move on. I even got two girlfriends out of it! My strategy puts the focus on them, as I need to keep it off of myself. The only thing I have to offer a woman is sex and basic "niceness", and they can get that from pretty much any guy (though they often choose not to). I felt bad for Dougie over in his thread: he was asked to list his good qualities, i.e., his would-be-appealing-to-women qualities. If you asked me to do the same, I'd be scratching my head for a long time. I didn't know I needed any! My parents (and other adults) told me that being nice to women would be enough.


On another note, ENA is pretty much my only social outlet...but I'm not exactly Mr. Popularity here, and I'm thinking about going back to 100% seclusion. Sometimes, this place just reminds me of how much I hate humanity.

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I was just reading Dougie's thread, and being amazed at how stressful it is to pursue women. I'm so glad that I never put much effort into that. In addition to never asking a woman out, I don't think that I've ever hit on a woman in public, either. For all my complaining on here, I just must not care enough.


On a related note, I actually have been talking with a woman in-person, but I'm too lazy to type it all out. The short version is, she's one of the "fascinated" ones that can't figure out why I'm always single, why I don't date, why I don't talk to women, etc.


Reading his journal just makes my head spin. I've never enjoyed or liked the dating concept. Way too complicated and overly intricate for my taste. The idea that you have to be a very specific way to get a relationship or sex with someone to me is just way too convoluted. I've always been shy and awkward too, and get tired of that one thing out of a hundred things about me is all that seems to matter the majority of the time.

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Reading his journal just makes my head spin. I've never enjoyed or liked the dating concept. Way too complicated and overly intricate for my taste. The idea that you have to be a very specific way to get a relationship or sex with someone to me is just way too convoluted. I've always been shy and awkward too, and get tired of that one thing out of a hundred things about me is all that seems to matter the majority of the time.


Yeah, dating seems really awful, especially for introverted people. Social skills didn't used to matter this much. Sometimes, I feel like the entire world is speaking some language that I don't know, and it's sort of terrifying.


Anyway, I'm glad that I never tried dating. I feel badly for guys that invest thousands of dollars and countless hours, over the years, only to get nothing in return. Unless you have certain strengths, it's basically pointless to even try. You'll just end up settling for some unattractive woman. It seems like men are increasingly giving up on dating, though, so that's good. It reminds me of WarGames: "The only winning move is not to play."

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Well, you are looking at the owner of a brand-spanking-new...fedora. But I didn't buy it myself, as I'm not a hat person.


I went to the coffee shop, today, and Coffee Shop Girl was in there. When she saw me, she laughed, told me to wait, and ran up to her apartment. She came down with the hat. Apparently, there's a fedora-related stereotype relating to men who avoid/are grumpy about women. I barely know her, and I assume that a hat like that is at least twenty bucks, so I tried to turn it down...but she is much more strong-willed than I am. Also, she physically put it on my head. She then jokingly encouraged me to grow a neckbeard to go with the fedora. (Fully disclosure: I only shave once or twice a week, so I'm generally scruffy.)


Even more alarmingly, a woman came into the coffee shop (white, brunette, arguably in my league, wearing an unbuttoned flannel shirt over a tanktop), and my new "friend" kept pushing me to go talk to her. They're sort-of friends and she threatened to introduce me if I didn't do it myself. She said stuff like "Go use one of your lines!", and I was like "I don't have any lines, I'm not a pickup artist!" She somehow assumed that every guy had lines. Apparently, this woman works in a country-western clothing store down the street, and when my "friend" told me about this, I told her that I'm not really the cowboy type. She said that she isn't very "country" and that wearing flannel and working in a store like that didn't necessarily make her the cowgirl type. Direct quote: "You wear grandpa khaki cargo shorts, but you aren't a grandpa!"


I naturally made an excuse and retreated. I may have to find a new place to get pastries...

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Oh my God, you're a fedora man now?


By decree of the Internet, you are required to grow a neckbeard, gain a bunch of weight, and buy a trenchcoat. Also, you must master the art of tipping your fedora, greeting women by saying "M'lady", and being and insufferable white night.



