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Blue Spiral's Adventures in Solitude

Blue Spiral

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I'd be a cat man if I were a man.


Not saying that you should be a cat man but yeah...


I like animals, but I've never owned a pet, and never wanted to (not as an adult, anyway). Also, that particular term could be greatly misunderstood. "___ man" is something guys use to describe themselves. To wit:


"So, Blue, are you a breast man or an @$$ man?"


"Uh, I'm a cat man."




Here is what I find boggling. Okay, so I live in a place where you really need to have a car. It's not a major city, you NEED a car. I own my car; life is dandy. In terms of dating here, men must, must, MUST own a car. If you don't have one, it's f you (and not in a good way).


But as a woman, I can tell you that it doesn't matter if I have a car. Men would be like "oh, that's cool! good for you!" but it's never expected.


I'm trying to think positive thoughts about women today, so I am not going to think about that. Unfortunately, I'm not having much luck, so I'll have to go look at Chive pictures to produce some positive female-related ideas.

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Blue telling me (a female, last time I checked) to be more positive about women? What is this, the Twilight Zone? What freaking planet am I on?


Hey, we are pretty, give us that. We also tend to know how to cook and sew more than guys. Usefulness!

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Hey, we are pretty, give us that.




We also tend to know how to cook and sew more than guys. Usefulness!


Meh. I like women strictly for aesthetic reasons.


I had one of the most awkward phone conversations of my life, today--and that's saying something--because someone needed me to take a picture of something, and they seemed to have trouble understanding that not everyone owns a camera.




Them: "Okay, could you just take a picture of that on your cell phone?"


Me: "My phone doesn't take pictures."


Them: "...what?"


Me: "I said that my phone doesn't take pictures."


Them: "Oh, sorry. Well, you can take a picture of it on your digicam, and then e-mail it to us."


Me: "I don't have a digital camera, either."


Them: "...okay. Well, does your girlfriend have something you could use?"


Me, sighing: "I don't have a girlfriend."


(long period of silence)


Them: "Could you borrow a phone or a camera from a friend or a family member?"


Me: "No..."


(we aren't the kind of family that takes pictures; my parents used disposable cameras in the late '90s, but have been camera-free since the turn of the century. They don't go anywhere, host anything, etc., so there's nothing to take pictures of. I don't have any nearby friends. My nearby relatives are mostly old and tech-challenged.)


Them: "Oh, um...well, I guess...uh..."


The situation is still unresolved, as I don't own a camera. I must be the only person on the planet that doesn't. Other than my parents, of course.

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What kind of computer do you have? If you have a computer with a cam, you can place the object there (if it is something that you can easily put in front of the computer).


That isn't the case, sadly, but thanks for the suggestion.

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lol, i'm inclined to send you an old digital camera of mine.


It's probably too advanced for me, sadly.


Today has basically sucked--my work-related situation is still dragging on, and it's seriously stressing me out. The situation itself won't be resolved for a few more weeks, but if I could just get someone to clarify a few things, it'd really help.

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Well, I've been getting a lot of stuff done, the last few days.


My ex keeps initiating conversations with me...and I am not strong enough to resist responding.


ANNIE is MIA again. I get the impression that BETTY expected me to initiate a conversation with her, and when I didn't, she either gave up on me and/or got a better offer from one of her other suitors. CINDY is hot and cold, she's either eager to talk with me or nowhere to be seen.

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How was I not aware of Kelly Monaco until now?? Good lord. All 39-year-old women should look like that.


I'm still tempted to get back into the FWB thing, but I haven't even re-activated any of my profiles, yet. I'm thinking about doing it this week. The deeper we get into summer, the more hot women I see, and the more tempted I am...

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You should get to it during bikini season, before it gets cold and they cover themselves up again and let their weeds grow wild.


Actually, I'm hoping that I can outlast my bikini season "summer fever". Once they start covering themselves up again, my sex drive should go back to normal, and I can get back to ignoring it. I'm doing a pretty good job, so far: as I've said, I still haven't re-activated any of my old profiles. Must...resist...

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In positive news, I've been mostly successful in my latest quest, which I believe I mentioned earlier in this thread: namely, my vow to never have a platonic personal conversation with a woman ever again. Emphasis on "personal": there are obvious family/everyday exceptions. I'm not going to hit on a cashier or something like that. But, if I interact with a woman on a personal basis, I absolutely refuse to let it be platonic. I find those sorts of conversations to be frustrating, pointless, and depressing.


It's already yielding results. I've weeded out several women, while confirming others as potential candidates. (Not that I've decided to go back to the FWB model, but, I like to be prepared.) The one person I haven't been successful with, in this area? My ex. She's been contacting me a lot, lately...and I haven't stood up for myself like I should. I need to work on that.