Oh my sides...this crap always makes me laugh, it's so awful, especially because I knew guys like this in college...

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I'm a little surprised you and Blue didn't know of this before...well, better late than never.


And it has spread further than just the Internet. K and I like to play a card game (similar to MTG but not MTG) and there is this card:



We were buying expansions and he pointed out this one and I almost sharted myself I laughed so suddenly.


It's a damn good card too...haha...

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I was vaguely aware of the fedora thing, but I don't really pay attention to fashion stuff. Quite frankly, if you asked me what I was wearing, I'd have to look down to check. That magazine cover mentioning cargo shorts...that's eerie, though. I always wear either those or jeans. Little did I know that I'm part of a trend.


Also, I am not wearing that fedora, though I may carry it with me when I go to the coffee shop.

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Great, we have a neckbeard on ENA. (kidding, I kid!)


Last summer, I remember going to a "festival" (not really a festival, just a bunch of foodtrucks but hey, that's fun) with K and I saw a guy, 350+ lb, fedora-wearin' (it was PURPLE!!!), My Little Pony stickers on his laptop, and he had to have been older than me. My God, I wish I had a picture. I choked on my food and I had to walk away to compose myself. It was like seeing Santa Claus in the flesh.....you don't think that actual person exists but they DO.

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I'm not a neckbeard, but I am a facescruff/neckscruff, I suppose.


I'm also not a brony, but, when my niece was here, we were looking for cartoons to watch, and I found PJ Masks. I have to admit, I still watch a few minutes of it from time to time. It drives me crazy that the reptile kid doesn't just use his super-strength to punch the villains through walls. "Stop it with the teamwork crap, just punch 'em into orbit and call it a day!"

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I haven't seen that show. I have seen My Little Pony but not a brony. My sister watches tons of it. I watch with her. It's cute and not in a saccharine way. I personally don't have a problem with adults watching such shows but when I went to college, I found that it was a certain "type" of guy who actively advertised that he watched My little pony faithfully, did the art, got the shirts, got the stickers, etc. Like he was doing it to make a point, not because he actually loved the show and that's kind of off-putting ya know?

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Definitely agree with you. Don't care too much what people do as long as it doesn't hurt me/others. There is some stuff that I don't like but I feel it is actually a mark of maturity to realize that you can personally dislike/not want something while not taking away other people's freedoms or shaming them. I think society has a whole has a long way to go in that way when it comes to many things...but that's a rant for another day....

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You could definitely be right, maker. I haven't been drinking quite enough water lately. But I corrected that (and did some other things), and I haven't gotten a headache in almost two days, now.


In amusing news, I was mistaken for a teenager, again. The last time was six or seven years ago. Given my age, I'm guessing that this is the last time it'll ever happen, so I'm making sure to enjoy it. I went to see a movie, and the ticket girl (who was two feet away from my face and looking right at me) gave me the teen price. I didn't want to rip them off--and there was no one behind me in line--so I told her. She thought I was "like, almost eighteen, but not quite". I suppose this qualifies as humblebragging...

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That's pretty remarkable that you were mistaken for a teenager and your age here says 37. Wow. Good for you. That's testament to your genes as well as how you take care of yourself. Nothing can age a person like major amounts of stress. I do my best to avoid stress (not hard work, but stress) for many reasons but looking younger is definitely one of them.

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I get lots of sleep (though I used to wake up too early), and I've never taken drugs, or even smoked or drank. In some ways, I feel like I've led a pretty stressed-out life...but, in other ways, I've never had to deal with problems that others have to deal with, such as those that come up in long-term relationships. When left to my own devices, I'm an extremely happy person. It's only when I think about other people (primarily women) that I get upset.


"Blue Spiral" must be like my version of Dorian Gray's portrait. I pour most of my stress, rage, and bitterness into ENA, while the real me is footloose and fancy-free.


Let's be honest, though: my height and weight probably help sell the illusion, as well.

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