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That's correct! FWB is much less work...but it was still too much work for me, as I felt like I wasn't getting enough in return. Now, if some Kate Upton lookalike wanted to be FWB with me, I'd be all over that. But I'm not going to go out of my way to win over a woman that's a seven on a good day.


Sorry for quoting an old post of yours here. But are you finally going out of your way for a woman thats a seven or try to be FWB with Kate Upton/Scarlett Johanson/Jessica Alba lookalike only? The former being not that hard.

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Sorry for quoting an old post of yours here. But are you finally going out of your way for a woman thats a seven or try to be FWB with Kate Upton/Scarlett Johanson/Jessica Alba lookalike only? The former being not that hard.


I'm realistic about my possibilities, being a seven or so myself. I've always targeted women around my own level (or been just a teensy bit ambitious). That said, I'd disagree about it being hard--from what I've seen, a surplus of male attention causes many women to inflate their SMV, so you get sevens thinking that they're nines, and so on. Their expectations are extremely unrealistic. I've certainly had a lot of luck, but that isn't true for many other guys.


My favorite thing is when women accuse me of going after ladies that aren't in my league (and yet many of these same women intermittently claim that leagues don't exist). It's a fascinating time to be a man: if you don't want to go out with some woman's obese friend, you're accused of only wanting supermodels. Apparently there's no in-between...?

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If it makes you feel better, it can be hard for mid range women too. I believe I'm about a 5. 5, solid 6 on a good day. Judge for yourself, my picture is in my profile but I think that sums it up. The highest I've dated is probably an 8+ and the lowest being a 1.


Looks are not a real factor for me but sadly, they are huge for most people

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So, I briefly spoke with two women this week--nothing personal, just mundane out-in-the-world stuff. They both worked at places that I briefly visited. One was a blonde with one of the best rears I've ever seen, and one was an extremely pretty (and extremely pregnant) brunette. Would you like to guess which one was checking me out, laughing way too much at everything I said, and touching me while she talked with me? Yeah, it wasn't the non-pregnant one. The blonde was a waitress, so, if anything, she should have been the one doing that. The pregnant brunette wasn't in the service industry, so that explanation is out.


I have lost count of the number of pregnant women that have randomly approached me/hit on me in public. Why is it that only wildly-inappropriate-for-me women hit on me??

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Looking for a father for their offspring?


I guess that could be it--I definitely look safe and reliable in a beta-male way. Maybe it's a combination of that and "Well, this guy is pretty cute, but he's short, so he probably have problems with women...I bet he's desperate enough to get with me!"


Pregnant women aren't the only, um, inappropriate women that have hit on me, though. There have also been married women and other types. I must be putting out the wrong vibes, somehow.

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...but you're not available. You're putting out the perfect vibes.


You have a point, but, there are different kinds of unavailable. Shouldn't I be attracting women that don't want anything serious (like myself), as opposed to women that presumably want something serious with me but aren't available because of some factor in their life (pregnancy, married to someone else)? The former want a relationship, and the latter don't (okay, maybe the married ones just want an affair).


I could say something else about married women--or a married woman, anyway--but I'm too tired to deal with all that, right now.

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I don't know if the vibes can be that specific. It's not like a computer program that you can put parameters on. For me, being someone who is available, I would know want to filter out everyone unavailable, not matter what their reason. Then I filter through the ones that are available to me.

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I don't know if the vibes can be that specific. It's not like a computer program that you can put parameters on. For me, being someone who is available, I would know want to filter out everyone unavailable, not matter what their reason. Then I filter through the ones that are available to me.


The women that I attract when I'm out in public are extremely specific, which is why I'm so freaked out about this. I mean, I get a lot of looks from "normal" women, which could be meaningful or not...but only the truly-off-limits ones initiate stuff with me.

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I imagine the pregnant ones are pretty desperate. You kind have to be trolling around for men with a bun in the oven from your last roll in the hay. I think you may be right, if you look stable and maybe "less noteworthy" than other guys, they think "Oh! Here's a nice stable looking guy who isn't conventionally attractive so he'd be happy to be with me and take care of my baby!!!!"


I truly do not understand why pregnant women date.

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I imagine the pregnant ones are pretty desperate. You kind have to be trolling around for men with a bun in the oven from your last roll in the hay. I think you may be right, if you look stable and maybe "less noteworthy" than other guys, they think "Oh! Here's a nice stable looking guy who isn't conventionally attractive so he'd be happy to be with me and take care of my baby!!!!"


I suspect you're right, though I am conventionally attractive, dammit. (Just not tall.)


Alternately, maybe I'm just weird, so I attract fellow weird people.

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